
发布时间:2017-01-25 来源: 短文摘抄 点击:



同心山成玉,协力土变金。登山攀峰干事创业,离不开攻坚克难的精神,更需要团结协作的合力。对于一个企业来说,良好的合作意识是企业起步的保证,腾飞的支点。 xx公司作为新兴保兴的三驾马车之一,从公司成立起就注重培养员工的团结协






韦伯斯特说“人们在一起可以做出单独一个人所不能做出的事业;智慧+双手+力量结合在一 起,几乎是万能的”。公司员工团结奋进、锐意进取、攻坚克难的卓越品质在一次次的集体活动和学习培训中凸显。登山比赛彰显了“装饰人”的风采,各个项目开展后的良好口碑揭示了我们的实力。年轻的xx公司追求团队的集体凝聚力和有效转化的工作能力,力求实现企业与员工的和谐共赢的历史使命和责任。








In your English class,you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to your classmates how you understand it.

As we can see in the picture.two men aIe standing side by side,smiling.They share one characterisric.strong in one am,while weak in the other.I guess they smile becausc they find someone who can help them accomplish a task that cannot be completed by either of them alone.

Likethetwomeninthe picture,we all have strengths and weaknesses,and whatwe can do is limited.However,weaknesses don’t necessarily mean failure,but may indicate the possibility of cooperation.By working with others.and making the best use of each other's talents,we can always achieve a better result.


In your English class, the teacher shows the picture below and asks the class to discuss it. Your classmates may have different understandings.

Look at the picture carefully and tell the class how YOU understand it.

In the picture, two goats are tied to each other with a rope. They both see some grass in opposite directions, and try to pull to get their own food. They are unsuccessful, because the

rope is too short to allow them to eat the food at the same time.

The picture is trying to tell us that cooperation is better than conflict. Both of the goats want their food at the same time, which has formed a conflict between them. However, if they decide to cooperate and eat the grass on the left first, and then the grass on the right, they will both be able to get their food. Thus things will turn into a “win – win” situation.

Therefore, remember that sometimes our goal is not that we get something and the other gets nothing, but that all people get what they want. Cooperation will benefit everyone.


In an English speech competition, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain

to the judges how you understand it.

In the picture, we can see a circle of bricks standing next to each other. The first brick on the right is falling down, causing the falling of the next one. In the end, the whole circle will be ruined.

The picture conveys a message that the success of a project depends on each individual step. When each individual step is given full attention, it is quite likely that the whole project will be a success. In the same way, a mistake in one step may lead to a complete failure of the whole project, as is shown in the picture. So each individual step can make the difference between success and failure.

We should try our best every step of the way.


Jim, your English tutor, smiles and hands this picture to you. He wants you to talk about the meaning of the picture. Will you? Here is a word you might need: work song 号子 ____________________________________________________________________________

People will give a knowing smile at the humour in the picture. In a boat race, a work song should be sung by one person while the others will go all out to do the rowing. The funny thing in this picture is that one man is sweating all over because he is rowing hard while the rest of the members on boat are singing the work song with one voice. Actually this kind of thing happens in our daily life. Some people like to give empty talks but refuse to do real work. This picture is making fun of these people.

5)In your English class,you are asked to describe this picture of a wooden barrel and explain toyour classmates how you understand it.

As we can see from the picture, there is a wooden barrel constructed with

a number of boards of different lengths. Some water is leaking out from the edge of the shortes board. The drawing represents a well-known term, called the wooden barrel effect. The total amount of water is determined by the shortest board, rather than the longest one..We can see some practical applications of this effect in our daily life. Teamwork is one of the examples. No matter how well a single capable person performs, without cooperation,communication or help from one another, it is always the least capable member who holds back the whole progress of the team.So work together and also help the shortest "board". The team will perform better with contribution from everyone.

6)In your English class you arc asked to describe the following picture and explain to your

classmates how you understand it.


In the picture, one boy with a bucket is pouring water into a perfect wooden barrel while the other boy is pouring water into another that has one short plank. We can see that the wooden barrel with one short plank will only hold water just up to the edge of the shortest plank, no matter how much water is poured into it. Thus, I think, the short plank should first be lengthened to keep more water in.

Similarly, some students are trying their best to do a good job in study while they pay less attention to their weakest subject. As a result, they can't do better than those capable all-rounder students no matter how much effort they make. Thus, they should pay close attention and devote more time to their weakest subject first so that they can make good all-round progress and acquire knowledge as much as possible.


1)In your English class, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to your classmates how you understand it.

In the picture we can see two kids looking at the sun shining far away behind the mountains, to which a winding path leads. Obviously they are expecting a promising future, but there is a long way to go and they will meet with some difficulties and challenges on their way to their dreams. The key to success is great determination and a strong will. Like the two kids, we are faced with difficulties and challenges every day. It is only when we make up our minds and work heart and soul that we will Live our lives to the fullest and reach our goals at last.

2)In your English class,you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to your classmates how you understand it.

相关热词搜索:短文 团队合作 团队合作 英语短文 团队励志短文

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