发布时间:2019-08-25 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:

摘 要:采用田间试验方法,以秦烟96为试验材料,研究了黑麦草和毛苕2种绿肥翻压后对烟田土壤容重、土壤和叶片中钾营养以及烤烟的农艺性状和经济性状的影响,旨在寻求通过绿肥翻压,改善钾营养,进一步提高烟叶品质。结果表明,与对照相比,2种绿肥翻压均能显著降低烟田土壤的容重,增加土壤速效钾含量,提高田间鲜叶和烤后烟叶钾含量,提高烤烟上等烟比例和产量及质量,综合分析以毛苕翻压优于黑麦草翻压。因此,毛苕可作为一种优良的绿肥在陕南烟区示范推广,为改良烟田土壤、培肥地力、提升烟叶品质提供理论依据和技术支撑。
中图分类号 S572 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-7731(2015)10-58-04
Abstract:A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of two different green manure application of Secale cereal L. and Vicia uillosa Roth on soil bulk density,potassium contents,agronomic and economic characters of flue-cured tobacco to improve soil fertility and potassium contents as well as provide scientific basis for production with high yield and quality in Hanzhong tobacco region using Qinyan 96. The results suggested that two different green manure both can obviously decrease soil bulk density,improve the soil available potassium content,and increase potassium content of tobacco leaves as well as the quality and agronomic traits compared to the control. Conclusively,Vicia uillosa Roth could be the reasonable application of green manure to improve soil fertility and promote the growth and development of flue-cured tobacco. Therefore,Vicia can be used as experimental extension in an attempt to provide theoretical basis and technical support for improving soil fertility and enhancing the quality of tobacco in practice of Qinyan96 in the southern tobacco-growing area in Shannxi.
Key words:Flue-cured tobacco;Green manure;Potassium content;Yield;Quality
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验地概况 试验于2013-2014年在汉中市洋县洋州镇何家村进行。试验田土壤类型为红壤土,土壤质地疏松,地块平整,排灌方便;土壤pH5.9,土壤容重1.46g/cm3,土壤养分含量为:有机质1.77g/kg、碱解氮126.84mg/kg、速效磷21.78mg/kg、速效钾194.00mg/kg。
1.2 供试材料及试验设计 选择黑麦草和毛苕为供试绿肥品种,毛苕和黑麦草于2013年9月底播种,2014年4月5日进行绿肥翻压,播种量约45kg/hm2。4月25日起垄,5月6日移栽,供试品种为秦烟96,移栽密度为120cm×55cm。烟草专用复合肥用量为300kg/hm2(总养分含量40%,N∶P2O5∶K2O=10∶10∶20),过磷酸钙(P2O512%)375kg/hm2,硫酸钾(K2O50%)300kg/hm2,硝磷铵(N30%,P2O54%)60kg/hm2,农用硫酸镁75kg/hm2,持力硼3kg/hm2。田间管理措施同一般。