发布时间:2020-06-10 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:
美国的女同志运动先锋黛儿马丁(Del Martin)于今年八月二十七日逝世,享年87。她和她的伴侣菲莉丝赖恩(Phyllis Lyon) 一九五零年相识,一九五五年创办美国第一个女同志团体「比利提思的女儿」,并一同主编第一本女同志杂志「阶梯」。马丁后来成为美国最大的全国性妇女组织(NOW)第一位公开的女同志成员,积极对抗当时妇女运动与团体内的恐同行径,一九七一年该组织终于宣示,女同志议题就是女性主义议题。马丁和赖恩是美国加州旧金山市2004年举办的第一次同志婚礼中(当时市长藉此抗议加州州法不认可同志婚姻),第一对、也是最年长、最为人钦羡的女同志伴侣。她们于今年六月加州宣布同志婚姻合法之后,再次结婚。
旧金山市与加州的同性婚姻权之战,拍摄成一部纪录片〈世纪的革命性婚礼(One Wedding and a Revolution)〉。黛儿马丁与菲莉丝赖恩这对在同志人权运动中奉献了半个世纪的伴侣,经同志团体推荐获市政府之邀,成为旧金山市宣示同性婚姻合法的首对登记者,终于在有生之年得到应有的权利和祝福;
G/SRAT commemorates the passing away on August 27, 2008, of pioneer lesbian activist Del Martin of the United States. With her partner of 55 years, Phyllis Lyon, Del Martin was a founding member of the Daughters of Bilitis (1955), the first social and political lesbian organization in the United States. Del Martin was also the first openly lesbian member elected to NOW (the U.S. National Organization for Women), and with her partner, battled homophobia within the organization until NOW passed the national resolution in 1971 that lesbian issues were feminist issues. Del Martin met Phyllis Lyon in 1950 and the two were the first, the best known, and the oldest, lesbian couple to be issued a marriage license by San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom in 2004, when the latter sought to challenge California marriage laws. The license was voided by the California Supreme Court in August, 2004. Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon once again married on June 16, 2008, after the California Supreme Court ruled same-sex marriage legal.