发布时间:2020-08-24 来源: 读后感 点击:
************ 政府
与 与
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Contract No: **********
By and between
************ GOVERNMENT
On the date of: **********
方 签约双方 WHEREAS:
************ 政府:
:************ Government ************ 政府希望解决当地垃圾问题。
************ Government wants to solve its waste problems in ************.
************ ************
is an environmental protection & new energy enterprise engaging in investment, build, operation and maintenance of MSW incineration power generation and steam manufacture, waste sorting &collection; waste to biogas; sludge treatment, food waste treatment, hazardous waste treatment, construction waste treatment, wastewater treatment etc., with the focus on R & D, manufacture and sales of waste incineration power generation complete equipment.
Both parties have agreed upon the following conditions regarding the above mentioned projects and shall abide by such conditions.
************的 2500 吨/天垃圾焚烧发电项目。
2500 T/D waste to power project in ************ .
2.1 ************政府应:************
Goverment shall be responsible for the following:
(a) 负责提供项目相关数据(垃圾组份、湿度等),协助获取项目相关申请,获得相关许可。
Be responsible for providing project data (waste composition, moisture, etc.), provide support for applying for government approval, and relative licenses. (b) 负责从相关部门获得项目的环评批复及经营特许权 Be responsible for gaining the EIA & project concession from the relative department. (c) 负责与当地政府及居民保持沟通联系 Be responsible for communicating with government & local people. (e) 与当地电力局签订购电入网协议
Sign the PPA with the local Power Bureau.
(f) 负责项目用地的提供
Be responsible for supplying the project land.
(g) 取得开工报告;负责项目试生产批复及竣工验收办理 Be responsible for construction license &project acceptance (h) 其他(比如说部分项目投资,等等)
Others (such as parts of project investment etc.)
2.2************应:************ shall be responsible for the following:
(a) 负责项目的方案制定及项目咨询
Be responsible for project proposal and project consulting (b) 负责发电厂的设计及土建
Be responsible for WTE power plant design and civil work. (c) 负责设备设计、制造及设备运输
Be responsible for equipment design, manufacturing and delivering. (d) 负责设备安装、调试
Be responsible for equipment installation, commissioning. (e) 负责部分项目投资
Be responsible for part of project investment. (f) 负责解答地方上对项目技术问题的质询
Be responsible for solving the technical enquires from the local area. (g) 负责项目运营管理
Be responsible for project operation.
本协议自双方签字后正式生效,有效期 3 年,签字方可为法人或(经法人书面形式授权的)授权代表。双方将竭力完成协议规定的责任义务。整个项目完成时,该协议方可终止。
This Agreement shall come into full force with 3 years after the Agreement is signed by the Parties, represented by their juristic person or authorized representative (through written authorization by the juristic person). Parties shall endeavor to fulfill their responsibilities under the Agreement. The Agreement shall be terminated upon the completion of the whole project.
4 排他性 EXCLUSIVITY 该协议生效后,***********将为************政府提供相关生活垃圾治理系统技术与方案设计;************政府将指定***********为治理************生活垃圾唯一合作伙伴。
After the Agreement becomes effective, ********* shall supply Municipal solid waste treatment system technology & technical proposal(WTE) for ************ Government; and ************ Government shall give ********* the exclusive right to treat the Municipal solid waste(waste to power)in ************.
5 保密性 Confidentiality
5.1 在未得到另一方书面同意的情况下,收到机密信息的任何一方不能将信息公之于众或透露给第三方或第三国,也不能复印任何信息作为除善意目的外的其他用途。
The Party in receipt of Confidential Information shall not make public or disclose Confidential Information to any Third Party or country or make or allow copies to be made or use it other than for bona fide purposes connected with the Agreement without the prior written consent from the other Party.
5.2 机密信息包括,但不限于该协议书所规定的条款和条件、商业和技术文件,及与此项目相关的建议书。
The Confidential Information includes but is not limited to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, commercial and technical documents and/or proposals pertinent to the Project.
5.3 如任意一方违背此条款,违约方将对另一方因此所造成的所有伤害进行赔偿。
In case that any party breaches this stipulation, the default party shall compensate any and all damages suffered by the other party arising from the breach.
6 适用法律 APPLICABLE LAW 该协议书依据中华人民共和国法律管辖和解释。
The Agreement is governed by and is to be construed in accordance with the laws of People’s Republic of China.
凡因本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议应通过友好协商进行解决。如未能达成和解合同,任何一方均有权将争议提交上海国际仲裁中心按照申请仲裁时现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁. Any dispute arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation. In case no amicable settlement agreement can be reached, any party may submit the dispute to the Shanghai International Arbitration Centre for arbitration which shall be conducted in accordance with the arbitration rules in effect at the time of applying for arbitration.
8 沟通交流 COMMUNICATIONS 所有关于给予、发布及接收批准、证书、同意书、决策、通知和请求等相关信息都要通过当面(收到另一方起)、邮政/快递、或以下电子方式进行书面交流:
All communications regarding giving, issuing or receiving of approvals, certificates, consents, determinations, notices and requests shall be in writing and delivered by hand (upon receipt of the other party), mail/courier, or the following electronic method:
9 语言和对应执行 Language and execution in counterparts
9.1 该协议使用语言为英语。该语言有同等效力。如在合同文本中出现英语句式不通的情况下,文本内容将比通顺度优先考虑。
The Agreement is written in English. This language is legally of equal effect. In the event of any inconsistency in the English text of the Contract, this language text shall prevail to the extent of the inconsistency. 9.2 该协议共有 4 份,每个参与方将有 2 份,每一份都将有同等法律效力。
The Agreement will have 4 duplicate copies, each participant will hold 2copy and each of them is legally of equal effect.
The parties shall do and execute all such further acts, things and documents as are reasonably required to give full effect to the rights given and the transactions contemplated by the Agreement. 以资证明,协议经签字当日即刻生效。
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Agreement shall be valid as of the date first signature.
签字页:Signature Page
************ 政府
************ ************ Government
签字 Signed By
签字 Signed By
盖章 Stamped By
盖章 Stamped By
日期:******* Date :******
Date :******