
发布时间:2017-01-18 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:


2013年高考英语七选五阅读理解(辽、琼、宁、京) 该类题型要求从短文后的七个选项中(均为完整的句子)选出五个能填入文章空处的最佳选项,主要考查考生对文章的整体内容和结构以及上下文逻辑意义的理解和掌握。其命题形式深受英语四六级和考研阅读多项选择题的影响,体现了《新课标》―用英语获取、处理和运用信息的能力;逐步获取用英语思维的能力。‖的阅读学习和教学理念。该题型命题形式仍然具有客观题的特点,又与完形填空具有异曲同工之妙,只是选项少,以句子形式出现,考查目的和侧重点不完全相同而已。



分析篇章结构,把握全篇文脉是阅读填空题解题的关键,英语的语篇(discourse)通常是由句子和语段(sentence group)构成的,语段是句子和语篇之间的中间层次,句子虽然能够单独地表达相对完整的思想,但是它不能表达多方面的、比较复杂的思想,只有把几个句子结合为较大的言语片段,才能表达一个相对独立的层意,所谓的―积句而成章,积章而成篇。‖就是这个道理。





第二节(共5小题:每小题2分, 满分10分)


Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a batter student in Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.

You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or The following methods may work best for you.

●Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.

●Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts. ● Write your notes in your own words.

●● Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.

As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that A. Use words, not complete sentences.

B. There are three practical note-taking methods.

C. You must write your notes on separate paper.

D. Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.

E. you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.

F. That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.

G. First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.


分析:这篇文章整体分为四个段落层次,每个段落均由几个语段构成相对独立地语义单位,各段都围绕―Taking good notes‖这样一个中心话题,形成了文章的线性结构。





如上述2009年高考英语辽宁卷阅读理解新题型样题中,第一段的第一句―Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a batter student in several ways‖与下面几句是解释关系,解释关系是指后面的句子对前面的句子作解释、引申、例证,使意思更加明了、具体。后三句之间是平列关系,平列关系指句与句之间处于平等并列的地位,互不相属,而只是组合在一起共同说明一个问题。平列关系组合的语段,在次序上并不固定,如果局部改变句子的相互位置并不改变整个语段的意思。


意改变次序,通常在记叙文或描述固定的操作程序的说明文中用得普遍,而层递关系组合的语段是按语意的轻重、认识的深浅作由轻到重、由浅入深的排列。第三句与第四句是解释关系,第一、二句组合为一个语段,第三、四句组合为另外一个语段,语段与语段之间是总分关系,总分关系是指前面的句子陈述两个过两个以上的对象,后面的句子紧接着分别对它们加以说明。用这种方式组合的语段能够前呼后应,彼此配合,使语脉清楚,条分缕析,如―Whenever or however you take notes‖一句与前两句前呼后应,彼此配合,为前句选―E. you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes. ‖埋伏了一笔,逻辑性很强。





承接关系(如so, therefore, thus, hence, accordingly, consequently, as a result等)

平列关系(如first, second, third…; firstly, secondly, thirdly…; first, next, then…; in the first place, in the second place…; for one thing, for another thing…;to begin with, to conclude等)。比如文章中的选项71,由Second、Third得知应选表示平列关系的句子G.项。

转折关系(如however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still, though, yet, in spite of, at any rate, in any case, whoever, whatever on the contrary, in contrast, by contrast, in comparison, by comparison, conversely, otherwise等)。比如选项75,与前句构成了转折关系,故应选D项答案。

层递关系(如also, further, furthermore, likewise, similarly, moreover, in addition, what‘s more, too, either, neither, not…but…, not only…but also等)。如72 选项,与前句组合为层递关系,故应选包含also的E.项句子。



(1)通读全文,对文章进行快速浏览,寻找主题句,抓住文章结构及文章的写作内容。 在阅读过程中,要注意文章的开始与结束段落,尤其是文章的首段及末段末句,因为―开门见山‖与―结尾总结‖的写作方式为常见的写作方式,首段的末句一般是是全文的主题所在,说明本文将探讨哪些内容,并简要指出文章的写作思路,有时甚至会以提纲的形式进行呈现。首段的末句对于快速掌握文章的主题具有重要意义,如果它是文章的主题句,就可以使读者迅速明确文章情节将如何展开,并对文章的写作主题有了整体的了解。如果末句不是主题句,则需要继续寻找。这时,可以考虑文章的写作方式是否为―结尾总结‖式,如两者均可排除,则需在文章中其他段落寻找主题句,但要注意,首段与末段的提示作用。






(4)通读复检,将所选答案代入文中,再次通读全文,重点考查逻辑关系和关联结构。 在完成选项定位后,应通读全文,检查文章内容是否完整,语义是否连贯合理、各段落内容是否紧扣主题,语篇结构是否通顺连贯、具有一致性、合乎逻辑,写作思路是否清晰明了,格式以及用语是否恰当贴切,从而判断选择的答案是否正确。同时,我们还应注意对相










2.如果问题设在段尾,通常是结论或概括性的语句,关键词要在空白前的一句或两句中寻找。注意在选项中查找表示结果、结论、总结等的信号词,如therefore,as a result,thus,hence,in short,to sum up,to conclude,in a word等词语。

(一) (2015·全国Ⅰ)

Building Trust in a Relationship Again

t be successful when there’s a lack of trust in a relationship that results from an action where the wrongdoer takes no responsibility to fix the mistake.

Unfortunately,we’ve all been victims of betrayal.Whether we’ve been stolen from,lied to,misled,or cheated on,there are different levels of losing trust.Sometimes people simply can’

t trust have some steps you can take to get you there.

what the best outcome would be for your wellbeing.

between being a victim and living with a “victim mentality”.At some point in all of our lives,we’ll have our trust tested or violated.

?You didn’t lose “everything”.Once trust is lost,what is left? Instead of looking at the situation from this hopeless angle,look at everything you still have and be thankful for all of the

positive growth and forgiveness.

A.Learn to really trust yourself.

B.It is putting confidence in someone.

C.Stop regarding yourself as the victim.

D.Remember that you can expect the best in return.

E.They’ve been too badly hurt and they can’t bear to let it happen again.

F.This knowledge carries over in their attitude toward their future relationships.

G.Seeing the positive side of things doesn’t mean you’re ignoring what happened.

36.答案 B

解析 第一句Trust is a learned behavior that we gain from past experiences.(信任是我们从以往经历中获得的习得行为。)是对trust的解释。选项B中的it指代上文出现的trust,并且继续解释trust的含义;putting confidence in someone(对某人寄托信任),故选B项。注意:选项B与第一句为顺承关系。

37.答案 E

解析 选项E与上文能形成因果关系。They’ve been too badly hurt and they can’t bear to let it happen again.(他们曾经受过严重伤害,不能容忍这种事情再次发生。)是上一句Sometimes people simply can’t trust anymore.(有时候人们就是不能再信任别人。)的原因。并且与下一句It’s understandable...(这是可以理解的??)有顺承关系。

38.答案 A

解析 空格位于段首,根据文章结构分析,极有可能是祈使句。并且选项A.Learn to really trust yourself.(学会真正信任你自己。)与空格后的Having confidence in yourself形成同义复现。trust yourself相当于have confidence in yourself。

39.答案 C

解析 空格位于段首,根据文章结构分析,极有可能是祈使句。下文中If you’ve been betrayed,you are the victim of your circumstance.But there’s a difference between being a victim and living with a “victim mentality”.(如果你遭遇了背叛,那么你就成为客观环境的受害者。但是成为受害者与以“受害者的心态”活着是有区别的。)反复出现victim一词,而选项C中的关键词也为victim,形成原词复现。选项C.Stop regarding yourself as the victim.(不要把自己当作受害者。)起到总起本段的作用。

40.答案 G

解析 Seeing the positive side of things doesn’t mean you’re ignoring what happened.(看到事情的积极方面并不意味着你对发生的事情视而不见。)与下一句Instead,it’s a healthy

way...for positive...(相反,这是一个健康的方式??)形成转折关系。并且选项中的positive与下文的positive形成原词复现。



Training for a marathon requires careful preparation and steady,gradual increases in the

which brand will work best for you or feel best on your feet,so you have to rely on your experience and on the feel of each pair as you shop.When you have found shoes that seem right,

ten minutes before each run to prevent injuries.

it is wise to take a day off to rest.But during the next week

,set a goal of at least a mile and a half enter,you can set up a timetable for the remaining weeks before the race.

A.After six days

B.For a good marathon runner

C.Before you begin your trainingD.With each day,increase the distance by a half mileE.If they still feel good,you can begin running in them

F.Time spent for preparation raises the quality of training

G.Now you are ready to figure out a goal of improving distance and time

16.答案 C

解析 根据该空后面提供的语境buy the bestfitting,bestbuilt running shoes you can find(购买你能找到的最合适的、最好的跑鞋)可知,这是为了跑马拉松而进行的准备,这应该是在进行马拉松训练之前做的事情,故选C项“Before you begin your training”。

17.答案 E

解析 由该空前的语境When you have found shoes that seem right,walk in them for a few days to doublecheck the fit.(当你发现似乎合适的鞋子时,穿着走动几天,再次检查其舒适度。)可知,E选项中they指的就是前面提到的shoes,属于指代一致。另外feel good与the fit相对应。故选E。

18.答案 A

解析 空前的During the first week,do not think about distance,but run five minutes longer each day.(在第一周的时候,不要考虑跑了多远,但是每天都要比前一天多跑5分钟。)提到

了the first week,即7天,空格后面说it is wise to take a day off to rest(休息一天是明智的),这样剩余的就是6天,与A项相关。

19.答案 D

解析 根据该空格前面提供的语境But during the next week,set a goal of at least a mile and a half per run.(但是在接下来的一周,树立每次至少跑1.5英里的目标。)可知,与D项的“每天增加半英里”意义衔接紧密。

20.答案 G

解析 由该空前的After two weeks,start timing yourself.(两周后,开始给自己计时。)可知,这里的timing与G项中的improving distance and time意义相关。


(2015·北京) This Way to Dreamland

Daydreaming means people think about something pleasant,especially when this makes them forget what they sh(来自:WWw.zHaoqT.net 蒲公 英文 摘:高考短文填空技巧)ould be doing.Daydreamers have a bad reputation for being unaware of what’s

to be ignoring us and missing the important things.

But daydreamers are also responsible for some of the greatest ideas and achievements in


So how can you come up with brilliant daydreams and avoid falling over tree roots or otherwise looking like a fool?

First,understand that some opportunities(机会) for daydreaming are better

than your chances of having a creative idea while you’re daydreaming,try to do it while you are involved in another task—preferably something simple,like taking a shower or walking,or even making meaningless drawings.

It’s also important to know how to avoid daydreams for those times when you really need to

Finally,you never know what wonderful idea might strike while your mind has moved slowlyAlways remember that your best ideas might come when your head is actually in the clouds.

A.Having interesting things to think about also helps.

B.They stare off into space and wander by themselves.

C.Without wandering minds,we wouldn’t have relativity,Coke or Postit notes.

D.At one time,daydreaming was thought to be a cause of some mental illnesses.

E.It involves slow,steady breathing for selfcontrol that helps people stay calm and attentive.F.Daydreams are often very simple and direct,quite unlike sleep dreams,which may be hard to understand.

G.Therefore,it’s a good idea to keep a notebook or voice recorder nearby when you’re in the daydream zone.

71.答案 B

解析 本段说的是大众印象中的“做白日梦”有哪些弊端,所以只能从B、D两项中进行选择,再结合此空前后They can...和They annoy...句式结构可确定B项为正确答案。

72.答案 C

解析 本段讲了“做白日梦”的许多好处。结合空后句中的such ideas and inventions以及选项中的relativity,Coke or Postit notes可以确定C项为正确答案。

73.答案 A

解析 本段主要讲如何做才能使自己获得“做白日梦”的机会。结合空前的will help和选项中的also helps可知,A项“想一些有趣的事情也有帮助(有助于进入‘做白日梦’的境界)”为正确答案。

74.答案 E

解析 本段主要讲如何避免不合时宜地“做白日梦”。空前提到“集中注意力是一些人用来避免入睡的一种工具”,E项中的calm and attentive(沉着和专心)与此相符,选项中的it指代mindfulness。

75.答案 G

解析 根据前一句中...you never know what wonderful idea might strike...可知,此处是建议身边放一个笔记本或一台录音机,以便随时记下或录下你的好想法,所以应选择G项。 (四)


that will serve them well no matter what the future holds.


make these pancakes even better next time?”and then try them out.Did those ingredients make the pancakes better?What could we try next time?




1. 依据上下文确定答案的法则:从近几年的完形填空题看,近义词或近义短语的测试力度逐渐加强,并成为测试热点。四个选项不是词义相近,要不就是近义动词的同一种时态的现象,或名词的单复数搭配。若选项词义差异很大,必然文章中藏有提示语,正因如此,往往第一个选项有时需要读完全篇短文才能准确回答。

2. 词语语义与强于语法原则:完型填空题的首句不留空,目的就是告知短文的故事的四要素:地点、时间、人物和事由。再则,单纯语法题已基本退出该题型的测试范畴,所以,指导学生时,首先要告知他们这类现象。尽管四个选项的词语都符合语法规则,然而该题的解答必须遵循先全面理解篇章语义,再结合正确语言结构对每个空格作出准确无误的抉择。

3. 解题四步法原则:





应试技巧一:语境信息解题法: 近几年的完形填空题淡化了语法结构性的题,选项重在语意干扰,也就是说,对具体的语言知识应该融入具体的语境中去考虑,考生应具有通过上下文提示、暗示或铺垫,对篇章进行整体上的把握的能力。所以,快速浏览全文,迅速领悟篇章主旨,通过上下文语境选择答案选项乃解决完形填空的关键。

4) Our __47__ challenge was to keep the rock mixture __48__ enough.

47. A. next B. first C. past D. previous

48. A. cold B. wet C. loose D. clean

【题解:47. 答案为A项。短文前面提到第一个挑战是发电的问题,那么接下来的挑战就是如何保持温度的问题。48. 答案为B项。从下文提到的洒水车等事情,我们可以判断出这儿应该是“保持湿度”的语意。】

5) … Still others faced the storm bravely, walking miles to get to work.

I __40__ to be one of people on the way to work that morning. I went from subway line to subway line only to find that most __41__ had stopped. After making my way through crowds of people, I finally found a subway line that was __43__....

40. A. used B. promised C. deserved D. happened

41. A. practice B. routine C. process D. service

43. A. operating B. cycling C. turning D. rushing

【40. D项。从前面一句话和本句中one of people可知,作者当天上午碰巧也是去上班的人之一;41. D项。从上下文可知,由于风暴大部分地铁线路停运,所以唯有service符合题意;43. A项。从上下文


的语境中我们可知道作者最后找到有一条地铁线还在营业,operating本身含有“营业的”意思,相当于be on service。】

6) After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced __36__ for a few days, I was __37__ to wait tables on my own. All went __38__ that first week

36. A. manager B. assistant C. cook D. waitress

37. A. promised B. invited C. allowed D. advised

38. A. well B. quickly C. safely D. wrong

【36. D项。根据下文“I was allowed to wait tables on my own”可以判断,作者是和有经验的女侍者一起工作了几天;37. C项。从上下文可知,几天后作者被允许单独做餐饮招待服务了;38. A项。有下文可以判断出,她的第一周工作非常顺手,没出意外。】

应试技巧二:语法结构法: 高考完形填空题基本都是在语境中考查考生对语法知识的掌握程度,单纯考查这类题很少。而在完形填空题中考察语法项目的主要是动词的各种时态、语态和语气、谓语和非谓语形式等。所以这类题需要考生有较为扎实的语法基础知识,能够从句式的结构上辨别出须填相关的关联词、连词、副词、形容词或相应的动词,当然还要考虑到主谓一致的关系等语法知识要点。不过,切记解答这类题,必须是任何空格的语法正确的前提下,再考虑其他方面因素。

7) When it was 5:00pm, I was ready to go home. I was about to turn off my computer __49__ I received an email from Garth, my Director.

A. while B. when C. where D. after

【49. B项,这儿when的意思是just at the moment, 与前面的when意思不一样,A项的while无此意,D项的after不符合行为交互逻辑,C项完全是错误的。】

8) “I have been a soloist for over ten years. __53__ the doctor thought I was totally deaf, it didn’t __54__ that my passion couldn’t be realized.

53. A. However B. Although C. When D. Since

54. A. mean B. seem C. conclude D. say

【53. B项,由第二段的内容以及本句的句意“尽管医生认为我已经全聋了,但是这并不意味着我的热情会消失。”,故此处应为让步状语从句;54. A项,由句意可知。】


9)In particular, there was (and perhaps still is) a belief in fairies. Not all of these __21__ are the

friendly, people-loving characters that appear in Disney films, and in some folk-tales they are __22__ and cause much human suffering.

21. A. babies B. believes C. fairies D. supermen

22. A. powerful B. cruel C. frightened D. extraordinary

【21. C项,同义原词的复现;22. B项,异形近义词的复现】

10)On August 26, 1999, New York City was struck by a terrible rainstorm. The rain caused the streets to __36__ and the subway system almost came to a stop.

36. A. break B. flood C. sink D. crash

【36. B项,异形近义词的复现】

11)Garth’s email was short, but I learned more from that __52__ message than I ever did from a textbook.


A. accurate B. urgent C. brief D. humorous

【52. C项,异形同义词的复现】


12) Telling him that he no longer needed to enjoy them but I still needed to write them, I __28__ until the day he graduated.

28. A. held up B. gave up C. followed D. continued

【28. D项。由句意可知,“尽管儿子不愿意再收到我的字条,但是我依然坚持写到他毕业为止。”这道题实际上是一道固定搭配题,其结构为not…until,但句中没有否定副词not,再则,若A、B两项短语用于这一结构中须与not连用,故不合题意;C项的followed应为及物动词,后面需加宾语方可,再则followed在此有歧义,也不合题意,由于continue是延续性动词,所以,无需否定副词,在这一固定搭配中只有瞬间动词才与not连用。】

13) He had spent those years well, graduating from college, __30__ two internships(实习) in Washington, D.C, and finally, becoming a technical assistant in Sacramento.

30. A. organizing B. planning C. comparing D. completing

【30. D项。大学毕业之后,又实习了两个学期,最后在萨克拉门托做一名技术助理。这儿指完成实习,故惟有completing符合题意。】


14) All went well that first week. When Saturday night came, I was luckily given the tables not far from the kitchen. __40__, I still felt it a little hard to carry the heavy trays.

40. A.Therefore B. However C. Otherwise D. Finally

【40. B项。从整篇文章来看,在这儿只是一个转折语气,表示在前一个星期的顺利,在这一天却遇到了一些麻烦。Therefore是递进语气,finally也属递进语气,但表示是最后一步的语气,多指结论性的行为,不符合题意;otherwise虽属转折语气,但多为推断或假设否定语气,而本文所叙述的是真实事例的呈现,所以,惟有however符合题意。】

15) He had spent those years well, graduating from college, completing two internships(实习) in Washington, D.C, and __31__, becoming a technical assistant in Sacramento.

31. A. hopefully B. finally C. particularly D. certainly

【31. B项。有上文及全句的意思可知,在这儿是作者六年求学和工作的最后一个环节,表示毕业之后找到了一份工作,从预期上讲,应该是结论性的,所以,惟有finally符合题意。】




16) Yesterday the sales office rang us to say the car was __23__.

A. right B. ready C. fixed D. sold

【23. 答案为B项。依据生活常识,买车前一般要提前预订,因此这里的意思是销售部打来电话通知作者,他们的车已经到了,让他们前去提车。】


Different things usually stand for different feelings. Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, blood and life. People say red is an exciting and active color. They associate(使发生联系) red with a strong feeling like , such as STOP signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm color of in autumn. People say orange is a color. They associate orange with happiness. Yellow is the color of two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. The warm colors are red, orange and and blue. Where are these colors, people are usually worried. colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.

1. A. sadness B. angerC. administration D. smile

2. A. roads B. ways C. danger D. places

3. A. landB. leavesC. grass D. mountains

4. A. lively B. dark C. noisy D. frightening

5. A. moonlight

6. A. summer

7. A. speak

8. A. green

9. A. calm

10. A. the other

11. A. black

12. A. go round

13. A. one

14. A. factory B. lightC. sunlight B. springC. autumn B. say C. talk about B. yellowC. whiteB. sleepyC. activeB. anotherC. other one B. greenC. goldenB. go byC. go offB. way C. fact B. classroom C. restaurant

C. Warm D. starsD. winterD. tellD. grayD. helpfulD. othersD. yellowD. go alongD. matterD. hospital D. All 15. A. Different B. Cool


finished middle school, the man introduced him to his friend in the town. And he began to work.

Once Mr. King was seriously hurt in an accident. Dying, he asked Charlie to take care of his daughter,


his best to make her happy. He often bought beautiful clothes and delicious food for her. He was good at she found there was something wrong with her heart. Her husband wasn’t at home and she had to go to _ the doctor’s words and wrote all the names of the food on the paper. When saw her, he said happily, “I’ve bought all the food you like, dear!”

1. A. no B. someC. muchD. enough

2. A. lazyB. clever C. careful D. hard

3. A. did well in B. was poor at C. was working D. was good for

4. A. was angry B. thought hard C. agreed D. said “No.”

5. A. a little

6. A. rest

7. A. should B. a few B. sleep B. would C. manyC. hospital C. to

C. to catch

C. cooked

C. cooking D. a lot D. work D. not to D. to teach D. ate D. writing 8. A. to remember 9. A. slept10. A. reading B. to forget B. went out B. seeing

3 man.the best places to teach me how to educate myself. Only when I am well-educated, will I be a better human 1. A. quiteB. soC. such D. another

2. A. come up with B. agreed with C. been fed up with D. got on well with

3. A. Most B. The most C. More D. Much

4. A. to

5. A. education

6. A. finished

7. A. develop

8. A. improveB. around B. weather B. don’t finish B. developed B. graduate

B. among

B. may better C. between C. temperature C. will not finish C. developing C. hear D. from D. science D. has finished D. experience D. provide 9. A. between 10. A. can good C. insideD. outside C. be able to better D. be able to best



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