发布时间:2019-08-22 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:
摘 要:全面推行“营改增”试点改革,对于旅游业的发展既是机遇也是挑战。与其他行业相比,旅游业具有业务涉及面广、产业链长、异地性等特征,“营改增”对旅游业的税负、净利润等方面将会产生不同于其他行业的影响。文章以旅游业的核心纽带——旅行社为研究对象,分析“营改增”对旅行社税负与净利润等方面的影响,针对可能出现的风险,提出增加进项税额,扩大进项税扣除范围,加大政府对旅游业的扶持力度,充分发挥旅游行业协会的服务、沟通、协调、自律作用,优化旅游企业的内部管理,调整管理决策思维模式,细化有关旅游业“营改增”政策的规定,完善旅游业管理的法律法规和政策,加快增值税立法进程等对策。
中图分类号:F590.66文献标志码:A 文章编号:1671-1254(2016)06-0053-07
Abstract:Full implementing of the pilot reform of “BT transformed to VAT”, that is for the development of the tourism industry is both an opportunity and a challenge. Compared with other industries, the tourism industry has certain characteristics of wide business scope, long industrial chain, and allopatry. The “BT transformed to VAT” reform will have a different effect on the tax burden, net profit of the tourism industry from those of other industries. Since the travel agency is the core link of tourism industry in China, this paper used it as the study object, analyzing its impact on taxes and net profit. Aiming at possible risks, the article puts forward measures of increasing the input tax, expanding the scope of income tax deduction, increasing the government’s support of the tourism industry, fully promoting the role of service, communication, coordination and self-discipline of the association of travel industry, optimizing the internal management of tourism industry business, adjusting the management decision thinking mode, detailing regulations on tourism revenue to increase policy, perfecting the laws, regulations and policies of tourism management, and accelerating the process of VAT legislation.
Keywords:the“BT (Business Tax) transformed to VAT (Value-Added Tax)” reform; tax burden; net profit; tourism industry; travel agency