发布时间:2018-06-21 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:
摘 要:詞汇是英语教学的重要组成部分。高三复习时间短任务重,如何在有限的时间内进行词汇的有效复习是关键。本文旨在探讨词汇专题化复习的理念和方法,希望对高三英语复习有所帮助。
中图分类号:G632 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-7661(2016)19-133-02
Teaching plan for Money & Shopping
I.Learning objective:
After the class, the students are able to use the words and expressions related to shopping and money and express ideas precisely.
II. Key and difficult points: Express ideas in sentences naturally and correctly.
III. Learning procedure:
Step One: Get to understand what happens on Double 11.
Activity 1: Guess what is “chopping hands family”
Purpose: To arise students’ interest in the topic.
Step Two: Try to understand reasons why there is crazy shopping online on some special day, say, Double 11 and Double 12.
Activity 2: Listen to a piece of TV news about shopping online on both Double 11 and Double 12.
Purpose: Pay special attention to and understand words about reasons of crazy shopping online.
Reasons for crazy shopping online:
1.a clearance sale 2.advertisements 3.fall into temptation 4.follow the trend 5.save money
6.reduce pressure 7.bargains 8.fierce battles among retailers 9.launch sales promotion
10.raise profits 11.eager buyers 12.discount 13.a big price cut 14.cheaper
15. fun shopping and winning
Step Three: Try to understand problems of crazy shopping online.
Activity 3: Read pictures first and then talk with the help of some given words related to shopping online.
Purpose: Pay special attention to and understand words about problems of crazy shopping online.
Problems of shopping online:
1.eager buyers 2.system 3.overloaded 4.saving 5.cheaper 6.item 7.spending 8.purchasing 9.retailer 10.delivery company 11.packages 12.promotion 13.be fed up 14. attract attention 15.bargain 16. out of stock 17.be delivered 18.price cut 19.sales 20.empty-handed