发布时间:2019-08-25 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:

摘要[目的]以提取液中多糖含量为指标,比较不同的提取条件对烟叶多糖提取率的影响。[方法]以废次烟叶为原料,通过正交试验法优化了多糖水提取工艺、超声提取工艺和酶法提取工艺,考察了料液比、提取时间、提取温度对提取液多糖浓度的影响。[结果]试验表明,在3种工艺中,料液比对提取液浓度的影响最大,超声提取工艺中提取温度对结果的影响不显著,酶法提取工艺中提取温度和提取时间对结果的影响都不显著。水提取工艺的最佳条件为料液比1∶15 g/ml,提取时间105 min,提取温度90 ℃,多糖提取浓度为(9.56±0.32)mg/ml;超声提取工艺的最佳条件为料液比1∶15 g/ml,提取时间25 min,提取温度40 ℃,多糖提取浓度为(10.61±0.22)mg/ml;酶法提取工艺的最佳条件为料液比1∶10 g/ml,提取时间50 min,提取温度40 ℃ ,多糖提取浓度为(8.56±0.41)mg/ml。[结论]研究可为进一步综合利用废次烟叶奠定基础。
关键词 烟叶;多糖;提取工艺
中图分类号 S509.9 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2015)32-175-03
Abstract[Objective]With polysaccharide content as index, effects of different extraction conditions on polysaccharide extraction rate of tobacco leaves were compared.[Method]The extraction processes of polysaccharides assisted by hotwater, ultrasonic or enzyme from discarded tobacco leaves were optimized through orthogonal experiments. The effects of ratio of material to water, extraction time and temperature on the extraction concentration of polysaccharides were investigated.[Result]The results showed that the ratio of material to water was the most significant factor influence on the extraction concentration in the three methods. The effect of extraction temperature was not significant in ultrasonicassisted method, and the effects of extraction time and temperature were not significant in enzymeassisted method. The optimum conditions of hotwater extraction process were A(1∶15 g/ml)B(105 min)C(90 ℃), and under these conditions the extraction concentration of polysaccharides was (9.56±0.32) mg/ml. The optimum conditions of ultrasonicassisted process were A(1∶15 g/ml)B(25 min)C(40 ℃), and the extraction concentration of polysaccharides was (10.61±0.22)mg/ml. The optimum conditions of enzymeassisted process were A(1∶10 g/ml)B(50 min)C(40 ℃), and the extraction concentration of polysaccharides was (8.56±0.41)mg/ml.[Conclusion]The study can lay a foundation for further utilization of discarded tobacco leaves.
Key words Tobacco leaves; Polysaccharides; Extraction process
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料 原料:废次烟叶,2014年生产烤烟红花大金元,由西昌学院农业科学学院提供。
主要仪器:Q506B2型高速多功能粉碎机,UNIVERSAL 320R型高速冷冻离心机,600型三用水箱,2023A型电热恒温干燥箱,WPRO10型超纯水机,KQ5200DE型数控超声波清洗器,1900PCS型双光束紫外可见分光光度计等。