发布时间:2017-02-12 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:
When a bank makes a payment on a check, it cancels the check. That is, it marks the check with some kind of stamp so that the check cannot be used again. Postage stamps are also canceled to indicate that they have been used and cannot be used again.
If you have a checking account, the bank sends you your canceled checks along with your monthly statement. These checks can be used instead of receipts. They can be used as proof that payment has been made.
If you open an account or if you want to cash a check, you must provide proof of your identity. In the U. S., a driver's license is probably the most frequently used kind of identification. Passports are always acceptable for this purpose. When you open an account, you are asked to fill out a signature card. You must be careful to sign your name exactly as you intend to write it on your checks. The bank compares the signature on your checks with that on your signature card. If there is any doubt about the signature, the bank will refuse to cash the check and will return the check to the endorser. A check must be endorsed before it can be cashed - that is, the person or company to whom the check is made out must sign it on the back.
When you put money in the bank, you write the date and the amount deposited on a deposit slip.
At the end of the month, the bank sends you a statement of your account. The statement provides a summary of the checks that have been paid and the deposits that have been made. The amount that is left in your account after the cheeks have been deducted and the deposits have been credited is the balance.
If you ever went to the United States to study in a college or a university, one of the first things you would have to do is open a checking account. You would find it safer and more convenient to put your money in a bank and write out checks to pay for your larger purchases. And checking accounts have other advantages as well. The canceled checks that are returned to you provide a record of where your money was spent, and they can serve as proof that payment was received ---- that is, canceled checks can serve as receipts.
If you went to a bank to open an account, you would probably go through most of the following procedures.Not all banks have the same requirements for opening new accounts, of course, and the routine may vary somewhat. First you would go to the New Accounts Department and fill out a signature card. In order to open an account, you would have to furnish proof of your identity. A passport is one of the best kinds of identification to have, but other kinds are accepted, one of the most common being a driver's license. You would need to have a permanent address in the city, and you would also be asked to supply the name of a permanent resident who is willing to recommend you. For this purpose you could use the name of your landlord or landlady, for example, or the name of the foreign student adviser at the university. And last but not least, you would need to bring some cash with you in order to open your account. Many banks require a minimum cash deposit of $ 50.
After you had completed your application, the bank would make up an individual folder for your account. Your signature card would be kept in this folder. Whenever checks were received for payment, the bank would file them by number in your folder and compare the signatures with the one on your card. If there was any doubt about a particular signature, the check would not be paid and would be returned to the endorser.
收到你的支票要求付款时,它将按账号存放在你的账夹内,并将签字与你预留印鉴卡上的签字核对。如果对不正常的签字有疑问,银行将不予支付,并退给背书人。 金融英语阅读:银行的基本功能与业务
Banks were developed to keep people's money safe and to make it available when they needed it. Since money was invented, people have been borrowing and lending it.
开办银行是为了稳妥地保管人们的钱财,使他们在需要时能随时提取。自从货币出现以来,人们一直在进行货币的借贷活动。 A modern bank accepts people's money for safe-keeping. It also lends money and offers many other services. The experience of a businessman will show some of these. James Jones has a furniture store and buys his goods from different parts of the country. It isn't convenient for him to send money through the mail, so he goes to the bank and opens a checking account. He puts his money in the bank regularly, and the bank keeps it until he writes checks for that amount. When Mr. Jones orders furniture from the Modern Furniture Company in another city, he simply writes a check. This check is as good as money to the owner of the company. The owner can take it to his bank and cash it, that is, he can get money for it.
Now and then Mr. Jones deposits money in a savings account at the bank. The bank then uses this money and pays him a certain percentage on each dollar every year. For example, if he deposits $ 1000 and the bank pays him 4 percent, he will have earned $ 40 by the end of the year. This payment is called interest.
Mr. Jones can usually borrow from the bank if he needs money. He can arrange for a bank loan at the loan department. If the bank lends him money, he must pay interest for its use. Sometimes, instead of putting his money in a savings account, Mr. Jones wants to invest it in some business firm, and he may ask the investment department of his bank for advice.
Mr. Jones gets still other services from the bank. When he travels, he buys traveler's checks from the bank instead of carrying money with him. And he can rent a safe-deposit box in the bank for his valuable papers and articles.
It's hard to imagine that people could do business without the services of a bank.
A banker must always remember that he is dealing with other people's money and that he is responsible for its safety. But he cannot keep his deposits lying idle in his safes and strongrooms. He must use them----and he is expected to use them to produce an income. A banker also earns money from the charges which he makes for some of his services, but much the greater part of a bank's income comes from investing and lending its deposits. From these various receipts the banker has to meet the expenses of running the bank----including, for example, the salaries of its staff---pay interest to its depositors and earn a profit for shareholders.
How do the clearing banks meet these requirements? Their first concern is to see that they always have sufficient notes and coin in their tills, or in reserve, to meet instantly all the demands for cash that may be made upon them. Customers are constantly drawing cash from their accounts to spend and to pay wages and salaries, but this money is quickly returned to the banks by the shops and traders who receive it and who pay it into their own bank accounts. Cash is a banker's stock in trade but it earns nothing and costs him a great deal to store, safeguard and transport, so he will keep as little of it as he can.
To reinforce their cash reserves, banks keep another sizeable chunk of their money in assets which can be quickly turned back into money with little risk of loss. These “liquid assets” include loans made for very short periods----often overnight----to discount houses (which are special financial organizations in the London Money Market). Other liquid assets are commercial bills and Treasury bills issued by the Government. These “bills”are traded in the money market and can always be sold quickly.
The banks' short-term assets earn interest but less than that obtained through “Investments” and “Advances to customers”. The banks investments are nearly all in securities issued or guaranteed by the British Government and quoted on the Stock Exchange. Like the short-term assets, they too can be readily sold, should the need arise, but their price can vary.
Advances are the amounts which the banks lend to their customers. They earn a higher rate of interest than the banks' other assets, but as we shall see, there is a lot of work involved in managing them and, despite all the precautions which a bank may take, they are seldom entirely free from risk. Advances cannot be so conveniently and quickly turned into cash as most of a bank's other assets.
Pacific Electric 太平洋电气 packaging 包装
panel of experts 专家小组parentage 渊源
parties involved 交换中的各方 payment terms 支付条款
pay-off control 支出控制 penetration pricing 渗透定价
Pepsi-Cola 百事可乐 perceived customer value 顾客感知价值
perceived quality 感知到的质量perceived value 感知到的价值
Lesson One
Translate the following passage into Chinese
1. 紧缩性货币政策和扩张性货币政策都涉及到改变一个国家的货币供应量水平。
2. 当联邦储备体系在公开市场上购买有价证券,会引起证券价格上涨。债券价格
Translate the following sentences into English
1. China would maintain a stable currency and prudent monetary policy, and expected to stay within its growth and inflation targets this year
2.China would also maintain a prudent monetary policy to support economic development while preventing inflationary pressure and financial risks
3. China’s economy continued to grow steadily and rapidly in the first quarter, with investment in fixed assets slowing and domestic consumption accelerating.
4.because of China’s large increase in its trade surplus and foreign exchange reserves in the first quarter, the effectiveness of its monetary policy — used to help control inflation — was facing “serious challenges.”
5. The central bank would seek to further streamline its foreign exchange system to facilitate the orderly outflow of funds. At the same time, it would tighten the management of foreign exchange inflows and settlement.
Translate the following passage into Chinese
Translate the following sentences into English
1.As the internationalization of business grows, so too does your company's exposure to exchange rate fluctuations. The tools and techniques available to help you mange this exposure are developing rapidly but these instruments carry their own particular challenges and risks, and the price for inappropriate hedging strategies can be high.
2. While the amount of the transaction, the payments procedure, and the exchange rate are all determined in advance, no exchange of money takes place until the actual settlement date. This commitment to exchange currencies at a previously agreed exchange rate is usually referred to as a forward contract.
3. Futures are also standardized in terms of delivery date. The normal currency futures delivery dates are March, June, September and December, while forwards are private agreements that can specify any delivery date that the parties choose.
4.Another difference is that forwards are traded by phone and telex and are completely independent of location or time. Futures, on the other hand, are traded in organized exchanges such the LIFFE in London, SIMEX in Singapore and the IMM in Chicago.
5.Thus forwards and futures serve similar purposes, and tend to have identical rates, but differ in their applicability. Most big companies use forwards; futures tend to be used whenever credit risk may be a problem.
Translate the following passage into Chinese
1. 把交易记录在日记账上标志着复式记账制度的开始。在这个制度中,一个组织的财务状况受到多个相互关联方面的影响,每一个方面都称作一个账户(例如,应付工资账户)。每一笔交易都可看作由两个方面或更多方面组成, 我们称之为交易的借方(或左边)和贷方(或右边), 并且,其中每一方面都对组织的财务状况产生各自的影响。
2. 将(所有的财务)数据转入分类账后,把所有账户的借方或贷方余额列出来,计算一下所有的借方余额合计数是否与所有的贷方余额合计数相等(因为每一笔交易都被同时记录为借方和贷方)。这种方法称为试算平衡。这一处理程序及其后的那些处理程序都将在财务报告期的后期进行。一旦成功地做好试算平衡,会计循环的簿记部分就完成了。
Translate the following sentences into English
1. Information relating to the financial position of an enterprise is presented on a balance sheet, while disclosures about operating results are displayed on an income statement. Information relating to an organization’s liquidity—namely, how it obtains and spends cash—is shown on a statement of cash flows.
2. Modern accounting entails a seven-step accounting cycle. The first three steps fall under the bookkeeping function—that is, the systematic compiling and recording of financial transactions.
3. In the next step in the accounting cycle, the amounts that appear in the various journals are transferred to the organization's general ledger—a procedure called posting.
4. Subsidiary accounts may also be kept for the wages paid to each employee, for each building or machine owned by the company, and for amounts owed to each of the enterprise's creditors.
5 The final step is to close non-cumulative accounts. This procedure involves a series of bookkeeping debits and credits to transfer sums from income-statement accounts into owners' equity accounts.
Translate the following passage into Chinese
1. 首先,理赔代表要确认在发生损失时索赔者实际上已从公司购买保险单并且支付的保险费能够包含该时间段。例如,如果保险客户未进行支付,导致保险单过期,则保险公司不会对保险单过期后的索赔进行支付。
2. 理赔代表还会确认保险单中达成的条款适用于特定索赔,包括导致损失的特别事件。例如对人们的房屋进行保险的标准保险单一般涵盖如闪电、风暴等自然事件造成的损失。然而,它们不包括洪水或地震造成的损失。最后,谨慎的理赔程序可确保索赔者的保险团体其他成员尽可能少的支付保险费又可以充分支付正当索赔。
Translate the following sentences into English
1. Some of the most important of these criteria include: (1) the financial stability of the insurance company, (2) the price of policies, and (3) details of coverage and service.
2. Only a financially sound company can fulfill its promise to pay in all circumstances.
3. Policy prices vary significantly among companies, but competition usually forces most companies’ prices into a narrow range.
4. People seeking to buy insurance often use the services of an insurance agent or broker to assist in their purchase.
5. Thus, a detailed examination of coverage in policies provided by different, well-regarded
companies can help consumers make the best choice based on the risks they face, their needs, and their finances.
Translate the following passage into Chinese
1. 信贷员评估这份报告,并与分析师共同讨论报告是否有错误、遗漏和夸大。如果信用(贷款)无法满足银行的风险标准,信贷员就通知借款人最初的(借款)请求已被拒绝。信贷员可以建议借款人采用一些步骤,以改善借款人的状况和还款前景,并在境况改善之后再次提出借款请求。如果信用在风险范围之内可以接受,信贷员则提出明确的初步贷款条件,包括贷款额度、到期日、利率、抵押担保要求、还款计划等。
2. 很多小银行没有专门的信贷部门和专职的分析师来准备有关的信用历史纪录。信贷员独自完成上面列出来的步骤,然后再决定是接受还是拒绝一项贷款请求。通常,贷款请求在未经了解借款人的详细状况的情况下就被接受了。财务报表可能是手写的或是未经审计,或不符合公认会计原则。然而,借款人也许拥有良好的信誉和充实的资产净值。在这种情况下,信贷员要与借款人一起准备正式的贷款请求并获得尽可能充分的财务信息。这可能意味着(信贷员)要亲自审计借款人的收入、支出、应收款项和存货等项目。
Translate the following sentences into English
1、The credit file contains background information on the borrower, including call report summaries, past and present financial statements, pertinent credit reports, and supporting schedules such as an aging of receivables, a breakdown of current inventory and equipment, and a summary of insurance coverage.
2、If the customer is a previous borrower, the file should also contain copies of the past loan agreement, cash flow projections, collateral agreements and security documents, any narrative comments provided by prior loan officers, and copies of all correspondence with the customer. Capacity involves both the borrower’s legal standing and management’s expertise in maintaining operations so the firm or individual can repay its debt obligations. A business must have identifiable cash flow or alternative sources of cash to repay debt. An individual must be able to generate income.
3、Complacency refers to the tendency to assume that because things were good in the past they will be good in the future. Common examples are an overreliance on guarantors, reported net worth, or past loan repayment success because it’s always worked out in the past.
Competition involves following competitors’ behavior rather than maintaining the bank’s own credit standards. Doing something because the bank down the street is doing it does not mean it’s good.
Test 1
Part One Listening
Section One (10%)
Directions: In this section you will hear 10 short statements. Each statement will be spoken only once. After each statement there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked a, b, c and d, and decide which is the best answer. Now you will hear the example:
She went to the bank with Mr. Smith.
You will read:
A. She went home.B. She liked Mr. smith. C.She went to the bank.D.She went to Mr. Smith's house.
Statement C, "She went to the bank" is the closest in meaning to the statement "She went to the bank with Mr. Smith." Therefore, you should choose answer C. Now listen to the statements.
1.A. The central bank controls many factors that affect the success of banking supervision.
B. The success of banking supervision depends on the controls of the central bank.
C. The success of banking supervision relies on many factors that are not under the control of the central bank.
D. Many factors under the control of the central bank result in the success of banking supervision.
2.A. You cannot sign your name on the upper left corner that does not comply with the agreement.
B. Your signature does not agree with the specimen signature on the upper left corner.
C. The signature on the upper left corner is not the countersign in the
agreement.D. You cannot agree with the signature on the upper left corner.
3. A. The Chinese banks will not come to compete with the foreign banks in
Renminbi business.
B. Foreign banks will be allowed to do Renminbi business which is a challenge to the Chinese banks.
C. It will be a real great challenge to the Chinese banks when the foreign banks have the right to do Renminbi business.
D. In order to have real competition with the Chinese banks, foreign banks should be allowed to do Renminbi business.
4.A. I remitted the money to you after the sale of my stocks.
B. Your bank account had been credited with the remittance since I sold my shares last week.
C. The money had already been credited to your account last week after I sold my shares.
D. The money had not been remitted to you since I failed to sell my stocks last week.
5.A. The bank makes profits only from its own money. B. The bank makes profits not only from the deposits but also from its own money. C. The bank makes profits with special obligations to depositors. D. The bank has special obligation to make profits.
6.A. We thank you for your doing kindness to us. B. We hope you send us your check as soon as possible.
C. We thank you because you provide us convenience in checking. D. You will have to pay us $50,000.
7. A. The Chinese economists made a proposal that banks' savings interest rates should further be lowered.
B. The Chinese economists thought banks' savings interest rates should be improved.
C. The Chinese economists believed that banks' savings interest rates should be maintained.
D. The Chinese economists suggested that banks' savings interest rates should be kept.
8.A. We are the credit holders. B. We are the bank who can encash the card.
C. We are the bank who can stop your lost card. D. We are the bank who can find your lost card.
9. A. In the foreign exchange market, exchange rates are quoted by the sellers and buyers. B. In the foreign exchange market, exchange rates are quoted by commercial banks. C. In the foreign exchange market, selling and buying of foreign exchange decide exchange rates. D. In the foreign exchange market, exchange rates are fixed by governments.
10.A. The bank has the right to charge you fees if your check has bounced.
B. The bank will not charge you any service commission even if your check returned.
C. No one reserves the right to impose a service charge for returned cheques.
D. The bank has the right to impose a charge for encashed cheques.
Section Two (10%)
Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and questions will be spoken only once. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked a, b, c, and d, and decide which is the best answer
Now you will hear :
M: Does our bank have a direct correspondent relationship with the Bradalys' Bank?
W:No, we don't. So we have to advise this L/C via another bank.
Q: Which of the following is right?
Now you will read:
A. We can advise this L/C to the Bradlays' Bank. B. The Bradlays' Bank is our correspondent.
C. The L/C has to be advised by a third bank. D. We should advise this L/C by ourselves.
From the conversation we know that we have to advise this L/C via another bank. The best answer is C. Therefore you should choose answer C.
11. A. Her account number is 60789410 B. Her account number is 60798410
C. Her account number is 60798401 D. Her account number is 60789140
12.A. in the safe B. in the drawer C. on the desk D. in the box
13. A. 1.89% B. 1.98% C. 8.19% D. none
14.A. to open an account with the bank B. to exchange money
C. to check if the remittance has arrived D. to remit some money to her brother Tony Waller
15.A. employee and boss B. broker and bank clerk C. two bank clerks D. bank clerk and customer
16.A. 8 hoursB. 10 hours C. 12 hours D. 24hours
17.A. one month B. twelve months C. six months D. half a month
18.A. draw money from her account through ATM. B. write her secret code on the card.
C. forget her password. D. ask somebody to pick up her card.
19.A. US$ 24,580 B. US$ 28,450 C. US$ 45,280 D. US$ 25,480
20.A. Special risks will be excluded. B. You have to pay more money for the inclusion of all risks.
C. Exclusion of the special risks means more money you have to pay.
D. You have to pay more premium to include a special risk.
Section Three (10%)
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage you will hear some questions about what was said. The passages and questions wi1l be spoken only once. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked a, b, c, and d, and decide which is the best answer
Questions 21--23 are based on passage 1
21.A. three B. four C. fiveD. six
22.A. one-dollar billB. five-dollar bill C. ten-dollar bill D. twenty-dollar bill
23.A. by checks and fund transfers B. by CHAPS and fund transfers
C. by CHIPS and fund transfers D. by SWIFT and fund transfers
Questions 24-26 are based on passage 2
24.A. They will buy houses.B. They will buy cars. C. They will postpone building a new plant. D.They will hire more workers.
25.A. because they affect consumers' willingness to spend or save.
B. because they affect businesses' investment decisions.C. because interest rates are the cost of borrowings. D. both a and b.
26.A. mortgage interest rates B. car loan rates
C. interest rates on many different types of bonds D. current interest rates
Questions 27-30 are based on Passage 3
27.A. corporate B. interbank C. mortgage D. syndicate
28.A. pay all attentions to a specific area of lending B. consider someone more important than the other
C. handle loan applications based on hard and fast rule D. try to build up a well-balanced loan portfolio
29.A. prudence B. profitability C. liquidityD. safety
30.A. to ensure healthy growth for the bank B. to outperform the competition in financial industry
C. to make the profits D. to achieve specific business targets
Part two Reading
Section One (10%)
Directions: There are ten statements in this section. For each statement there are four choices marked A,B,C,D. You should choose the best answer.
31. If the lessor makes an equity investment equal to 20% of the equipment's original cost, and borrows the remaining 80% from a long-term creditor, and writes a noncancelable lease for the equipment, such lease is called a ___________.
A. operating leaseB. leveraged leaseC. direct-financing lease D. sales-type lease
32. The interest rate for borrowing funds from inter-bank market is close to, but always slightly ____________ the rate that is available from the central bank.
A. lower than B. higher than C. as high asD. not as high as
33. ___________ is a financial market in which securities that have been previously issued can be resold.
A. A primary market B. A secondary market C. A issuing market D. The capital market
34. Of the challenging issues in Internet banking, which people care most,
is _________.
A. the provision of a secure platform for banking transactions
B. whether management has the creativity and vision to harness the technology
C. how to deliver high-quality products for the customers' convenience
D. whether management has the ability to satisfy customers' continually changing financial needs
35. From a Chinese Bank's point of view, the currency account which it maintains abroad is known as _______, while a RMB account operated in China for a foreign bank is termed ________.
A. a vostro account; a nostro account B. a mirror account; a nostro account
C. a nostro account; a vostro account D. a vostro account; a mirror account
36. If __________, such a situation is called break-even.
A. contribution margin= fixed costs B. contribution margin=total costs C. profit=expense D. sales revenue=variable cost
37. Foreign-funded enterprises may retain their export earnings if those earnings _______.
A. get after SAFE approves B. will be remitted abroad C. will be invested in local area
D. do not exceed the limit set by the SAFE
38. BOT is an abbreviated form of _________.
A. build-or-technology B. build-operate-transfer C. build-operate-technology D. benefit-operate-transfer
39. _________ is the foundation of private accounting, which analyzes a business's costs to help managers control expenses.
A. Budgeting B. Management information system C. Internet auditing D. Cost accounting
40. Underwriting simply means that the investment banker promises to ________ the securities.
A. buyB. sellC. design D. issue
Section Two (10%)
Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passages. For each blanks there are four choices marked A, B, C, D. You should choose the best answer.
Passage One
Another way of distinguishing markets is on the basis of the _____41_______of the securities in each market. The __42______ is a financial market in which only short-term debt instruments are traded. The ___43_____ is the market in which longer-term debt and equity instruments are traded. The securities in the former are usually more widely traded than those in the latter and so tend to be ____44______. In addition, short-term securities have _____45______fluctuations in prices than long-term securities, making them safer investments.
41. A. volume B. maturity C. issuing procedure D. kind
42. A. money market B. capital market C. primary market D. secondary market
43.A. money market B. capital market C. primary market D. secondary market
44.A. more solvent B. more risk C. more liquid D. safer
45. A. volatile B. violent C. wider D. smaller
Passage Two
In documentary credit operations, all parties concerned deal in ___46____ and not in ____47____. The banks check exclusively on the basis of documents ___48____to them to see whether the terms of the credit have been fulfilled. They are ____49_____to verify whether the goods supplied actually agree with those specified in the credit, ____50____differences, say, between the goods invoiced and those actually delivered, nor answerable to the buyers' complaints about these differences. It is up to the buyers and sellers to settle questionables of this nature between themselves.
46. A. goodsB. creditsC. documentsD. contracts
47.A. goodsB. creditsC. documentsD. contracts
48. A. delivered B. presentedC. deliverD. release
49.A. responsibleB. not responsibleC. boundD. willing
50.A. nor liable forB. or liable for C. nor liable toD. or liable to
Section Three (10%)
Directions: Read the following passages, and determine whether the sentences are "Right" or "wrong". If there is not enough information to answer " right" or "wrong''. choose "Doesn't say".
Passage One
New issues of common stock come into two varieties, primary distributions and secondary distributions. Primaries are sales of stock that have never been issued before. There are two types of primary distributions--initial public offering (IPOs) and additional floats of companies' stock that will dilute each shareholder's existing holding. Of the two, the latter are more common in the new issues market for equities since they involve offerings of shares of larger, more mature companies seeking additional equity capital. Secondary distributions are sales of stock that previously existed in some form or other but are too large to be accommodated on the stock exchanges. Procedures for secondaries often follow those for primaries although the offering period is much shorter and may involve a matter of hours rather than days.
The actual marketing for these issues is done by investment bankers directly to the public. On rare occasions, companies have attempted to sell their shares or bonds directly to the public, avoiding investment banking fees. Unless the company is very well known, such attempts are less than successful. The behavior of investment bankers is key to the reception of new issues and directly affects the cost of capital for a company. As a result, the choice of an investment banker is crucial for a company, and the wrong choice could affect its costs over the near term.
51. Initial public offerings (IPOs) are one of the type of primary distributions,while additional floats of companies' stock belong to secondary distributions. A.Right B.Wrong C.Doesn't say
52. Compared with additional floats of companies' stock, initial public offering
(IPOs) are more common because they involve offerings of shares larger, more mature companies seeking additional equity capital.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say
53.Both primary distributions and secondary distributions are issued in primary markets.
A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say
54. Few companies have attempted to see their shares or bonds directly to the public.
A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say
Passage Two
The simplest means of transferring funds abroad is by means of the airmail remittance order. For example, a local customer of the bank wishes to send money to a relative in Japan. The local customer goes to the United States bank and specifies where and to whom the money is to be delivered. He also indicates the amount he wishes to send, for example, USD$100. The bank prepares a letter to its correspondent bank in the town nearest to where the relative lives. In this letter, the United States bank says, "Advise and pay US dollars 100 to ( name and address ) of recipient." The letter says that this is by order of its local customer, giving his name. Then it adds, " In reimbursement, we credit your account with us." This informs the Japanese bank that its account in the United States bank has been credited USD100 (The United states bank credits the Japanese banks due to account).
55. MT is the simplest means of transferring funds abroad. A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say
56. According to the passage, the local customer of U.S. is a remitter.A.RightB.Wrong C.Doesn't say
57.The Japanese bank debits the U.S. bank's due from account.A.Right B.Wrong C.Doesn't say
Passage Three
To finance the national debt, the government issues a variety of debt securities. The most widely held liquid security is the
Treasury bill, which is commonly issued by the ministry of finance. However. some Treasury bills, like the Treasury bill of the U. S. government, do not actually pay interest. Instead they are issued at a discount from par (their value at maturity). The investor’s yield comes from the increase in the value of the security between the time it was purchased and the time it matures.
Treasury bills are attractive to investors because they are backed by the government and therefore are virtually free of default risk. Because even if the government ran out of money it could simply print more to pay them off when they mature. The risk of unexpected changes in inflation is also low because of the short term to maturity. The markets for Treasury bills in most developed countries are deep and liquid, A deep market is one with many different buyers and sellers. A liquid market is one in which securities can be bought and sold quickly and with low transaction costs. Investors in markets that are deep and liquid have little risk that they will not be able to sell their securities when they want to.
58. Treasury bills are short-term and virtually free of default risk. A.Right B.WrongC.Doesn't say
59. As some treasury bills do not actually pay interest, they are not attractive to investors A.Right B.WrongC.Doesn't say
60.Investors in deep and liquid markets face immense risk that they will not be able to selltheir securities when they want to.
A.RightB.Wrong C.Doesn't say
Section Four (20%)
Directions: There are 4 passages in this sections. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, D. You should choose the best answer.
Passage One
Since equal dollar amounts of debits and credits are entered in the accounts for every transaction recorded, the sum of the debits in the ledger must be equal to the sum of all the credits. If the computation of account balances has been accurate, it follows that the total of the accounts with debit balances must be equal to the total of the accounts with credit balances.
Before using the account balances to prepare financial statements, it is desirable to prove that the total of accounts with debit balances is in fact equal to the total of accounts with credit balances. This proof of the equality of debit and credit balances is called a trial balances. A trial balance is a two-column schedule listing the names and balances of all the accounts in the order in which they appear in the ledger. The debit balances are listed in the left-hand column and the credit balances in the right-column. The totals of the two columns should agree.
The trial balance provides proof that the ledger is in balance. The agreement of the debit and credit totals of the trial balance gives assurance that:
1. Equal debits and credits have been recorded for all transactions.
2. The debit or credit balance of each account has been correctly computed.
3. The addition of the account balances in the trial balance has been correctly performed.
Suppose that the debit and credit totals of the trial balance do not agree. This situation indicates that one or more errors have been made. Typical of such errors are (1) the entering of a debit as a credit or vice verse; (2) arithmetical mistakes in balancing accounts; (3) clerical errors in copying account balances into the trial balance; (4) listing a debit balance in the credit column of the trial balance, or vice verse; and (5) errors in addition of the trial balance.
The preparation of a trial balance does not prove that transactions have been correctly analyzed and recorded in the proper accounts. If, for example, a receipt of cash were not be disclosed by the trial balance. In brief, the trial balance proves only one respect of the ledger, and that is the equality of debit and credits.
61. A trial balance is a two-column schedule listing the names and balances of all the accounts to prove _______________.
A. the agreement of the debit and credit totals B. the order in which they appear in the ledger
C. the equality of account balances of financial statements D. the order in which they appear in the recording
62. Unless __________, the totals of the debit and credit of trial balance should agree.
A. the debit or credit balance of each amount has been correctly computed
B. debits and credits have been recorded correctly for all transactions
C. unequal debits and credits have been recorded for all transactions
D. the addition of the account balance in the trial balances has been correctly performed
63.If ____________, the debit and credit totals of the trial balance do not agree.
A. mistakes appear in computing balancing accounts B. a credit is entered as a debit
C. a credit balance is listed in the debit column D. All of the above
64. If a payment of cash is recorded by ________, the trial balance would still balance.
A. crediting the Account Payable account B. debiting the cash account
C. debiting the Account Receivable accountD. debiting the land account
65. A trial balance is a working paper which is intended ___________.
A. for distribution to various outsiders B. to prepare financial statements
C. for distribution to various accountants D. to prepare ledger accounts
Passage Two
Insurance is almost as important to business as banking. It works quite simply by spreading over a large number of people, the costs or the losses which otherwise would fall on the few who actually suffer them.
Fire, for instance, normally damages only a few businesses each year but almost all companies buy insurance to protect themselves against it. What happens is that most companies pay regular small amounts of money, called the premium to insurance groups and so a large fund of money builds up. Then the few who have suffered fires claim the cost of the damages. After investigation, the claims are paid out by the insurance companies.
For the operation to work, insurance companies have to calculate what is the chance or probability of certain events happening, and what the cost of making accidents good will be, and how many people will pay, what rates, to have protection. Premiums are fixed in proportion to the risk involved.
There are four principles backing up every insurance contract. The first, known as indemnity, is that the insured should get back the same value as was lost. If you insure your watch against the risk of its being stolen, then the insurance company will only pay out the cost of a similar, second. hired watch unless you make a special agreement with them.
The second principle is that of agreeing that the insurer has to own, or have the insurable interest in, the property covered, both at the time of affecting the insurance and at the time of loss. This is usual for policies covering fire;but the insurance on ships and their cargoes can be transferred to new owners if required.
Thirdly it is necessary for the agreement to be concluded in good faith. Generally the company providing insurance cover charges a premium based on what it is told. If a company fails to mention that a warehouse sometimes contains explosives the underwriter may declare the contract not valid and refuse to pay a claim if the warehouse blows up.
Finally, insurers distinguish between remote and immediate causes of an event. If there is an earthquake and a house is damaged, catches fire and is flooded by firemen when putting out the flames, the compensation due will depend on the exact words used in the detailed insurance contract. Usually companies do not provide cover against earthquake damage, so the house owner may not get any compensation for the effects of the fire or water, as these were a direct result ofthe earthquake.
66. What are the four principles backing up every insurance contract?
A. Indenmity, the insurable interest, premium and good faith.
B. Indemnity, the cost of the damage, the exact words in the contract and the insurableinterest.
C.Indemnity, the insurable interest, good faith and remote and immediate causes of anevent.
D. Indemnity, the insurable interest, the cost of the damages and good faith.
67. I n Para. 2, the term "premium" means ___________
A. the cost of the damage B. a sum of money paid regularly to an insurance company
C. proportion of the risk involved D. a large fund of money
68. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Premiums are usually decided in proportion to the risk involved.
B. Insurance companies often do not provide cover against earthquake damages.
C. Insurance on ships and their cargoes can be transferred to new owners if required.
D. Those who buy insurance can claim the cost of damages if they suffer from firescaused by an earthquake.
69. Which of the following is implied, but not directly stated in the passage?
A. A regular small sum of money will cover your losses.
B. Insurance companies usually do not provide cover against earthquake losses.
C. An insurance company can build up a large sum of money from those who pay insurance charge.
D. You cannot cover the losses you suffer if the results of the investigation by insurance company turn out not to be in your favor.
70. The purpose of this passage is ___________ .
A. to get you familiar with insurance business B. to advise you to insure your properties
C. to tell you how to get compensation from an insurance company D. to teach you how to sign an insurance contract Passage Three
Once the exporter has been advised that a letter of credit has been issued in its favor, many exporters make the mistake of starting to prepare or fulfill the requirements of the foreign customer's purchase order before actually receiving the actual letter of credit from the opening or issuing bank. Unless the exporter has had good or excellent prior experience with the foreign customer and its issuing bank, the exporter runs the risk of having the goods ready for shipment, without receiving the original letter of credit. The exporter runs a risk because it may or may not be able to comply with certain terms and conditions contained in the actual original letter of credit. It is always conceivable new conditions might be added to the credit instrument. Or the goods might be shipped and arrived at the overseas port of destination without any original documents because the original L/C arrives late. Thus, the foreign customer will be unable to clear goods through customs, and the goods will be stored in a customs warehouse to accrue expensive demurrage charges.
The answer to the above mentioned problem is to have the opening bank issue the letter of credit via tested telex or SWIFT to the advising or negotiating ban(来自:WWw.zHaoqT.net 蒲公 英文 摘:金融英语短文)k as the "original operative instrument" which can be presented for payment by the beneficiary. The exporter must make sure the negotiating or confirming bank, usually the advising bank, is willing to accept the aforementioned as the original operative instrument. Sometimes advising, negotiating, and even confirming banks who pay on behalf of issuing banks still want to wait for the original written letter of credit to be received by them via mail. This might indicate a financial problem with the issuing bank or some sort of technical problems between the banks which the exporter should investigate immediately. The solution helps reduce or eliminate any delays in credit timely for payment after shipment of the goods. Remember in many cases banks want the original on-board ocean bill of lading presented to them with the original letter of credit.
71. The exporter should start to prepare or fulfill the requirements of the foreign customer's purchase order _______________.
A. before the exporter has been advised that a letter of credit has been issued in its favor
B. after the exporter has been advised that a letter of credit has been issued in its favor
C. before the exporter actually receives the letter of credit from the opening or issuing bank
D. after the exporter actually receives the letter of credit from the opening or issuing bank
72. If the exporter starts to prepare or fulfill the requirements of the foreign customer's purchase order when he has been advised that a letter of credit has been issued, he may run the risk of ________.
A. having the goods ready to board a steamship which may not comply with certain terms and conditions stipulated in the letter of credit B. having the goods shipped to the destination and cleared through customs
C. having the goods stored in the custom's warehouse without any charges D. None of the above
73. According to the passage, the importer can clear goods through customs on presentation of ____________.
A. the original letter of creditB. the original documentsC. the credit instrumentD. expensive demurrage charges
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