
发布时间:2020-03-27 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:

  The 2010 World Expo opened inShanghai on May 1. While servingas a platform to display the latestglobal scientific achievements andeconomic growth, it offers a wonderful op-portunity for Chinese culture to be sharedwith the rest of the worid as well. On thisoccasion, participants from 246 nationsand international organizations gatheredin Shanghai to creute an Expo stage thatgoes beyond national, ethnic and religiousboandaries, and to convey the Expo ideasof "understanding, communication, to-getherness and cooperation" to the world.Currently, four highlights of the Expo areavailable to visitors.

相关热词搜索:Expo Highlights Expo Highlights expolit expole

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