发布时间:2020-07-23 来源: 调研报告 点击:
我躺在退伍军人管理局医院里时 When I was lying there in the VA hospital, 人生刚经历了一场巨变 with a big hole blown through the middle of my life, 我开始梦见自己在飞翔 I started having these dreams of flying. 自♥由♥自在 I was free. 只是到头来
你总得醒来面对现实 Sooner or later, though, you always have to wake up. 如果你有钱
就能修复脊椎 They can fix a spinal, if you got the money, 但在这种经济状况下
退伍军人可没这种待遇 but not on vet benefits, not in this economy. 到退伍军人管理局报个到领个十二块买♥♥杯咖啡 A VA check and 12 bucks will get you a cup of coffee. 我就被排在了所谓的候补名单上 I"m what they call... waitlisted. 灭绝了一个多世纪的孟加拉虎
现有望回归 The Bengal Tiger, extinct for over a century is making a comeback. 这些北♥京♥动物园的克隆虎崽 These cloned tiger cubs at the Beijing Zoo are the latest of a number of species 是近五年来最新一批被克隆复活的孟加拉虎 that have been cloned back into existence in the past five years. 我加入陆战队
是为了经受磨难和锤炼 I became a marine for the hardship. To be hammered on the anvil of life. 我告诉自己
我能克服所有对男子汉的考验 I told myself I can pass any test a man can pass. 杰克
杰克 Jake! Jake! Jake! Jake! Jake! 坦白地有话直说吧 Let"s get it straight, upfront. 我不用你可怜我 I don"t want your pity. 如果你想要公平
那就大错特错 You want a fair deal, you"re on the wrong planet. 这是个弱肉强食的世界 The strong prey on the weak. 就这么简单 That"s just the way things are. 而所有人都如此麻木不仁 And nobody does a damn thing. 放开他
快放开他 Get off! Get off of him!
我只想让自己那可悲的生活能有点价值 All I ever wanted in my sorry-ass life was a single thing worth fighting for. 要知道你这下是得罪了个顾客 I hope you realized you just lost yourself a customer. 拍马的贱♥人♥ Candy-ass bitch. 如果不下雨
我们就不训练 If it ain"t raining, we ain"t training. -看上去和他不太像
-就是他 - It doesn"t look like him.
- It"s him. 你是杰克·萨利吗 You Jake Sully? 滚开
老子好心情都被你们搅了 Step off. You"re ruining my good mood. 是关于你哥哥的事 It"s about your brother. 我们要找汤·萨利 We"re looking for Sully, T. 在这里 In there. 天啊
汤米 Jesus, Tommy. 真是弱肉强食的世界 The strong prey on the weak. 一个持刀男子彻底毁了汤米的人生 A guy with a knife took all Tommy would ever be 就为了抢几张他钱包里的钞票 for the paper in his wallet. 那两个制♥服♥官员的话听着很动心 The concern of the suits was touching. 你哥哥参与了一项重要投资项目 Your brother represented a significant investment. 我们想让你继续他的合约 We"d like to talk to you about taking over his contract. 因为你们的基因组完全相同
你可以取代他的位置 And since your genome is identical to his, you could step into his shoes, 可以这么说吧 so to speak. 你有机会在一个新世界展开新生活 It"d be a fresh start on a new world. 你可以有所成就
并与众不同 You could do something important. You can make a difference. 酬劳很丰厚 And the pay is good.
相当丰厚 Very good. 汤米才是科学家
不是我 Tommy was the scientist, not me. 他才想在宇宙中跨越几光年 He was the one who wanted to get shot light-years out in space 寻找他要的答案 to find the answers. 而我只是个笨蛋大兵
只会被傻乎乎地送上前线当炮灰 Me, I was just another dumb grunt getting sent someplace he was gonna regret. 冷冻状态下
你根本不会做梦 In cryo, you don"t dream at all. 感觉不像是过了六年 It doesn"t feel like six years. 而是喝了五杯龙舌兰后又大干了一架 More like a fifth of tequila and an ass-kicking. 我们到了吗 Are we there yet? 是的
阳光小子 Yeah, we"re there, sunshine. 我们到了 We"re there. 你们被冷冻了 5 年 9 个月又 22 天 You"ve been in cryo for five years, nine months and 22 days. 你们会感到饥饿和虚弱 You will be hungry. You will be weak. 如果你感觉恶心
请使用身边的便捷呕吐袋 If you feel nausea, please use the sacks provided for your convenience. 工作人员感谢您的配合 The staff thanks you in advance. 前方就是潘多拉星 Up ahead was Pandora. 人人都听过它的故事
而我却从没想过会去那里 You grew up hearing about it, but I never figured I"d be going there. 瓦尔基里 1-6
收到请回复 Valkyrie 1-6, copy... 瓦尔基里 1-6
你可以通过 224 入口降落 Valkyrie 1-6, you are clear for de-orbit burn at 2-2-4-niner. 收到
通过 224 入口降落 Copy, Venture Star. Go for de-orbit burn at 2-2-4-niner. -背上行李
-快背上行李 - Exo-packs on! Let"s go! Exo-packs on! - Exo-packs on! Let"s go! 大伙记住
要是没有面具 Remember, people, you lose that mask,
20 秒后你会失去意识
4 分钟后你就死了 you"re unconscious in 20 seconds, you"re dead in four minutes! 今天可不准有人死
不然我的报告会很难看 Let"s nobody be dead today! Looks very bad on my report. 地狱门指挥塔
这里是 TAV1-6 Hell"s Gate tower, this is TAV 1-6 on approach. 正在通过外♥围♥标记
已看到基地 Crossing outer marker. Mine is in sight. 松开安全带
背上行李 Harnesses off! Get your packs! -打起精神
快点 - Put it together, let"s go! Let"s go! - Harnesses off! One minute! 舷梯下来后
When that ramp comes down, go directly into the base. Do not stop! 直接冲进基地
等我的信♥号♥♥ Go straight inside. Wait for my mark! 出发
跟上 Go, go, go, go! Get out of there! Keep moving! Let"s go, let"s go! 根本没有前海陆这种说法 There"s no such thing as an ex-Marine. 你或许退役了
但精神绝不能丢 You may be out, but you never lose the attitude. 快点
别让我等你 Let"s go, special case! Do not make me wait for you! 好吧
小妞们 Well, well, ladies. 瞧瞧这些新丁 Look at all this fresh meat! 在地球上
海陆 Back on Earth, these guys were Army dogs, Marines, 为自♥由♥而战 fighting for freedom. 小心点
你个坐轮椅的 Look out, hot rod! 而在这
他们只是雇佣兵 But out here they"re just hired guns, 拿钱办事没商量 taking the money, working for the company. 老兄
看看这个 Check this out, man. 这儿还有个残废 Meals on wheels. 搞什么
不是吧 Oh, man, that is just wrong.
20 分钟内给我派 2 个人来 I got two guys free in about 20 minutes! 明白
这就去 Got it! Need them! 你们已经不在堪萨斯了 You"re not in Kansas anymore. 你们在潘多拉星上
爷们娘们 You are on Pandora, ladies and gentlemen. 时时刻刻记住这一点 Respect that fact every second of every day. 如果真有地狱 If there is a hell, 那和潘多拉比起来
也不过是儿戏 you might want to go there for some R&R after a tour on Pandora. 在这道围栏外面 Out there, beyond that fence, 所有地上爬的
土里钻的生物 every living thing that crawls, flies or squats in the mud 都想要弄死你
再把你眼珠子挖出来当糖吞了 wants to kill you and eat your eyes for Jujubes. 这里有种人形土著称为纳威族 We have an indigenous population of humanoids called the Na"vi. 他们箭上的毒能麻痹神经 They"re fond of arrows dipped in a neurotoxin 一分钟内就能要你的命 that"ll stop your heart in one minute. 他们的骨骼含有天生碳纤维
强壮坚硬 And they have bones reinforced with naturally occurring carbon fiber. 极难杀死 They are very hard to kill. 作为这儿的安全主管
我的职责是确保你们不丢了小命 As head of security, it is my job to keep you alive. 但我做不到 I will not succeed. 你们当中难免有人会送命 Not with all of you. 如果你想生存下来 If you wish to survive, 就得养成钢铁般坚毅的精神 you need to cultivate a strong mental attitude. 你必须遵守规则 You"ve got to obey the rules. 潘多拉法则 Pandora rules.
第一条 Rule number one... 这和以前老派的让你安心的 There"s nothing like an old-school safety brief 安全简报完全不同 to put your mind at ease. 借过
汤姆的弟弟 Excuse me. Excuse me. Jake! You"re Jake, right? Tom"s brother. 你和他长得真像 Wow! You look just like him. 抱歉
我们一起参加的化身项目训练 Sorry, I"m Norm. Spellman. I went through avatar training with him. 这边是生物实验室 ...into the bio-lab. 我们会在这处上好一阵
化身操作员 We"re gonna spend a lot of time up here. Hey! How you doing? Norm, avatar driver. -你好
-好 - Hi. - Hey. 联结...这儿是联结舱 Link... Here"s the link room right here. 是我们和化身联结的地方 This is where we"re connecting to the avatar. 我和诺姆的工作是操作 Me and Norm are here to drive 这些遥控人体
称为化身 these remotely controlled bodies called avatars. 他们是人类 DNA 和当地土著 DNA 的结合产物 And they"re grown from human DNA mixed with the DNA of the natives. -欢迎
-你好 - Hey. Welcome. - Hey. -欢迎来到潘多拉星
-多谢 - Welcome to Pandora. Good to have you. - Thanks. 靠
他们真是巨大 Damn! They got big. 是啊
他们已经完全成熟了 Yeah, they fully mature on the flight out. 看来模拟化身运作良好 So the proprioceptive sims seem to work really well. 是啊
他们的肌张力很出色 Yeah, they"ve got great muscle tone. 我们得花几个小时才能把他们移出来 It"ll take us a few hours to get them decanted, 不过你们明天肯定能一展身手了 but you guys can take them out tomorrow.
那个是你的 There"s yours. 你好
我是诺姆·斯佩尔曼博士 Hey. Dr. Norm Spellman. -我是麦斯·帕特
-我也是 - Dr. Max Patel. Great to meet you. - Good to meet you, yeah. 和他真像 Looks like him. 不
是像你 No, it looks like you. 他现在是你的化身了
杰克 This is your avatar now, Jake. 运作原理是每个操作员都与自己的化身相匹配 And the concept is that every driver is matched to his own avatar, 这样他们的神经系统才能协调一致 so that their nervous systems are in tune, 诸如此类的东西 or something. 所以他们叫我来
因为我能联结汤米的化身 Which is why they offered me the gig, because I can link with Tommy"s avatar, 而这玩意又贵得要命 which is insanely expensive. 这样行吗
对着摄像头乱说一气 Is this right? I just say whatever to the video log? 嗯
我们得养成记录一切的习惯 Yeah, we gotta get in the habit of documenting everything. 我们的所见所闻和感受 You know, what we see, what we feel. -这就是科学
-只有懂得观察才能做好科学 - It"s all part of the science. - And good science is good observation. 更何况这样能让你在六年里保持清醒 Plus it"ll help to keep you sane for the next six years. 好吧
管他的 All right. Whatever. 所以... So... 我到了这里 Well, here I am, 开始搞科学了 doing science. 他们要出来了 They"re coming out! 注意
操作员即将离开联结舱 Attention. Drivers coming out of link.
老天 Oh, God. 白大褂呢
白大褂在哪儿 Where"s the lab coat? Where"s the lab coat? 见鬼的谁能给我支烟
你们在搞什么呢 Who"s got my goddamn cigarette? Guys! What"s wrong with this picture? -多谢
-格蕾丝·奥古斯汀是个传奇人物 - Thank you! - Grace Augustine is a legend. 她是化身项目的负责人
她写了本书 She"s the head of the Avatar Program. She wrote the book, 我是说她真的写了本潘多拉星球植物的书 I mean, literally wrote the book on Pandoran botany. 那是因为比起人类
她更喜欢植物 Well, that"s "cause she likes plants better than people. 她来了
从舞会回来的灰姑娘 Here she is, Cinderella back from the ball. 格蕾丝
这两位是诺姆·斯佩尔曼和杰克·萨利 Grace, I"d like you to meet Norm Spellman and Jake Sully. 诺姆
你的纳威语学得如何 Norm. I hear good things about you. How"s your Na"vi? 初次见面
倍感荣幸 May the All Mother... 愿万物之母庇佑 ...smile upon our first meeting. 还不赖
就是不够口语 Not bad. You sound a little formal. 我学了五年 I studied for five years... 但还有很多不足需要学习 ...but there is much to learn. -格蕾丝
女士 - Grace? This is Jake Sully. - Ma"am. 我知道你是谁
我需要你哥哥 Yeah, yeah. I know who you are, and I don"t need you. I need your brother. 那位为这项任务而受训了三年的博士 You know, the PhD who trained for three years for this mission? 他死了 He"s dead. 这对大家来说都是个巨大的损失 I know it"s a big inconvenience for everyone. -你受过多少实验室训练
-我解剖过一只青蛙 - How much lab training have you had? - I dissected a frog once. 看到了吗
他们就这么随便耍我们 You see? You see? I mean, they"re just pissing on us
连个象征性的解释都没有 without even the courtesy of calling it rain. -我要去找赛弗里奇
格蕾丝 - I"m going to Selfridge. - No, Grace, -我觉得这样不好
这真是太扯淡了 - I don"t think that"s a good idea. - No, man, this is such bullshit! 我要去修理一下他那张嘴脸 I"m gonna kick his corporate butt. 他没资格对我的部门指手画脚 He has no business sticking his nose in my department. 明天早上 8 点过来
尽量夸大一下自己 Here tomorrow, 0800. Try and use big words. 蝎子 2H 战机
你可以向南起飞了 Scorpion Two-Hotel, Hell"s Gate tower. You are cleared for south departure. 滞空滑行
D 号♥跑道
开启识别系统 Hover taxi, Delta runway. Squawk ident. -你看到了吗
先生 - You see that? - Yes, sir. 你才没有
你在看监视屏 No, you didn"t. You were looking at the monitor. 我爱死高尔夫了
罗尼 I love this putter, Ronnie! I love this putter. 帕克
我以前一直没正面看待这个问题 Parker, you know, I used to think it was benign neglect, 但现在我发现
你好像是故意在整我 but now I see that you"re intentionally screwing me. 格蕾丝
我挺喜欢咱俩能聊聊 Grace, you know, I enjoy our little talks. 我要的是科学家
不是什么海陆辍学生 I need a researcher. Not some jarhead dropout. 其实我觉得有他在算我们走运 Well, actually, I thought we got lucky with him. -走运
-没错 - Lucky? - Yeah. 这算哪门子走运了 How is this in any way lucky? 幸好你那位科学家有个孪生弟弟 Lucky your guy had a twin brother, 幸好他也不是什么口腔医生 and lucky that brother wasn"t some oral hygienist or something. 而是我们用得上的海陆 A Marine we can use. 我派他去你们那里做安全护卫 I"m assigning him to your team as security escort.
我最不需要的就是再来一个好战的蠢货 The last thing I need is another trigger-happy moron out there! 好吧
你是说你们得赢得当地土著的信任 Look, look, you"re supposed to be winning the hearts 以此感化当地土著 and the minds of the natives. 这就是你所谓的木偶游戏的目的吗 Isn"t that the whole point of your little puppet show? 你和他们长得一样
说同一种语言 If you look like them and you talk like them, 他们就会信任我们 then they"ll start trusting us. 我们为他们建造学校
教他们英语 We build them a school, we teach them English, 但之后呢
多少年过去了 but after, what, how many years? 我们和当地土著的关系只是更恶化了 Relations with the indigenous are only getting worse. 没错
那是因为你对他们使用武力 Yeah, that tends to happen when you use machine guns on them. 好吧
过来 Right. Come here. 不行
我做不到... I can"t... I can"t... 我们来此地是为了这个
稀有矿物 This is why we"re here. Unobtanium. 这块小小的灰色石头一千克能卖♥♥两千万 Because this little gray rock sells for 20 million a kilo. 这是唯一的原因
是这里所有一切的资金来源 That"s the only reason. It"s what pays for the whole party. 也是你科学研究的资金来源 It"s what pays for your science. 现在
那些土著野人正威胁到我们的计划 Now, those savage are threatening our whole operation, 我们之间的战争一触即发 we"re on the brink of war, 而你应该找到外交手段解决 and you"re supposed to be finding a diplomatic solution. 利用现有资源
解决好这事吧 So use what you"ve got, and get me some results. 你的联结时间总共多久 So, how much link time have you logged? -大约 520 小时
-不错 - About 520 hours. - That"s good.
你的联结时间呢 You"re in there. You"re here. How much have you logged? 零
但我看过操作手册了 Zip. But I read a manual. 你开玩笑的吧 Tell me you"re joking. 这个棒极了 This is cool. 来吧 Let"s go. 不用
我自己能行 Don"t. I got this. 所以你突然决定来到这里 So you just figured you"d come out here, 却没有受过任何训练 to the most hostile environment known to man, 而来到一个最危险的星球
想要一探究竟 with no training of any kind, and see how it went? 你究竟是怎么想的 What was going through your head? 也许我只是厌倦了医生说我这也不行那也不行 Maybe I was sick of doctors telling me what I couldn"t do. -生物辨识系统一切正常
-3 号♥联结舱准备就绪 - Biometrics are good. - Link three is ready. 把胳膊和手放到里面
躺平 Keep your arms in, hands in, head down. 躺平
任由你的大脑一片空白 Down. Just relax and let your mind go blank. 对你来说应该不难吧 That shouldn"t be hard for you. 见你的大头鬼... Kiss the darkest part of my lily white... 初始联结 Initiate link. 运行序列 3
开始 Run sequence unit three. Go. 启动 Launching. 初始配型一致 I have the first congruency. -大脑健全
-走着瞧 - That"s a gorgeous brain. Nice activity. - Go figure. 相位同步 40% Phase-Lock 40%.
我也进去了 All right. Going in. 我用四号♥联结器 I"m going in in four. 相位同步 99%
联结稳定 Phase-Lock 99%. Link is stable. 他进来了
杰克 He"s in. Jake, can you hear me? Can you hear me, Jake? 瞳孔反应正常 Pupillary reflex is good. 听力反应正常
杰克 Pinna response normal. How you feeling, Jake? 你们好 Hey, guys. 欢迎进入新身体
Welcome to your new body, Jake. 很好 Good! 放轻松
杰克 Yeah, we"re gonna take this nice and easy, Jake. -活动一下你的手指
-好 - And touch your thumb to your fingers. - Yeah. -活动一下你的手指
-没问题 - Thumb to your fingers. - No problem. 很好
我看你记住这点了 That"s good. I can see you can remember that one. -明白
-如果你想要坐起来 - Got it. - Well, if you want to sit up, -也没问题
慢点 - that"s fine. - Okay, good. Just take it 慢慢来
没有出现运动失调 nice and slow, Jake. Good. Okay, well, no truncal ataxia, that"s good. 你有没有感到头晕或目眩
你在转动脚趾 Are you feeling lightheaded or dizzy at all? You"re wiggling your toes! -很好
-太棒了 - Good. Good, Jake. - That"s great. 运动控制系统正常
杰克 Distal motor control is good. Good, Jake. 你有哪里感到麻木或疼痛吗 Are you feeling any numbness or pain? 很好
等等 That"s great, Jake. Hold on, now. 别着急
好吗 Take it easy. Don"t get ahead of yourself, okay?
我们还要进行几项知觉和运动反应测试 There"s a few more sensory motor reflex tests we need to run, -所以先别急
-等等 - so take it easy. - Wait. -杰克
-坐下 杰克 - Jake. - Sit down, Jake. 杰克
听我说 Jake! Listen to me. Jake! -你得坐下来
-没事 - I need you to sit down. Jake! - It"s okay. -伙计
我没事 - Buddy, listen to me. - It"s all good. I got this. -杰克
快让他坐回轮床上 - Jake, you need to sit down right now. - Guys, get him back on the gurney now. 听我说
你得坐下 Listen to me. For your own safety, you need to sit down. 你得花时间适应你的化身...杰克 You need time to adjust to the avatar...Whoa! Jake! -天呀
-酷 - God, Jake, watch your tail. - Yeah! 快给他打镇静剂
快 Sedate! Sedate him! A thousand milligrams of Supitocam! Stat! 伙计们
小心点 Guys! Guys! Whoa! Whoa! 按照剂量 By the numbers. -杰克
听我说 - Jake. Come on. - Jake! Listen to me. 你还不适应你的化身 You"re not used to your avatar body. -这很危险
-这棒极了 - This is dangerous. - This is great. -杰克
他们会把你踢出局 - Jake? Jake, listen to me. - Come on. They"re gonna put you out. -诺姆
拔掉这些线头 - Norm, sit down. - No, no. I gotta get out of these leads. 真见鬼
快把他追回来 God damn it! Bring them home! -诺姆
-你还没准备好 - Norm! Do not leave control! - You"re not ready for it! -得了
-差一点 - Oh, come on, you ain"t got no skills. - So close! 我都不用防守 I don"t even have to play defense on it.
大家好 Hey, guys. Hey. -没事
你得快回来 - It"s okay, I"ll get him. - Jake, you have to come back! 杰克
不好意思 Jake! Jake! Excuse me. -小心点
-抱歉 - Watch it! - Sorry! 拜托 Come on! 杰克
我们不能跑 Jake! We"re not supposed to be running! -老天
-看着点 - Jeez! Sorry. - Watch it! 喂
海陆大兵 Hey, Marine! 靠 Damn. -格蕾丝
二傻 - Grace? - Well, who"d you expect, numbnuts? 头脑灵活点 Think fast. 运动神经看来不错 Motor control"s looking good. 好了
熄灯了 Come on, everybody, quiet down! All right, gang, lights out. 好了
快点 Come on, Louise, chop-chop. 喂喂喂 Hey, hey, hey! 别玩这个
你会瞎的 Don"t play with that, you"ll go blind. 感觉真诡异 That"s kind of freaky. 好了
快走吧 Come on. Scat. 晚安 Good night. 熄灯了
小鬼们 Lights out! See you at dinner, kiddies. 欢迎回来 Welcome back. -你没事吧
-我很好 - You okay? You all right? - Yeah, I"m okay.
这是我的爱机 I"m Trudy. I fly all the science sorties. And this here is my baby. 稍等 Hold on a second. 喂
动作快点 Hey, Wainfleet! Get it done! -我们九点整要出发
大姐头 - We bounce at zero-nine. - Yeah, I"m on it, capitaine! 藤蔓导弹还没装好 Vine strike"s still loose. 你们装备了很厉害的武器 You guys are packing some heavy gear. 小心点 Watch it! 是啊
因为天上飞的不只是我们 Yeah, that"s "cause we"re not the only thing flying around out there. 我们也不是最大的家伙 Or the biggest. 我需要你在舱门边操作机♥枪♥
我缺个人手 I"m gonna need you on a door gun. I"m a man short. 我正等着你开口呢 I thought you"d never ask. 就是他了
我们跑道上见 There"s your man. See you on the flight line. 你找我吗
上校 You wanted to see me, Colonel? 低重力让你的身体变弱 This low gravity"ll make you soft. 一旦身子变弱 You get soft, 潘多拉星就会立即置你于死地 Pandora will shit you out dead with zero warning. 我看了你的记录
下士 I pulled your record, Corporal. 委内瑞拉是个不毛之地 Venezuela, that was some mean bush. 但还是比不上这里险恶 Nothing like this here, though. 你有点胆识
选择到这里来 You got some heart, kid, showing up in this neighborhood. 我觉得这不过是另一个不毛之地罢了 I figured it"s just another hellhole. 我先自我介绍下吧 I was First Recon myself.
也许长上好几岁 A few years ahead of you. Well, maybe more than a few. 去过三次尼日利亚
毫发无损 Three tours Nigeria, not a scratch. 而我来到这后 I come out here? 第一天就被整成了这副德行 Day one. Think I felt like a shavetail louie? 没错
他们可以治好我 Yeah. They could fix me up, if I rotated back. 让我恢复如初
我还喜欢上这样了 Yeah, and make me pretty again. But you know what? I kind of like it. 这能无时无刻不提醒我
外面的险恶 It reminds me every day what"s waiting out there. 什么化身计划根本是狗屁 The Avatar Program is a bad joke. 那群天真的科学家什么都不懂 Bunch of limp-dick science majors. 但这的确也提供了一个绝佳的时机 However, it does present an opportunity both timely and unique. -准备好了吗
-好了 - Clear! - Clear! 一个海陆穿着化身去做侦察
这才是强力组合 A recon gyrene in an avatar body. That"s a potent mix. 我想想就激动不已 Give me the goose bumps. 这样的一个海陆能提供我要的情报 Such a Marine could provide the intel I need, 就在这块土地上 right on the ground. 在敌人的大本营里 Right in the hostiles" camp. 听着
我要你打入那帮野人的内部 Look, Sully. I want you to learn these savages from the inside. 我要你取得他们的信任 I want you to gain their trust. 让我知道如何逼他们就范 I need to know how to force their cooperation 不然的话又该怎么打击他们 or hammer them hard if they won"t. -我还和奥古斯汀一起工作吗
-理论上是这样 - Am I still with Augustine? - On paper. 你既然在那群科学家堆里
就得学得像样些 Yeah, you walk like one of her science pukes, you quack like one,
但你得向我报告 but you report to me. 你能做到吗
孩子 Can you do that for me, son? 当然
长官 Hell, yeah, sir. 那好吧 Well, all right, then. 孩子
我自有想法 Son, I take care of my own. 如果你能满足我的要求 You get me what I need, 你轮换回去后
我会想办法让人治好你的腿 I"ll see to it you get your legs back when you rotate home. 你自己的腿 Your real legs. 听起来很棒
长官 That sounds real good, sir. -联结舱准备完毕
-相位同步 40% - Link"s ready! - Phase-Lock 40%. 你只管闭上嘴
让诺姆来说话就行 Just keep your mouth shut and let Norm do the talking. 五步配型一致
相位同步 90% I have five congruencies. Phase-Iock 90%. 三号♥联结舱准备完毕 Link three ready. 好了
我进去了 All right, I"m going in. 你们的右边是斯塔姆兽 Sturmbeest herd coming up on your right. 知道了
多谢 Got it! Thanks. 看上去像只公牛带着一群奶牛
还有几只幼崽 Looks like a bull, a dozen cows and some juveniles. 关掉发动机
我们要待上一阵 Shut it down. We"re gonna stay a while. -诺姆
-背包 - Norm! Your pack. - Pack. 你们就待在飞机附近
一个带枪的蠢蛋就够烦的了 Stay with the ship. One idiot with a gun is enough. 你说了算
博士 You the man, Doc. 潘狐猴
他们性情温和 Prolemuris. They"re not aggressive.
你让我感到很紧张 Relax, Marine. You"re making me nervous. 他们怎么知道我们在这里 So, how will they know we"re here? 他们现在肯定在观察我们 I"m sure they"re watching us right now. 这里曾是我们的学校 This was our school. 现在成了仓库了 Now it"s just... storage. 那些纳威族孩子是那么聪明 The kids were so bright. 渴望学习 Eager to learn. 他们的英语学得这么快
我都来不及教他们 They picked up English faster than I could teach it. 我们拿一些 PH 检测器 So, we"ll take a couple of these Ph monitors... 和一些土壤探测器 ...and a soil probe. 这个黄色小箱子
是旧的显微镜 That little yellow case back there. The old microscope. 给 Here. 我喜欢这个 Oh, yeah. I love this one. 那些针♥刺♥蝙蝠常跑来惹事 The stingbats knocked them down. 我一直希望有人能回来读读这些 I keep hoping someone will come back in and read them. 他们为什么没回来 Why don"t they come back? 奥玛蒂卡亚族人
已经学会了该知道的东西 The Omaticaya... learned as much about us as they needed to. 这里发生过什么事 What happened here? 你到底帮不帮忙
我们还有很多活 Are you going to help us with this gear? We"ve got a lot to do. -继续走
伙计们 - Keep moving, Norm. - Keep up, guys! -开始
-扫描 - And here I go. - Scanning. 真快啊 Wow! It"s that fast?
-对啊 - Amazing, isn"t it? - Yeah. 这是信♥号♥♥传递
从这个树根 So, that is signal transduction from this root 传到相邻的树根
我们取个样本吧 to the root of the tree next to it. So, we should take a sample. 好
取样 Okay. Sample. 这可能是基于反应速度以电导传递 You know, it"s probably electrical, based on the speed of the reaction. 诺姆
你的口水弄脏样本了 Norm, you"ve contaminated the sample with your saliva. 好吧 Right. 好了
就这样 So, here I go. 别开枪
你会惹怒他 Don"t shoot. Don"t shoot, you"ll piss him off. 他已经被惹毛了 It"s already pissed off. 杰克
相信我 Jake, that armor"s too thick. Trust me. 他不过是在保护领地
不然他会冲上来 It"s a territorial threat display. Do not run, or he"ll charge. 那我怎么做
和他跳舞吗 So, what do I do, dance with it? 站在那里别动 Just hold your ground. 来啊
放马过来 Yeah? Come on! What you got? 谁更厉害
这就对了 Oh, yeah. Who"s bad? That"s right. 我就这意思
废物 Yeah, that"s what I"m talking about, bitch. 没错
哭着跑回去找你妈妈吧 That"s right, get your punk ass back to mommy. 你毛都没用
跑吧你 Yeah? Yeah, you got nothing. You keep running. 你干嘛不搬些救兵回来呢 Yeah, and why don"t you bring back some of your friends, huh? 我去 Oh, shit. 这个该怎么办
跑还是不跑 So what about this one? Run? Don"t run? What?
赶快跑 Run! Definitely run! 我们得回去了
伙计们 I"m gonna have to call it, guys. 上校命令我们不准夜间飞行 We"re not allowed to run night ops. Colonel"s orders. 抱歉了
他只能撑到明天早上了 I"m sorry, Doc, he"s just gonna have to hang on till morning. 他撑不到明天早上 He won"t make it till morning. 我可没功夫和你们耗一晚上 I don"t have all goddamn night. 来啊
放马过来啊 Come on! Come on! 等等
别 Hey, wait. Don"t! 这下好了 Great. 听着
我知道你可能听不懂 Look, I know you probably don"t understand this, 但还是谢谢你 but thank you. 谢谢你 Thank you. 刚才你真是太厉害了 That was pretty impressive. 要不是你我肯定完了
那真是... I would have been screwed if you hadn"t come along. It was... 等等
你要去哪儿 Hey, wait a second. Hey, where you going? 等一下 Wait up! 慢点 Just... Hey, slow down. 等一下
我只是想谢谢你杀了那些东西 Look, wait up, I just wanted to say thanks for killing those things. -痛
-不要谢 - Damn! - Don"t thank. 这没什么好谢的 You don"t thank for this. 这太悲伤了
只会让人伤心 This is sad. Very sad only. 好吧
我很抱歉 Okay. Okay. I"m sorry.
我很抱歉我所做的一切 Whatever I did, I am sorry. 这都是你的错
他们本不用死 All this is your fault. They did not need to die. 我的错
怎么成我的错了 My fault? They attacked me. How am I the bad guy? 是你的错 Your fault! -就是你的错
-冷静点 - Your fault! - Easy. Easy. 你就像个小孩
弄出那么大声响 You"re like a baby. Making noise, don"t know what to do. 冷静点 Easy. 好吧 Fine. Fine. 如果你喜欢你的森林小伙伴 If you love your little forest friends, 为什么不任凭他们杀了我 why not let them just kill my ass? 你在想什么 What"s the thinking? -为什么救你吗
为什么要救我 - Why save you? - Yeah. Yeah, why save me? 因为你有颗坚强的心 You have a strong heart. 无所畏惧 No fear. 但又蠢又笨
像个孩子般无知 But stupid! Ignorant like a child. 好吧
如果我是小孩 Well, if I"m like a child, then... 你是不是可以教教我 Look, maybe you should teach me. 地球人学不会
你们不会用心体会 Sky People cannot learn. You do not See. 那就教我怎么用心体会 Well, then teach me how to See. 没人能教会你 No one can teach you to See. 等等
我们能谈谈吗 Look, come on, can"t we talk? 你从哪儿学的英语
奥古斯汀博士的学校吗 Say, where"d you learn to speak English? Dr. Augustine"s school?
你就像个小孩 You"re like a baby. 我需要你的帮助 I need your help. 你不该来这儿 You should not be here. -好吧
回去 - Okay, take me with you. - No! Go back. 不 No. 你快回去 Go back. 住手 No! 什么... What... 这是什么东西 What are they? 圣树的种子 Seeds of the Sacred Tree. 圣洁的精灵 Very pure spirits. 这是什么意思 What was that all about? 来吧 Come. 快来 Come! 我们要去哪儿 Where are we going? 快来 Come. 你叫什么名字 What"s your name? 见鬼 Shit! 好吧 Okay. 大伙儿冷静 Calm people, calm. 你这是做什么
苏泰 What are you doing, Tsu"tey? 这些魔鬼不能到这来 These demons are forbidden here.
我看到了启示 There has been a sign. 应该让萨辛来决定 This is a matter for the Tsahik. 把他带回去 Bring him. 怎么回事 What"s going on? 等等 Wait. 到底怎么回事 What"s happening? 喂 Hey! 父亲 Father... 向您问安 ...I see you. 这个生物... This creature... 你为何带他来这里 ...why do you bring him here? 我本来想杀了他 I was going to kill him... 但我看到了爱娃的启示 ...but there was a sign from Eywa. 我说过了 I have said... 梦行者不能来这 ...no dreamwalker will come here. 他在说什么 What"s he saying? 他的外来者气息让我觉得恶心 His alien smell fills my nose. 他在说什么 Hey, what"s he saying? 我父亲在考虑是否要杀了你 My father is deciding whether to kill you. 他是你父亲
先生 Your father. It"s nice to meet you, sir. 退后 Step back! 让我来看看这个外来者 I will look at this alien.
这位是我的母亲 That is Mother. 她是萨辛
爱娃通过她传达旨意 She is Tsahik. The one who interprets the will of Eywa. 爱娃是谁 Who"s Eywa? 你叫什么 What are you called? 杰克·萨利 Jake Sully. -你为什么来
-我来学习 - Why did you come to us? - I came to learn. 我们曾试图教导那些地球人 We have tried to teach other Sky People. 但他们知道得太多
顽冥不化 It is hard to fill a cup which is already full. 我什么都不知道
相信我 Well, my cup is empty, trust me. 你问奥古斯汀博士就知道了
我不是科学家 Just ask Dr. Augustine. I"m no scientist. 那你是谁 What are you? 我曾是个陆战队员
是... I was a Marine. A... 我是战士族的一名战士 A warrior of the Jarhead clan. 战士
开什么玩笑 A warrior! 我要杀他容易得很 I could kill him easily! 慢着 No! 这是我们见过的... This is the first warrior dreamwalker... 第一位梦行者战士 ...we have seen. 我们得多了解他 We need to learn more about him. 我的女儿... My Daughter... 你要负责教导他 ...you will teach him our way... 我们的语言和习俗 ...to speak and walk as we do.
这不公平... Why me? That"s not fair... 我已经决定了
我的女儿将负责教导你 It is decided. My daughter will teach you our ways. 好好学习
杰克·萨利 Learn well, Jakesully. 让我们看看你是否能被教化 Then we will see if your insanity can be cured. 晚上好 Good evening. 请别在意我 Please don"t get up. 借过 Excuse me. 抱歉 Sorry. 你好吗 Hey, how you doing? 谢谢 Thank you. 我还不知道你的名字 You know, I don"t even know your name. 我叫奈蒂莉 Neytiri te Ckaha Mo"at"ite. 你能说慢点吗 Again, a whole lot slower? 奈蒂莉 Neytiri. 纳蒂莉 Neytili. 是奈蒂莉 Neytiri. 奈蒂莉 Neytiri. 见到你很高兴
奈蒂莉 It"s nice to meet you, Neytiri. 真好 It"s nice. -杰克
-他在一号♥ - Jake. Jake! - He"s in alpha. -就要醒过来了
杰克 - He"s coming out right now. - Jake. Jake! 加油
好了 Come on back, kid. Come on. That"s it.
你醒了 There you go. There you go, there you go. 没事了
你没事了 You"re okay. You"re okay. 见鬼
你就像是昏死在战壕里了 Damn! You were dug in like a tick. -化身安全吗
博士 - Is the avatar safe? - Yeah, Doc. 你绝对想不到我在哪儿 And you are not gonna believe where I am. 我们最后只看到这个大兵被一只 The last thing we see is this Marine"s ass 暴怒的闪雷兽追着消失在灌木丛中 disappearing into the brush with this angry thanator coming after him. -这可是你教不会的东西
-酷极了 - Hey, it"s not something you can teach. - Th...