发布时间:2018-06-24 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:
摘 要 目的:了解2014-2016年上海市金山区朱泾社区卫生服务中心门诊监测伤害病例流行特征,为进一步完善社区伤害监测体系和制定本社区伤害预防控制措施提供依据。方法:收集2014-2016年朱涇社区卫生服务中心门诊伤害报告病例,采用上海市统一的报告卡进行数据的填报。结果:共收集有效病例1 558例,其中男性871例,占55.90%;女性687例,占44.10%。病例年龄主要集中在45岁以上年龄段,占总病例的80.16%。伤害原因主要为运动不当(38.90%);伤害的性质主要为扭伤/拉伤(54.49%);伤害发生时活动主要为家务/学习(69.13%);伤害发生的高峰时间7时至9时。不同性别主要在伤害发生部位有所不同;不同年龄主要在伤害发生原因、部位、伤害发生时活动有所不同。结论:伤害防治的工作应重点放在45岁以上年龄段由于运动不当导致的扭伤/拉伤的预防上,在探索建立规范的社区卫生服务中心及二、三级医院伤害监测系统的同时,还应考虑未入院就诊伤害人群的监测。
关键词 伤害;监测;分析
中图分类号:R197.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2018)04-0041-04
Analysis of outpatient monitoring injury cases in a community in Shanghai from 2014 to 2016
WANG Linan, WANG Tong, NIE Lianlian
(Zhujing Community Health Service Center of Jinshan District, Shanghai 201599, China)
ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the epidemiological characteristics of outpatient surveillance injuries in Zhujing Community Health Service Center of Jinshan District, Shanghai, China from 2014 to 2016 to provide a basis for further improving the community injury detection system and developing measures of community injury prevention and control. Methods: Case reports of outpatient injury of Zhujing Community Health Service Center from 2014 to 2016 were collected, and were filled in the data reports with Shanghai unified reporting cards. Results: Totally 1 558 cases were collected and among them there were 871 male cases accounting for 55.90% and 687 female cases accounting for 44.10%. The age range of the cases was mainly in the age group over 45 years old, which accounted for 80.16% of the total cases. The main cause of injury was improper exercise(38.9%). The nature of the injury was mainly sprains/muscles pulled(54.49%). The injury occurred when they mainly did housework/study(69.13%). The peak time of the injury was 07∶00-09∶00. Different sexes had mainly different parts of injury. Different ages had different reasons, parts and activities when the injury occurred. Conclusion: The work of injury prevention and control should focus on the prevention of sprain/strain caused by improper exercise in the age over 45 years old. The disabilities monitoring of people who do not go to hospital should also be taken into consideration while exploring the establishment of standardized community health service center and injury monitoring system of the second / third level hospitals.
KEY WORDS injury; monitoring; analysis