
发布时间:2019-08-29 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:

  摘要 目的:通过田间种植试验,分析不同种源的柴胡药材质量,为确定适宜北京地区种植柴胡的种源提供技术依据。方法:在北京市顺义区设置田间试验,种植从河北安国药材市场、安徽亳州药材市场、中国医学科学院药用植物研究所购买的3个种源的柴胡,采用紫外可见分光光度法及高效液相色谱(HPLC)法,测定药材样品中的柴胡总皂苷、柴胡皂苷a、柴胡皂苷c和柴胡皂苷d的含量,以甘肃、山西种植柴胡药材为对照,评价北京地区3个不同种源的柴胡药材质量。结果:3种不同种源的柴胡药材,在柴胡总皂苷、柴胡皂苷a、柴胡皂苷c、柴胡皂苷d含量等化学成分指标与甘肃、山西种植柴胡药材的差异无统计学意义,且符合中华人民共和国药典的标准,其中河北安国药材市场、中国医学科学院药用植物研究所种源的药材质量更优。结论:北京地区是种植柴胡的适宜产区,种源可从河北安国药材市场或中国医学科学院药用植物研究所购买。
  关键词 柴胡;种植;药材质量;北京地区
  Medicinal Materials Quality Analysis of Different Provenances of Radix Bupleuri Planted in Beijing
  Xue Wenfeng1,Liu Changli1,2,Chen Yan1
  (1 School of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Capital Medicine University, Beijing 100069,China; 2 Beijing Key Lab of TCM Collateral Disease Teory Reaserch, Beijing 100069, China)
  Abstract Objective:To analysis of different provenances of radix bupleuri medicinal materials quality using field planting test, and to determine the provenance of suitable cultivation of radix bupleuri in Beijing. Methods:Field experiment was set in Shunyi district of Beijing, growing 3 provenances of radix bupleuri bought from Hebei Anguo medicine market, Anhui Bozhou medicine market and Chinese academy of medical sciences institute of medicinal plant. By ultravioletvisible spectrophotometry and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method, total saponins in radix bupleuri, radix bupleuri saponins (a,b and c) were measured. Compared with those cultivated in Gansu and Shanxi, those three different provenance of radix bupleuri medicinal materials′ quality were evaluated. Results:Three different provenance of radix bupleuri had few difference comparing with those cultivated in Gansu and Shanxi in total saponins in radix bupleuri,and radix bupleuri saponins (a,b and c), besides, it met with Chinese pharmacopoeia standards, in which product of Hebei Anguo medicine market and Chinese academy of medical sciences institute of medicinal plant shared better quality.Conclusion:Beijing is suitable for planting of radix bupleuri, and provenance from hebei anguo medicine market or the Chinese academy of medical sciences institute of medicinal plant can be purchased.
  Key Words Radix bupleuri; Planting; Medicinal materials′ quality; Beijing
  柴胡性辛、苦、微寒,入肝、胆、肺经,具有疏散退热,疏肝解郁,举阳气的功效,用于感冒发寒热往来、胸胁胀痛、月经不调、子宫脱垂脱等证[1]。始载于《神农本草经》,在我国已有两千多年的使用历史。2015版《中华人民共和国药典》收录其来源为伞形科植物柴胡Bupleurum chinese DC.或狭叶柴胡Bupleurum scorzonerifolium willd.的干燥根。
  柴胡药材以野生品种应用为主,随著对柴胡药材的使用量的增加,野生柴胡不足以提供市场的需求。我国北方一些省区已开始进行柴胡的人工种植,而且柴胡的栽培技术发展迅速。但是由于柴胡的种植品种混乱[2],以及不同的种植品种、环境、地域、年限以及种植方法使得不同地区的柴胡质量参差不齐[3]。历史上北京沿燕山山脉一带山区是北柴胡的主要产区之一。早在1992年在北京密云怀柔就有种植三岛柴胡的文献[4],后来李勇等[5]在延庆种植北柴胡,并且对种植北柴胡根腐病的病原菌鉴定,杨成民等[6]研究了平谷区种植北柴胡皂苷含量动态变化,建议柴胡在10月底果实成熟期适于采收。顺义区位于北京市东北部,地处燕山南麓,年平均气温为11.5 ℃,年均相对湿度50%,年均降雨量约625 mm。安徽亳州药材市场、河北安国药材市场等主要中药药材市场,市场主流商品种植北柴胡产地以甘肃和山西产地为主。

相关热词搜索:北京地区 柴胡 同种 药材 种植

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