
发布时间:2017-02-09 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:


Africa rising


After decades of slow growth, Africa has a real chance to follow in the footsteps of Asia


THE shops are stacked six feet high with goods, the streets outside are jammed with customers and salespeople are sweating profusely under the onslaught. But this is not a high street during the Christmas-shopping season in the rich world. It is the Onitsha market in southern Nigeria, every day of the year. Many call it the world’s biggest. Up to 3m people go there daily to buy rice and soap, computers and construction equipment. It is a hub for traders from the Gulf of Guinea, a region blighted by

corruption, piracy, poverty and disease but also home to millions of highly motivated entrepreneurs and increasingly prosperous consumers.


商店里堆积了六英尺高的商品,外面的大街上顾客接踵摩肩,店员们忙着接待一波又一波的客人,挥汗如雨。然而这并不是富裕国家圣诞节购物季的大街,而是尼日尼亚南部的奥尼查市场,一年中每天如此。许多人称之为世界第一大市场。每天有多达300万人去那里购买大米、肥皂、电脑和建筑设备。来自几内亚湾的商人都云集于此。这里腐败猖獗,海盗横行,穷人遍地,疾病丛生,但是这里同时又汇聚了无数活跃的企业家和愈发富裕的消费者。 Over the past decade six of the world’s ten fastest-growing countries were African. In eight of the past ten years, Africa has grow(来自:www.zhaoQt.NeT 蒲公英文摘:短文翻译英文翻译)n faster than East Asia, including Japan. Even allowing for the knock-on effect of the northern hemisphere’s slowdown, the IMF expects Africa to grow by 6% this year and nearly 6% in 2012, about the same as Asia.


The commodities boom is partly responsible. In 2000-08 around a quarter of Africa’s growth came from higher revenues from natural resources. Favourable demography is another cause. With fertility rates crashing in Asia and Latin America, half of the increase in population over the next 40 years will be in Africa. But the growth also has a lot to do with the manufacturing and service economies that African countries are beginning to develop. The big question is whether Africa can keep that up if demand for commodities drops.


Copper, gold, oil—and a pinch of salt


Optimism about Africa needs to be taken in fairly small doses, for things are still exceedingly bleak in much of the continent. Most Africans live on less than two

dollars a day. Food production per person has slumped since independence in the 1960s. The average lifespan in some countries is under 50. Drought and famine persist. The climate is worsening, with deforestation and desertification still on the march.


Some countries praised for their breakneck economic growth, such as Angola and Equatorial Guinea, are oil-sodden kleptocracies. Some that have begun to get

economic development right, such as Rwanda and Ethiopia, have become politically noxious. Congo, now undergoing a shoddy election, still looks barely governable and hideously corrupt. Zimbabwe is a scar on the conscience of the rest of southern Africa. South Africa, which used to be a model for the continent, is tainted with corruption; and within the ruling African National Congress there is talk of nationalising land and mines.


Yet against that depressingly familiar backdrop, some fundamental numbers are moving in the right direction. Africa now has a fast-growing middle class: according to the World Bank, around 60m Africans have an income of $3,000 a year, and 100m will in 2015. The rate of foreign investment has soared around tenfold in the past decade.


China’s arrival has improved Africa’s infrastructure and boosted its manufacturing sector. Other non-Western countries, from Brazil and Turkey to Malaysia and India, are following its lead. Africa could break into the global market for light

manufacturing and services such as call centres. Cross-border commerce, long suppressed by political rivalry, is growing, as tariffs fall and barriers to trade are dismantled.

中国的到来改善了非洲的基础设施,增强了其制造业。其他一些非西方国家,从巴西到土耳其,从马来西亚到印度,正追随其后。非洲将会进入全球轻工业市场以及如话务中心这样的服务业。随着关税降低、壁垒解除,长期因政治敌对而被抑制的跨国商业得以发展。 Africa‘s enthusiasm for technology is boosting growth. It has more than 600m mobile-phone users—more than America or Europe. Since roads are generally

dreadful, advances in communications, with mobile banking and telephonic agro-info, have been a huge boon. Around a tenth of Africa’s land mass is covered by mobile-internet services—a higher proportion than in India. The health of many millions of Africans has also improved, thanks in part to the wider distribution of

mosquito nets and the gradual easing of the ravages of HIV/AIDS. Skills are improving: productivity is growing by nearly 3% a year, compared with 2.3% in America.

非洲对技术的热情促进了经济的增长。非洲共有6亿移动电话用户,这一数字要比美国或欧洲都多。由于道路总体上比较糟糕,通讯上的进步——如移动银行的流行和可从电话上获取农业信息,给生活带来了极大的便利。移动互联网设施覆盖了非洲大陆约十分之一的面——这一比例比印度要高。数以百万计的非洲人的身体健康同样得到改善,部分是由于蚊帐的广泛分发,以及艾滋造成的破坏慢慢减轻。技术也在进步:生产率每年以3% 的速率增长,与之相比,美国的这一速率为2.3%。

All this is happening partly because Africa is at last getting a taste of peace and decent government. For three decades after African countries threw off their colonial

shackles, not a single one (bar the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius) peacefully ousted a government or president at the ballot box. But since Benin set the mainland trend in 1991, it has happened more than 30 times—far more often than in the Arab world. 以上这些之所以得以正在发生, 部分原因是非洲终于能够初尝和平和较好政府的甜头了。非洲国家摆脱殖民镣铐之后的三十年, 从来没有一个国家(除了印度洋里的毛里求斯岛国)是通过投票箱和平地罢免一届政府或总统。不过自从贝宁在1991年和平罢免其政府, 从而开启了非洲大陆的先例后,和平罢免在非洲已经上演了30多次——远比阿拉伯世界要多。 Population trends could enhance these promising developments. A bulge of

better-educated young people of working age is entering the job market and birth rates are beginning to decline. As the proportion of working-age people to dependents rises, growth should get a boost. Asia enjoyed such a “demographic dividend”, which began three decades ago and is now tailing off. In Africa it is just starting.


Having a lot of young adults is good for any country if its economy is thriving, but if jobs are in short supply it can lead to frustration and violence. Whether Africa’s demography brings a dividend or disaster is largely up to its governments.


More trade than aid


Africa still needs deep reform. Governments should make it easier to start businesses and cut some taxes and collect honestly the ones they impose. Land needs to be taken out of communal ownership and title handed over to individual farmers so that they can get credit and expand. And, most of all, politicians need to keep their noses out of the trough and to leave power when their voters tell them to.


Western governments should open up to trade rather than just dish out aid. America’s African Growth and Opportunity Act, which lowered tariff barriers for many goods, is a good start, but it needs to be widened and copied by other nations. Foreign investors

should sign the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, which would let Africans see what foreign companies pay for licences to exploit natural resources. African governments should insist on total openness in the deals they strike with foreign companies and governments.


Autocracy, corruption and strife will not disappear overnight. But at a dark time for the world economy, Africa’s progress is a reminder of the transformative promise of growth.

An unpalatable solution不被认可的解决办法 Eurobonds could restore confidence, but at a cost


WITH alarming speed, Europe’s debt crisis has spread this summer from small countries such as Greece on the rim of the single-currency area to large economies such as Italy at its heart. The European Central Bank (ECB) has restored calm in Italian and Spanish government-bond markets for the moment by making big purchases of their debt. But such bond-buying is a temporary palliative. Many are now calling for a more fundamental solution to the crisis: the issue of “Eurobonds” in order to provide a fiscal underpinning to the shaky monetary union.

今年夏天,债务危机以惊人的速度从欧洲一些小国家漫延到其主要经济体,从单一货币区外围国家希腊到欧洲核心经济体——意大利。欧洲央行(European Central Bank)大量购买意大利和西班牙的国债,暂时缓解市场的焦虑。但是买入国债只是暂时的纾困手段。当下人们呼吁更加彻底的解决方案:发行―欧元债券‖,融合欧元区财政以支持摇摇欲坠的货币联盟。 These Eurobonds are not to be confused with their namesakes invented in the early 1960s, when bankers severed the link between currency and country of issuance by helping international borrowers sell dollar-denominated bonds in London. What

advocates of new-style Eurobonds have in mind for the euro area would be even more far-reaching: they wish to sever the link between the creditworthiness of a country and its cost of borrowing. The 17 member states of the single-currency area would be able to borrow in bonds issued by a European debt agency. These would be jointly guaranteed by all euro-area countries and thus underwritten in particular by the most creditworthy of them—above all, Germany, because of its economic clout and top-notch credit rating.


An underlying rationale for Eurobonds is that the public finances of the euro area as a whole look quite respectable, at least compared with those of other big rich economies. The IMF envisages that general government debt will reach 88% of the

single-currency zone’s GDP this year. This is lower than America’s 98% and not much higher than Britain’s 83%. The euro area’s projected budget deficit will be a bit above 4% of GDP, better than America’s 10% and Britain’s 8.5%. Neither

America—despite the recent downgrade of its debt by a rating agency—nor Britain has been subject to adebilitating loss of confidence. This suggests that pooling debt could indeed put an end to the euro crisis.

欧元债券的潜在存在根据是:欧元区公共财政融合成为一个整体会更重要,至少会被其他大而富有的经济体更重视。国际货币组织(IMF)预测今年欧元区政府债务会占其国民生产总值(GDP)的88%。低于美国——98%,略高于英国——83%。欧元区的预算赤字将会略高于GDP的4%,这比美国的10%,英国的8.5%好很多。英美的情况看起来更糟糕,甚至美国的信用评级最近还被降级了,但他们仍然没有丧失信心。这意味着债务聚合会结束欧元危机。 The successive waves of market attacks on countries have exposed an inherent fragility of a monetary union of states in which each stands behind its own debt but with the usual escape routes of devaluation and inflation no longer available. If investors lose confidence in a country’s fiscal prospects, their fear can become self-fulfilling by pushing up bond yields to unsustainable levels. The ECB

can soothe markets by buying bonds, but beyond a certain point such purchases threaten its independence. By pooling risk, Eurobonds could be a more durable

counter to such destabilising liquidity crises, argues Paul De Grauwe, an economist at the Catholic University of Leuven, in Belgium.

而现在欧元区各成员国独立应付自己的债务,面对货币贬值、通货膨胀束手无策,在市场不断施压的情况下,清晰地暴露出欧元区固有的脆弱。如果投资者对一个国家的财政预期失去信心,这种消极预期会推高其国债收益率,直至预期变成现实。尽管购买国债券可以暂时缓解市场压力,可一旦突破临界点,之前购买的国债券会严重影响欧洲央行(ECB)的独立性。因此通过风险聚合,欧元债券是应对流动性危机有力手段,比利时天主教鲁汶大学(Catholic University of Leuven) 的经济学家保罗?德?格劳威(Paul De Grauwe)说。

Another reason to introduce Eurobonds is that the existing defences drawn up to contain the crisis are starting to look too flimsy. The European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), the rescue fund set up last year, is due to have

China’s economy Five myths about china’s economy



根据PEW研究中心一份11月份的民意调查,44%的美国人认为中国已经是世界第一经济大国,而27%的人把美国是排在第一位置。这种观点与事实完全相悖。今年,中国经济预计将生产万亿美元的商品和服务,将使其超越日本成为世界第二大经济国家,但这仍然将只是美国14万亿经济总量的三分之一,并且远远落后于如果作为一个整体看待的欧盟。 中国经济之所以如此强大的原因之一就是它的13亿人口。但是中国人均GDP只有美国水平的1/7。而在家庭生活水平方面,中国落后得更多。每年,一个普通中国家庭消费的商品和服务总价值仅相当于普通美国家庭购买量的十四分之一。


When we look at famous people, especially movie stars, their glamorous lives seem far removed from anything average people experience in their lives. Yet, a deep passion and commitment to their dream is a common thread that runs through each of their stories.

Another common thread many of them share is using their celebrity and fame to focus attention and resources on the world’s citizens and populations. Indeed, they often exhibit, in differing ways, personality traits that deserve our admiration and applause.



(1)Mom-Lu’s one story frame house, with front yard garden and backyard chickens, was fenced in with chicken wire. (2)There was an old rusty iron gate at her front walk that leaned over crookedly. (3)Inside, her house looked just like she said it would: Two rockers and a folding chair were positioned about her potbellied stove that set in the center of her living room. (4)At far end of the room, there was an upholstered couch, a bench and a floorlamp near the door leading out into the kitchen. (5)She showed me my room which was along a small hall off the kitchen near the backdoor. (6) Then, Mom-Lu poured two tiny glasses, half-full, of the dandelion wine she’d made.

(7) “Welcome home.” She said. (8)We clicked our glasses. (9)It was the first sip of wine I ever tasted. (10)We sat down at the kitchen table for our first meal, together, of spoonbread chicken and greens, with candied yams and butter beans in separate side dishes.

(11)My room, at first, was just a pantry closet there in the small hall off the kitchen. (12)The shelves were removed from the walls and an opening was made in the wall of the house, for window, so light could fall into the room. (13)The closet already had a door. (14)Inside, I had a daybed with two pillows on it, a mirror on the wall, a small rug lying on the floor, and a boy’s worktable and chair there at my window facing the sideyard. (15)I couldn’t imagine how everything fit into my room like that. (16)But, it looked terrific! (17)It was my favorite spot in the house.



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