发布时间:2017-02-05 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:
近年来,我国酒店行业发展迅猛,不仅在酒店数量、档次还是酒店的集团化等方面都取得了重大进展。我认为,在今后几年,我国的酒店行业还会随着旅游业的发展而继续发展。而且在随着我国经济水平程度不断提高,我国酒店行业未来的发展呈现出新的发展趋势。30年后的事情真的很难预测。但是作为一个酒店管理专业的学生,是时候考虑考虑这个行业的前景了。 In recent years, China's hotel industry developing rapidly, not only in quantity, grade, or hotel have made great progress in such aspects as the collectivization. I think, in the next few years, China's hotel industry will continue to develop with the development of tourism. And along with our country economy level degree unceasing enhancement, our country hotel industry presents the new development trend of future development. After 30 years of things really hard to predict. But as a hotel management specialized student, it's time to think about the prospect of the industry.
First of all, I think, in general, the future of our country will reduce the number of the hotel, but the quality of the hotel will be more and more high. At the same time, the size of the hotel will be more and more big. Why do I say so? With the development of Chinese economy, the hotel industry competition becomes unusually fierce. This time, the strength is weak or business is not good that part of the hotel will be eliminated, and the strength of stronger or operation of a good hotel will stay. When faced with China's large consumer market, the surviving hotels naturally will expand its scale. This includes group and individual hotel to expand. Group would show the chain or other hotel. A single expand show the hotel building area expansion and the expansion of service scope, the resort is a good form. The hotel industry is an industry of sustainable development, and if you don't have other people good, you will fail in the end. Therefore, in order to achieve sustained development, every hotel has to constantly improve their own comprehensive strength, and in order to achieve the purpose of competing.
第二,住酒店的人会越来越多,酒店的消费水平会越来越高。一方面,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,他们会乐意去做一些放松的事。比如,越来越多的人会热衷于旅游。旅游不仅使自己在忙碌工作后的可以得到放松,而且可以获得精神上的满足和扩张自己的视野。当然,旅游就会伴随着住宿问题,而他们大多时候会选择酒店。更重要的是,会有越来越多的人因为工作的原因而选择住酒店,比如跨国公司的外籍员工,外出的调查人员等等。另一方面,酒店会提供越来越周到的服务,这就意味着你在享受这些服务的时候也会消费更多的钱。就我所知,现在有些酒店不仅提供正常的住宿和餐饮服务,还会有健身房,游泳池,会议室,现场娱乐表演等等。在提供这些服务时,酒店的成本会大大增加,因此很容易想到他们会向客人额外收取费用。 Second, the hotel will be more and more people, the hotel will be more and more high. On the one hand, as people living standard unceasing enhancement, they will be happy to do something to relax. For example, more and more people would be keen to travel. Travel not only to make themselves can relax after a busy job, and can obtain spiritual satisfaction and expand their horizons. Tour will be accompanied by accommodation problem, of course, and most of the time they will choose the hotel. And, more importantly, there will be more and more people choose to live in the hotel, because of my job, such as foreign employees of the multinational company, out of the investigators, and so on. On the other hand, the hotel will provide more and more considerate service, it means that you are
enjoying these services will also be spending more
money. As far as I know, now some hotel provides not only the normal accommodation and catering services, will also have a gym, swimming pool, meeting room, live entertainment, and so on. In providing these services, the cost of the hotel will greatly increase, so it's easy to think of them will be additional charge to the guest. 第三,未来酒店的服务人员依旧会是人,而不是机器人。许多人认为,未来酒店的服务人员会是机器人,他们相信这是科技和社会进步的必然趋势。但是我却不赞同这样的观点,我认为会是人。众所周知,酒店行业是以人为主的行业,它的核心就是人。酒店的客人都希望得到人性化的服务,感觉是在自己的家里一样。我认为,只有人才能提供给顾客这种感觉。因为我相信,这种服务的前提是沟通。我不认为机器人能够做到这种沟通。试想一下,作为顾客,你是更愿意和机器人交流呢,还是更愿意和人交流。显而易见,大家会更倾向于选择一个人。 Third, the future hotel service staff person will be, and not a robot. Many people believe that the future of the hotel service personnel will be a robot, they believe it is the inevitable trend of science and technology and social progress. But I don't agree with this point of view, and I think that would be. As is known to all, the hotel industry is a people industry, its core is the people. Hotel guests want humanized service, feeling is in your own home. I think, only talent can provide this kind of feeling for the customer. Because I believe that this service is the premise of the communication. I don't
think robots can do this kind of communication. Imagine, as a customer, you are more willing to communicate with the robot, or more willing to communicate with people. It is obvious that we will be more inclined to choose a person.
总之,未来中国酒店行业面临巨大的机会,同时也伴随着各种挑战。不过我坚信,对于酒店管理专业的我们来说,肯定是机会大于挑战。 All in all, the future China's hotel industry faces huge opportunity, but also with all sorts of challenges. But I firmly believe that, for those of us in our hotel management professional, definitely opportunities outweigh the challenges.
I would like to have a morning Call at8:00 in the morning.我要早上8:00设定电话叫醒。 I'd like to order room service, please.我要食物送到房间的服务。
I'd like a room of one.我要单人房。
I'd like a room for two with separate beds.我要两张床的房间。
I'd like as extra bed for room 702.我要在702房多加一张床。
When is check out time? 退房的适合时间?
I am interested in booking a room.我想订房。
Could I book a double room for 3 days from ...(日期)..to(日期).我要订一间双人房从.... How much is a double room for 1 night? 双人床一晚多少呢?
Your booking is confirmed.你的订房已经生效了。
Do you have a bus service from the airport? 有饭店bus在机场接送吗?
Could you fax me a map of how to get to the hotel? 请你传真路线图给我,我想知道如何到你们饭店。
Could you show me my room? 你可以带我到我的房间吗?
Where is the emergency exit and staircase? 紧急出口和楼梯在那里?
Please send another blanket to my room.请再送一条毯子到我房间。
The sheets are dirty.床单很脏。
There's no running hot water in my room.我房间没有热水。
I'll arrive late, but please keep my reservation.我会晚一点到达,请保留所预订的房间。 I'd like a room with a nice view (abalcony).我想要一间视野好(有阳台)的房间。 What time does the dining room open? 餐厅几点开始营业?
What time can I have breakfast? 早餐几点开始供应?
Could you keep my valuables? 是否可代为保管贵重物品?
I'd like to check out. My bill, please.我要退房。请给我帐单。
Please bring me some ice cubes and water.请送给我一些冰块和水。
The air-conditioner (T.V. set、light) doesn't work.冷气(电视、灯)无法开启。
Hi, we need a table for two, please. 你好﹐我们有两位。
May we have a table by the window, please? 请给我们靠窗桌子好吗﹖
We prefer to sit by the window, please. 我们想坐在靠窗的位子。
Can I take this seat? 我可以坐这个位子吗?
This table would be great. Thank you. 这个位子很好﹐谢谢。
May I have a menu, please? 请给我菜单。
Do you have a menu in chinese? 是否有中文菜单?
What's your special today? 你们今天有什么特餐﹖
What kind of dish is most popular here? 这里最受欢迎的餐点是什么呢﹖
I'd like to have some local food.我想尝试一下当地食物。
I cannot tolerate spicy food, could your chef make my dishes mild? 我受不了辣的菜﹐可以请厨师在我的餐点不加辣吗﹖
We need more time to decide what toorder. 我们还需要一些时间来决定要点什么。
Sorry, we still don't have any idea of what to order, do you have any suggestions? 对不起﹐我们还是没有头绪﹐你有什么建议吗﹖
I would like to have the same as thenext table. 我想和隔壁桌一样的菜
OK, we'll start with two glasses of icedtea, easy on ice, please. 请先给我们两杯冰茶,不要太多冰。
Excuse me, I'd like my coffee warmer. Could you please heat up my coffee little bit? Thank you!.请给我热一点的咖啡
Do you offer any set courses for party of two? 你们有没有提供2人套餐﹖
May I have another fork please? 请再给我一根叉子。
Could you give me a fork, please. 请你给我一根叉子。
Could you pass me the salt(pepper)? 请把盐(楜椒)传给我。
This is not what I ordered. 这不是我点的食物。
Is soda refillable? 汽水可续杯吗﹖
Some more water please. 请再帮我加些水。
May we have some more napkins? 可以再给我们一些纸巾吗﹖
We could like to order some desert now. 我们现在想点些甜点。
Excuse me, would you please show me where the restroom is? 麻烦告诉我厕所在哪里。 We are ready for the bill now. 我们要买单。
Is the gratuity included in the bill? 小费有包括在帐单里吗﹖
Are we supposed to leave tips here? 我们需要付小费吗﹖
Is American Express(visa or master travelers' check...)
granted /accepted here? 你们收美国运通卡/visa/master/旅行支票吗﹖
What type of credit cards do you accept? 你们收那种信用卡呢﹖
Thank you for your service. We really enjoyed it. 谢谢你的服务﹐我们这餐吃得很好。
Can you change this into Rupiah? 请将这些外币兑换成印度尼西亚盾?
I'd like some small change? 请将大钞换成零钱
Is there an airport bus to the city? 这里有从机场去市中心的巴士吗 ?
Where is the bus stop (taxi stand)? 巴士车站在哪里 ?
How much does it cost to the city centre by taxi? 乘计程车到市中心需要多少钱 Keep the change, please 不用找钱了
Take me to this address, please 请拉我去这个地址
How long does it take to go to the city centre ? 到市中心需要多长时间?
Stop here, please 请停下来。
What time does it leave? 几点发车?
Where can I get a ticket? 我可以在哪里买票?
Could you tell me when we get there? 请问几点能够到达那里。
Thank you but I'm just looking. 谢谢,可是我只是看看。
Let me look around a little more. 让我自己看看
Do you have this in another color? 这个有别的颜色吗?
May I try this on? 我可以试穿这个吗?
Is this tax free? 这免税吗?
Can I pay by credit card? 我可不可以用信用卡付帐?
Too expensive. How about a discount? 太贵了,打个折吧?
Still too expensive. Give me a better discount, and I'll bring back my friends.还是太贵了,再便宜一点吧,我会带朋友来。
Can you cut me a deal? 你可以算便宜一点吗?
Is this your final price? 不能再便宜了吗?
I want this, but in a large size. 我要大一点的
I would like to take this one. 我要买这个。
Please wrap this for me. 请帮我把这个包起来。
I'm looking for a gift for my friend. 我要买这个礼物送给我朋友。
What time do you open/close? 你们几点营业/打烊?
Where can I change money? 我能在哪里换钱?
Where is the cash desk? 收银台在哪里?
姓:Family name,Surname
名:First Name,Given name
国籍:nationality,country of citizenship
护照号:passport number
航班号:Flight number
原住地:country of origin
前往国:destination country
登机城市:city where you boarded
签证签发地:city where visa was issued
签发日期:date of issue
出生日期:date of birth,birth date
偕行人数:accompanying number
官方填写:official use only
商务签证:Business Visa
观光签证:Tourist Visa
入境大厅:Arrival Lobby
出境大厅:Departure Lobby
登机门号码:Gate Number
登机证:Boarding Card,Boarding Pass
机场税:Airport Tax
登机手续办理处:Check in Counter
海关申报处:Customs Service Area
货币申报:Currency Declaration
免税商品:Duty-Free Items
托运的行李:Checked baggage
行李领取处:Baggage claim area
随身行李:Carry-on baggage
行李牌:Baggage Tag
行李推车:Luggage Cart
退税处:Tax-free refund
盥洗室(厕所):Lavatory,washroom,toilet W.C.=water closet,rest room 男厕:Men's,Gent's,Gentlemen's
机内免税贩卖:In-Flight Sales
外币兑换店:Currency Exchange Shop
汇率:Exchange rate
旅行支票:Traveler's check
银行买入价:We buy(Bid)
银行卖出价:We sell(Ask)
外汇:foreign exchange
客房服务:Room Service
退房(时间):Check Out(Time)
前台:Front Desk,Reception
咖啡馆:Coffee shop
服务员,侍者:waiter(餐厅、旅馆的服务生、行李员) 电话叫醒服务:Wake Up Call,Morning Call 餐厅在那儿?:Where is the dining room?
火龙果 pitaya
西红柿 tomato
菠萝 pineapple
西瓜 watermelon
香蕉 banana
柚子 shaddock (pomelo)
橙子 orange
苹果 apple
柠檬 lemon
樱桃 cherry
桃子 peach
梨 pear
枣 Chinese date(去核枣 pitted date )
椰子 coconut
草莓 strawberry
树莓 raspberry
蓝莓 blueberry
黑莓 blackberry
葡萄 grape
甘蔗 sugar cane
芒果 mango
木瓜 pawpaw或者papaya
杏子 apricot
油桃 nectarine
柿子 persimmon
石榴 pomegranate
榴莲 jackfruit
I see, sir .我明白了,先生。
Just a moment,please.请稍等。
Thank you for waiting.您久等了,先生。
I am very sorry to have kept you waiting..。很抱歉让您久等了。
Could you wait a little longer,please? 请您稍候号码?
I am afraid I can't do that. 不好意思,我恐怕没办法那样做。
Excuse me, sir. Please let me pass. 不好意思,先生,麻烦让我过一下。
如果是自己的错就说“I am sorry”,如果是酒店的错就说:“we are sorry.”
I am very sorry for the delay. 很抱歉延误了时间。
I am very sorry for the inconvenience. 很抱歉造成您的不便。
I would like to apologize for the mistake.为这个错误我深表歉意。
5、客人对自己说“Thank you.”时回答
You are welcome.不客气。
Here you are.您要的东西在这里
Here is your room key.这是您的房间钥匙。
Here it is. 这是您的东西。
Have a nice day.祝您有美好的一天。
We hope to see you again soon.希望不久能再次见到您。
面对客人的疑问,不要只是一味地傻笑,或是一直说Yes,如果听不懂时,要向客人提出疑问,或是先向对方说“Just a moment, please.”然后请求他人协助。
Pardon me? 对不起?
I beg your pardon?对不起,请再说一遍好吗?
Could you repeat that, please? 请您重复一遍好吗?
Excuse me,sir.Do you mean you lost your room key?不好意思,先生,您是说您丢了房间的钥匙?
1、Welcome to our hotel.欢迎光临
2、Can I help you?我能帮您忙吗?
3、What kind of room would you like, sir?先生,您要什么样的房间?
4、Please wait a moment, I have to check if there is a room available. 请稍等,我查一下有没有空房。
5、Enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在我们这里住得愉快。
6、May I know your name and your room number,please?我可以知道您的名字和房间号码吗?
7、Excuse me, sir, could you spell your name?请问您的名字如何拼写?
8、Here's your room key.这是您的房间钥匙。
9、I'm sorry to keep you waiting, sir. What can I do for you?
10、Please wait your turn.请排队等候。
11、May I know
12、 your name,please?