发布时间:2017-02-06 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:
1 名人举例
贝多芬 Beethoven ['beith?uv?n]
1770-1827,德国作曲家 (keywords:乐观/毅力/意志/梦想)
How could Beethoven,a great German music composer who became deaf at his forties,compose so many enduring symphonies and win respect and affection from the whole world without perseverance/ a strong will / optimism?
爱迪生(Thomas Edison)
1847-1931,美国发明家、企业家 (keywords:坚持 毅力 克服困难)
How could Thomas Edison,one of the greatest inventors throughout the history of mankind who experienced numero
us unsuccessful attempts, invent the first electric lamp without persistence?人类历史上最伟大的发明家托马斯.爱迪生,如果没有经历数千次失败的尝试后的坚持,怎么可能成功地制造出第一盏电灯?
海伦凯勒 (Helen Keller)
1880 -1968 9盲聋女作家、教育家、、社会活动家
(keywords:坚强 意志梦想 乐观)
How could Helen Keller, a disabled woman who was born blind and deaf, finally be a world-renowned writer who wrote If I Had Three Days to See without a strong will/ an optimistic mindset/ an objective to overcome her physical limitation?
海伦凯勒,一个生来就盲聋的残疾女人,如果没有坚强的意志/乐观的心态/ 目标去克服她的身体极限,怎么可能成为创作出《加入给我三天的光明》这样的作品的世界知名的作家?
(keywords:谦虚/ 不自满,不骄傲)
How could Newton, one of the most influential scientists throughout the history of mankind,discover the Law of Momentum Conservation if he was content with his achievements of finding Three Laws of Motion and made no further efforts in scientific research?
人类历史上最有影响的科学家之一牛顿,如果他只满足于发现了力学三定律而不再努力,他怎么可能会进而发现动能守恒定律 ?
本杰明.富兰克林 (Benjamin Franklin)
1706-1790 资本主义精神最完美的代表,十八世纪美国最伟大的科学家和发明家,著名的政治家、外交家、哲学家、文学家和航海家以及美国独立战争的伟大领袖
(keywords:谦虚/ 不自满,不骄傲)
How could Benjamin Franklin, an once printer of humble origins, attain tremendous achievements in so many fields such as science, politics, literature and navigation if he was simply content with small achievements?
史蒂夫.乔布斯 (Steve Jobs)
1955-2011,发明家、企业家、美国苹果公司联合创办人 (keywords:创新精神) How could Steve Jobs, a genius who changed the way of modern communication, recreation and even our life, launch so many powerful electronic products constantly without a creative spirit?
姚明 (Yao Ming)
1980- ,中国长城 (keywords:自信)
How could Yao Ming,an once ordinary and unknown basketball player in Asia, achieve unprecedented success in NBA Without confidence?
A. 人生哲理类必备素材
Topic 1:Optimism 乐观心态的意义(直接命中2012写作真题)
The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of an optimistic mindset. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. An optimistic mindset can help us
achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize our dreams more rapidly. By being optimistic. we can face challenges and surmount hardships with confidence,keep sober and figure out effective measures even in desperate situations. To further illustrate the importance of being optimistic, I would like to take Beethoven as a case in point: how could he, a great German music composer who became deaf at his forties, compose so many enduring and classic symphonies without optimism?
Accordingly, at no time should we overlook the power of optimism. once coming across frustrations and intending to give up, we should remind ourselves that it is optimism that will finally lead us to turn the corner. “the optimistic sees the rose, and the pessimistic sees the thorn.” A philosopher once said.
Topic 2:Innovation consciousness 创新意识的意义
The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of the consciousness of innovation. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. A innovative spirit can promote the advancement of both individuals and society as a whole. only those who are keeping on creating new things can make continuous progress and maintain competitive edge. To further illustrate the importance of innovation, I would like to take Steve Jobs as a case in point: how could he, a genius who change the way of modern communication, recreation and even our life, invent so many powerful electronic products without a creative spirit ?
From my perspective, at no time should we overlook the power of the consciousness of innovation. Furthermore, we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work, study or simply everyday life. “Innovation is the spirit of human being’s progress.” A philosopher once said.
Topic 3:persistence/ perseverance 坚持的意义
The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of persistence. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. Persistence can help us carve out a way to success. Although the way to success is bumpy and filled with inevitable setbacks, it is persistence that lead us to the destination we are eager to reach. To further demonstrate the importance of being persistent, I would like to take Thomas Edison as a case in point: how could he, one of the greatest inventor throughout the history of mankind who experienced numerous unsuccessful attempts, invent the first electric lamp without persistence ?
Accordingly, at no time should we overlook the importance of persistence. when coming across hardships and setbacks , we need to grit our teeth and adhere to the faith that our efforts and persistence will be paid off. “Great works are performed not by strength, but by perseverance.” Samuel Johnson once said.
Topic 4:Dreams/ objectives 梦想和目标的意义
The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of our dreams/objectives. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. Our dreams/goals/ideals/objectives will prevent us from quitting easily especially when we are in great trouble. They will lead us to the destination we are eager to reach, bring out the best in us and stimulate us to remain firm in our faith. To further illustrate the importance of dreams/objectives, I would like to take Helen Keller as a case in point: how could she, a disabled woman who was born blind and deaf, finally be a world-renowned writer who wrote If I Had Three Days to See without her dreams to overcome physical limitations.
Accordingly, at no time should we underestimate the power of dreams/objectives. furthermore, we must set up proper goals before we start to do anything and stick to it whatever difficulties we meet . “One of the most dangerous forms of human error is forgetting what one is trying to achieve. ” Paul Nitze once said.
Topic 5:Modesty 谦虚的意义
The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of modesty. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. Modesty can inspire people to achieve greater success. Those who are modest will never be content with their current achievements, instead, they will work constantly to achieve a higher target. moreover,a modest people are more likely to be fitting in, win others’ trust and enjoy a harmonious interpersonal relationship. To further illustrate the importance of modesty, I would like to take Newton as a case in point: how could he, one of the most influential scientists throughout the history of mankind, discover the Law of Momentum Conservation if he was simply content with the achievement of finding Three Laws of Motion ?
Accordingly, at no time should we be satisfied with our small accomplishments, instead , we need to keep an open mind to accept new things, absorb new information, acquire new knowledge and seize new opportunities. “Success consists in industry and modesty.” A philosopher once said.
Topic 6:cooperation 合作的意义
The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of cooperation. Definitely, no
once can deny the importance of it. Cooperation can help people achieve our objectives more smoothly. If everyone in a group can cooperate with each other actively and play each other’s strength sufficiently, those once-deemed-unachievable tasks for one single person can be successfully accomplished through shared efforts. Quite a few examples can be given to prove the importance of A, and I can think of no better illustration than the following one: after the financial crisis swept the whole world in 2008, how could the world economy recover/restore/revive/revitalize at such a rapid speed without cooperation among countries all around the world ?
We should Always bear in mind that in such a competitive world of today, no individuals or organizations can achieve success without cooperation. Furthermore, when coming across setbacks or challenges, we should not dismiss ourselves as a powerless individual, instead, we should discover advantageous resources initiatively, collaborate effectively with people around us, and thus overcome all the things that lie in the way to success.“Coming together is a beginning . Keeping together is a process . Working together is a success.” Hey Ford once said.
Topic 7:patience 耐心的意义
The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of cooperation. Definitely, no once can deny the importance of it. Being patient enables us to achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize our dreams more rapidly. Those who have the patience to do little things perfectly and keep optimistic in desperate situations are more likely to recognize themselves profoundly, discover their shortcomings and space to make progress and thus eventually seize the opportunity. To further illustrate the importance of being patient, I would like to take Thomas Edison as a case in point: how could he, one of the greatest inventor throughout the history of mankind who experienced numerous unsuccessful attempts, invent the first electric lamp without patience and persistence ?
Accordingly, at no time should we underestimate the power of patience. Furthermore, when coming with setbacks and bottlenecks, instead of giving up easily, what we must do is to accumulate experience, enhance abilities and wait for the appearance of opportunities. “Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly ever acquire the skill to do difficult things easily.” Friedrich Schiller, German dramatist and poet, also once said.
Topic 8:diligence 勤奋的意义
The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of diligence. Definitely, no once
我国当代数学家陈景润,在攀登数学高峰的道路上,翻阅了国内外上千本有关资料,通宵达旦地看书学习,演算研究,最后取得了震惊世界的成就,成为最接近数学王冠上的明珠—— 哥德巴赫猜想的第一人。?
Chen Jing Run, one of the most famous contemporary mathematicians, he reads thousands of workings both in our own country and foreign countries. He works so hard, reads books all night and does calculus study. Finally, he reaches a shocked world achievement and becomes well-known all over the world.
中国科学院学部委员(院士)、生物学家、教育家、中国实验胚胎学研究的创始人之一。曾任山东大学副校长,中国科学院海洋研究所首任所长、中国海洋湖沼学会副理事长、中国科学院生物学部主任、中国科学院副院长、全国政协副主席、山东大学动物系主任兼教授等职。 童第周是我国著名的生物学家,也是国际知名的科学家。他从事实验胚胎学的研究近半个世纪,是我国实验胚胎学的主要创始人。
此后,他就与“路灯”常相伴:天蒙蒙亮,他在路灯下读外语;夜熄灯后,他在路灯下自修复习。功夫不负有心人,期末,他的平均成绩达到70多分,几何还得了100 分。这件事让他悟出了一个道理:别人能办到的事,我经过努力也能办到,世上没有天才,天才是用劳动换来的。之后,这也就成了他的座右铭。
大学毕业后他去比利时留学。在国外学习期间,童第周刻苦钻研,勤奋好学,得到了老师的好评。获博士学位后,他回到了灾难深重的祖国,在极为困难的条件下进行科学研究工作。 没有电灯,他们就在阴暗的院子里利用天然光在显微镜下从事切割和分离卵子工作;没有培养胚胎的玻璃器皿,就用粗瓷陶酒杯代替,所用的显微解剖器只是一根自己拉的极细的玻璃丝;实验用的材料蛙卵都是自己从野外采来的。就在这简陋的“实验室”里,童第周和他的同事们完成了若干篇有关金鱼卵子发育能力和蛙胚纤毛运动机理分析的论文。
Tong Di Zhou, China’s famous biologist, is also the international famous
scientist. He has a poverty-stricken family and his learning foundation is bad, but after his continuous hard work, eventually he got outstanding achievement.
World famous singer, Liao Chang Yong, when he was 7 years old, his father died. For his poor family, it is undoubtedly worse. After he went to school, Liao grew to like music and seized any opportunity to learn music, though he had failed for many times, the beautiful melody music again wet his aimless mind,eventually he dried out from the shadows and became a famous tenor.桑兰
The original national women's gymnastics team. The eighth national games, participated in get vault in an international competition. She
accidentally wounded disability. But she handicapping volunteers don't
remnants. In treatment at the same time, she take the time to study, to continue to participate in sports exercise, actively participate in various social activities.
Zhang Hai Di at 5 years old, this can only use the brush to portray a dream, doom is relentlessly comes on him, cruel deprived her freedom. She caused by high because of spinal cord hemangioma, since then became a conservative, but for disabled children in cruel fate, she didn't before, but frustration and destruction with strong perseverance and perseverance struggle against disease, suffered a severe test, round her wheelchair dream!
Nowadys,idol worship becomes a way of life,especially during part of undergraduates.We can know about some crazy things that happened in them from reports.For instance,some fans even snatched phones from strangers in the street so as to support their idol by sending messages;some fans were inclined to suicide because of the death of their idol;in order to participate in their idol’s concerts,some fans spent excessive money that their family could not afford.
We have to dwell that what makes such marvel things happened. On one hand,some biologists believe that it was our DNA that makes us come to worship celebrities.They say that as long as there have been those who pull ahead of the crowd in fame or fortune,there has been a curious crowd wanting to follow,this phenomenon is programmed into our DNA.Those who can’t clearly handle the impact of DNA may do some unbelievable things.On the other hand,some sociologists who study the cult of celebrities hold that fans are getting tired of the monotonous life at home and school so that they are eager to have some exciting experience.
Faced with such phenomenon,different people have different opinions.From my point of view,idol worship may have some good influnce on our life,we can learn some good quality that can spark us from our idol.In addition,we can relax ourselves during the process we concentrate on our idols.However,we should’t become avid and mania,otherwise ,we will lose our real life.
Only by treating idol worship properly,can we lead a happy life.
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