发布时间:2018-06-23 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:
[摘要] 目的 采用Meta分析系统评价雷公藤多苷片联合地氯雷他定治疗慢性特发性荨麻疹的临床疗效。方法 通过检索CNKI、WANFANG DATA、VIP、CBM disc及Pubmed数据库,收集雷公藤多苷片联合地氯雷他定治疗慢性特发性荨麻疹的随机对照试验,采用RevMan 5.3软件进行Meta分析。结果 共纳入文献8篇,患者累计945例。Meta分析结果显示,雷公藤多苷片联合地氯雷他定可显著提高两药对CIU患者的总有效人数并显著降低复发人数,且不良反应发生人数未明显增高。结论 雷公藤多苷片联合地氯雷他定治疗慢性特发性荨麻疹的疗效确切。
[关键词] 雷公藤多苷;地氯雷他定;利巴韦林;慢性特发性荨麻疹;Meta分析
[中图分类号] R758.24 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-9701(2018)08-0019-04
Meta-analysis of the clinical efficacy of tripterygium wilfordii glycosides tablet combined with desloratadine in the treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria
WANG Kun1,2 ZHANG Ping1 ZHAO Kuijun1 ZHONG Meng1 HUANG Feng3 XU Chang1
1.Department of Traditional Chinese Pharmacy, Beijing Friendship Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing 100050, China; 2.Department of Pharmacy, Beijing Mentougou Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Beijing 102300, China; 3.Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing 100010, China
[Abstract] Objective To systematically evaluate the clinical efficacy of tripterygium wilfordii glycosides tablet combined with desloratadine in the treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria by Meta-analysis. Methods Randomized controlled trials of tripterygium wilfordii glycosides tablet combined with desloratadine in the treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria were collected by searching CNKI, WANFANG DATA, VIP, CBM disc and Pubmed databases. Meta-analysis was performed using RevMan 5.3 software. Results A total of 8 articles were included in the literature, and there were 945 patients. Meta-analysis showed that tripterygium wilfordii glycosides tablet combined with desloratadine could significantly improve the total effective number of two drugs in patients with CIU and significantly reduce the number of recurrence, and the number of adverse reactions did not significantly increased. Conclusion Tripterygium wilfordii glycosides tablet combined with desloratadine has curative effect in the treatment of chronic idiopathic urticaria.
[Key words] Tripterygium wilfordii glycosides tablet; Desloratadine; Ribavirin; Chronic idiopathic urticaria; Meta-analysis
慢性特發性荨麻疹(Chronic idiopathic urticaria, CIU)是皮肤科临床较为常见的变态反应性疾病[1-2],该病病程普遍较长,持续时间一般超过6周[3];因病导致的睡眠中断、疲劳、社会隔离与情绪干扰,对患者的正常生活产生了极大干扰[4-8]。该病给患者本人、家庭及医疗机构造成巨大的精神压力与经济损失,因而对此病的治疗受到医学界的广泛关注[9]。但目前为止,尚无治疗CIU的特异性方案,临床常采用抗组胺药物对症治疗,然而部分患者对此类药物不敏感,且停药后易复发,治疗效果并不理想[10]。因此,探索治疗CIU的新药物与新方案是具有重大意义的工作。