发布时间:2019-08-30 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:
[摘要] 基于药材性状和组织显微鉴别方法,对芫花及其混淆品河朔荛花的茎、叶进行了对比研究;并对芫花根进行了研究。结果表明芫花条药材或饮片主要为茎枝,节处有明显对生的叶柄痕和枝痕,一般未观察到叶或花序梗,折断面皮部有细密银白色絮状纤维。混淆品为带有茎枝、叶和花序梗的段,花序梗可见呈穗状花序的花梗痕。在显微组织方面,芫花的茎横切面韧皮部有单个散在的粗大的木化韧皮纤维,壁极厚;其叶下表皮附有单细胞非腺毛。河朔荛花茎横切面韧皮部未见粗大的木化韧皮纤维;叶表皮细胞外壁有厚角质层,下表皮无非腺毛。此结果可用于芫花条药材与饮片鉴别及质量标准制定。芫花根的组织和横切面观察可用于该品种根类药材的鉴别。
[关键词] 芫花条; 芫花; 河朔荛花; 芫花根; 性状鉴别; 显微鉴别
[Abstract] The purpose of this article is to identify Daphne genkwa and its adulterants, Wikstroemia chamaedaphne, according to the morphological and microstructure characteristics of their stem and foliage. The root of D.genkwa was studied simultaneously. The results indicated that the crude drug and processed pieces of Genkwa Ramulus were mainly composed of stems and branches where obvious opposite petiole scars and branch marks were able to be seen on their nodes. Otherwise, foliage or peduncles generally couldn′t be found. Moreover, the fine silver flocculent fibers could be observed in the bark of fracture surface. The adulterants were the plant segments which were composed of stems, foliage and peduncles with spikelet-pedicel scars. There existed microstructures differences between Genkwa Ramulus and its adulterants. In the former, single thick lignified phloem fibers were interspersed in the stem phloem of the transverse section with very thick wall and unicellular non-glandular hairs could be observed on the lower epidermis of foliage. Nevertheless, in the latter, there was no thick lignified phloem fibers in cross section of stem phloem, the outer wall of epidermal cells of foliage hadthick cuticles and no non-glandular hairs in lower epidermis of foliage. The results can be used for the identification and the quality standard of the crude drug and processed pieces of D.genkwa.The characteristics of the microstructures and the transverse section can be used to identify the radix D.genkwa.
[Key words] Genkwa Ramulus; Daphne genkwa; Wikstroemia chamaedaphne; Genkwa Radix(roots of Daphne genkwa); morphological dentification; microscopical identification
芫花條为瑞香科瑞香属植物芫花Daphne genkwa Sieb. et Zucc.的干燥枝条。本品为现代民间用药,未见历代本草收载。“芫花条”一名最早见于《山东中草药手册》[1],山东省中药材标准(1995年版、2002年版)也有收载。本品有逐水,祛痰,解毒杀虫,散风祛湿功效;用于水肿胀满,痰饮积聚,风湿痹痛,外治疥癣[2]。本品是《中国药典》2015年版“消络痛片”和“消络痛胶囊”的君药[3],用于治疗风湿性关节炎,有较好的疗效。
作者在对芫花条药材商品调查及草拟其药材标准时,收集样品的过程发现了2批芫花条的混淆品,样品呈饮片状,为茎枝的小段,并带有果序枝和叶,经鉴定为瑞香科荛花属植物河朔荛花Wikstroemia chamaedaphne Meisn.的枝条与叶。同时作者也注意到芫花条、芫花根药材鉴别方面的工作较少,需要进行详尽的实验研究[12]。因此为了解决这些问题,作者对芫花的枝条、根和叶及其混淆品的药材性状与显微组织进行了比较研究,试图为芫花条、芫花根药材的鉴别及其质量标准制定提供科学依据。