
发布时间:2017-02-03 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:

英语心灵鸡汤短文篇一:Chicken Soup 心灵鸡汤美文


Actions, not words, are the true criterion of the attachment of friends.

George Washington

It was spring at last. The sun was high in a cloudless sky. Birds sang. Flowers bloomed. Best of all, it was Saturday--a perfect day to be out playing with friends. The problem was, we’d only been in town two months so I hadn’t made any friends. My family moved a lot. It’s hard when you’re always the new kid on the block.

So, here I was, stuck with my baby brother John and Mary, the new sitter, while Mom and Dad were out of town on business. It was not going to be a fun day!

Just as we started lunch, the phone rang. I hopped up to answer it. “Hello, Morrell’s residence. Lou speaking.”

“Hi, Lou. It’s Alicia.”

My heart did a rapid pit-a-pat-pat. “Alicia Whitman?”

She giggled. “You know another Alicia?”

“No.” There was only one Alicia: the most popular, prettiest, richest girl in my class.

“I called to invite you over to my house this afternoon. We can ride my horse.”

“Hang on. I’ll ask.” Heart racing, I ran to the kitchen. “Mary, can I go play with my friend Alicia this afternoon?”

Mary was trying to scoop peas off the floor faster than my brother dropped them. “Where does she live?”

“Only a few blocks from here,” I said, picturing the fancy brick house that we passed on our way home from school. I held my breath.

“Would your mom let you go?”

“Sure, she would. Please, Mary. Please, please, please.”

John dumped the whole dish from his highchair.

“Oh, all right,” Mary said with a sigh.

I rushed back to the phone ”Alicia, I can come. What time?”

“One o’clock?”

“Great. See ya then.”

I was so excited I could hardly breathe. I was going to hang out with Alicia Whitman! Ride her horse. Every girl in class wanted to be Alicia’s friend.

“Come eat your lunch,” Mary called.

I’m not hungry. I have to get ready.

I chose my outfit very carefully: my best shorts, clean T-shirt and brand-new shoes. I even washed my face and combed the tangles out of my hair. When I was satisfied, I called, “I’m going now, Mary.”

I set off. The sun beat down on my back and bounced off the sidewalk. Cars and trucks swished by on the highway. I did’t care about the heat or the noise. I was too busy daydreaming about the possibility of becoming good friends with Alicia. I’d liked Alicia from the first day. We were a lot alike. We both loved to read. Our hands were the first up to answer questions. We mostly got A’s. We both liked to play sports, although Alicia was always picked first and me last. And we both were horse-crazy. I just knew we could be best friends—if we had a chance.

The sidewalk stretched on forever and ever. It hadn’t seemed this far in the car! My shirt was getting sweaty and one heel in my new shoes hurt like crazy. I stopped and pulled down my sock. A big, fat blister had bubbled up. Youch! I kept going, walking on my tippytoes. It couldn’t be that much farther now, could it?

Several blocks later, across the highway, I saw the meadow with Alicia’s horse, Buttercup, in it. Now all I had to do was cross four lanes of traffic. I sure hoped I wasn’t late!

Cars and trucks whizzed past me. I waited the longest time for a break. When it came, I made a mad dash to the other side. Whew! I was there.

The Whitman house was surrounded by big, old trees. The cool shade felt wonderful. I smoothed my hair and my shorts. My mouth was dry. I hoped Alicia would offer me a cold drink right away. I walked up to the front door and rang the bell.

No one answered.

I rang again, then knocked. No one came to the door.

Maybe they were out back? I walked around on the brick walk. There were no cars in the

driveway. No one on the fancy rock terrace either. I knocked on the back door.

Nobody came.

Alicia’s tree house was empty, too. I climbed up to check. Except for Buttercup, the whole place was deserted!

I couldn’t believe it. Had I heard Alicia wrong? Didn’t she say today? Why would she invite me and leave? Maybe she’d gone to pick me up? That was it! Alicia didn’t walk to school or ride the bus. A shiny black car brought her and was waiting when school was out. She wouldn’t expect me to walk all the way out here. We’d just missed each other.

Happily, I went back and sat on the front steps. I waited and waited and waited. It got later and later. No Alicia. No Whitmans. Nobody came.

I sat there with my head in my hands, growing more disappointed and confused by the minute. I finally decided that Alicia wasn’t coming, so I got up and trudged home. I was ashamed of myself. I’d been so hungry for a friend that I’d fallen for her mean trick.

By Monday morning my shame had turned to anger. Being pretty and popular didn’t give

someone the right to trick people! I spotted Alicia on the playground, surrounded by the usual group of girls. I pushed my way into the circle. “What you did was mean, Alicia Whitman. I don’t want to be your friend, now or ever!” I stomped away.

“Wait!” Alicia cried. “What did I do?”

Right there, in front of God and all her friends, I told her.

Alicia was shaking her head. “I didn’t call you, Lou. It wasn’t me. We were out of town all weekend.”

Someone giggled and said, “Miss Brainiac got fooled.”

I ignored the name-caller. “Then who called me, Alicia? Who played that dirty trick?”

Alicia looked around the group. Her gaze stopped on Morgan, who was trying to hide the fact that she was laughing to herself. “It was a dirty trick, Lou. I don’t know who did it—for sure. But that person’s no friend of mine.”

Morgan turned bright red. “It was just a joke. Can’t you take a joke, Lou?”

“Some jokes aren’t funny. Right, you guys?” Alicia said, t(来自:www.zhaoQt.NeT 蒲公英文摘:英语心灵鸡汤短文)aking my arm.

“Everyone nodded and closed in behind Alicia and me. Morgan’s hurtful joke backfired. We all walked away, leaving her standing alone on the playground.

Lou Kassem


































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生命的车轮缓缓转了三十几圈。再过几年,就要从而立步入不惑了,想想都有些不可思议,觉得自己一直还没长大。在三十几年的轮回中,有一些懵懂,一丝迷惑,一些领悟,一些感受,拿来和大家分享分享吧! 生命中有一些人与我们擦肩了,却来不及遇见;遇见了,却来不及相识;相识了,却来不及熟悉;熟悉了,却还是要再见。对自己好


心若计较,处处都有怨言;心若放宽,时时都是春天。让心成为一片海,就要有容纳百川的度量,就是要有容人容己的心态。容得了委屈,容得了不完美,容得别人之过,容得了自己之短。这样,心中才能装得下生命的波澜壮阔。 伟大的词人苏轼曾经说过人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,没有谁的一生是顺风顺水的。即使选择遗忘过去,那些伤


有些人,似荷,只能远观;有些人,如茶,可以细品; 有些人,像风,不必在意;有些人,是树,安心依靠。 人生就是一场修行,心柔顺了,一切就安定了; 心清净了,生活就美好了;心快乐了,幸福就来到了。 一切随缘 人生,不过一杯茶, 满也好,少也好,争个什么; 浓也好,淡也好,自有味道; 急也好,缓也好,那又如何; 暖也好


你很想看清人心, 谁是虚伪,谁又是认真; 你很想摸透感情, 谁是假意,谁又是诚恳。 都害怕付出的真心, 被刻上了一道道伤痕; 我们都担心深爱着的

人, 一次又一次无情地转身。 0(37) 慢慢地你怕了, 对谁都不再放心; 渐渐地你冷了, 对谁都不敢信任。 0(41) 宁愿孤单地一个人沉闷, 有话也不去找人谈论; 甘愿寂寞地一颗心受困, 有


人生活在世间,就是为了寻找幸福而来的。在这个喧嚣纷繁的社会,幸福或者不幸福的人们,都在奔波的脚步中寻找那份说不清道不明的幸福。 在我们的生活当中,烦恼就如同疾驰而过的列车一般,一次次地将幸福一带而过。痛苦、无奈总是不请自来,让你对生活失去信心、对前途迷茫不已,于是就有人开始寻找幸福。 幸福,其实是一种感觉


早上好。世间真挚的友情难能可贵,但很多人可能会由于某种误会、疏忽或者别的什么原因,与原本很好的朋友闹了矛盾,此时若双方耿耿于怀,则误会可能越来越深,从此老死不相往来。 其实,朋友间的伤害往往是无心的,如果因为这种无心的伤害而失去彼此,那不仅是一种遗憾,而且是一种悲哀。因此,与朋友相处,要善于忘怀与朋友之


早上好。我们总喜欢给自己幸福快乐的生活规划个模样,当我们为了那个自以为很诱人的幸福模式而不懈追求时,却往往遗忘了幸福的本质。而一旦为幸福套上了某种模式,那么实际上便已经失去了判断自己幸福与否的客观角度,其实,幸福没有模式可循。 不同的人对幸福的理解方式也不同,白领们说,幸福是努力赚钱,然后买房子、车子女


爱,是所有生命的标准答案。但我们在寻找爱的同时也需要一颗柔软的心。 不管是工作还是生活,有时会突然发现似乎很多事情的发展都停滞不前了,感觉自己处处受挫,不管多么努力,日子始终没有太大的进展。人生的停滞有时也是思想的停滞,生活的停顿。 当一个人心胸不够柔软时,就会处处碰壁,凡事都无法前进。 当你的心够柔软时


当夕阳的余晖浸染天际,我的发丝在霞红中舞动,我知道一天就这样悄无声息地结束了。日复一日,年复一年,也会青丝染雪,也会皱纹滋生。当青春已不在,日子在沉淀中喷涌着某种情绪,诉说着一路的沧桑与辗转。你可以淡定,你可以慌张,你能够用生命诠释这一路的风景有多少魅力价值。 其实,人这一辈子,几多感慨,几多豪情,无奈



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