发布时间:2020-07-27 来源: 党课讲稿 点击:
18 世纪末的欧洲 Europe at the close of the 18th century. 贵族倚靠宗教力量 The nobility rules by oppression, 进行压♥迫♥统治 supported by strong religious forces. 但变♥革♥之♥风♥也在兴起 But the winds of change are blowing. 学者和自♥由♥思想者 Across the continent intellectuals and freethinkers 在全欧倡导改革和人♥民♥自♥由♥ demand reforms and freedom for the people. 这便是启蒙运动时期 It is the age of the Enlightenment. 我试着去回忆他 I"m trying to remember him. 约翰 Johann. 我必须要讲述他
讲述我们的故事 I have to tell you about him. About us. 讲述我们所作所为的初衷 Why we did the things we did. 皇室风流史 A Royal Affair 亲爱的孩子们
你们并不认识我 My beloved children, you do not know me. 但我是你们的母亲 But I am your mother. 或许你们仍未原谅过我 Perhaps you have never forgiven me. 或许你们恨我
我希望没有 Perhaps you hate me. I hope not. 我知道我再也不会见到你们了 I now know that I will never see you again. 所以我要在一切为时已晚之前
把真♥相♥写给你们 I am writing to tell you the truth, before it is too late. 英国
1766 年 9 年前 我和你们的父亲
国王克里斯琴七世 I was officially wed to your father, King Christian VII 在见面前就已正式定下了婚约
before even meeting him. 虽然那时我还仍未离开过英国 Even though I had never left England, 但我已经是丹麦王后了 I was now the Queen of Denmark. 将要面对全新的生活
全新的语言 A new life and an entirely new language. 下午好 Good afternoon. 我们去公园散散步怎么样 Shall we go for a stroll in the park? 仍我很小时起 I had prepared and longed for this day 我便开始准备和期待这一天了 ever since I was a little girl. 快点
陛下 You need to hurry, Your Majesty. 马车已经来了 The coaches have arrived. 我要做一位异国的王后 To be Queen of an exotic country 无条件地尊重和爱我的丈夫 and honour and love my husband unconditionally. 大家都说克里斯琴很迷人 Christian was said to be charming, 热爱艺术和文学 interested in art and literature 甚至热爱表演 and even fond of acting. 我想象不出比这更完美的丈夫了 I could not imagine a more perfect husband. 要是他不喜欢我怎么办 What if he doesn"t like me? 我是说
要是他们不喜欢我怎么办 I mean, what if they don"t like me? 过来 Come here. 来 Come on. 告诉你一个小秘密 I"m gonna let you know a little secret.
如果你能让国王第一天晚上 If you could get the King to visit your bed chamber 就去你的卧室 on the first evening, 那你就成功了 you would be perceived as a great success. 真的吗 Really? 我相信你一定会让我骄傲的 I know you"ll make me proud. 丹麦 陛下
您的女侍 Your Majesty. Louise von Plessen, your lady-in-waiting. 这位是瑞凡特罗
国王陛下的私人教师 This is Reventlow, his Majesty"s private tutor. 欢迎您
陛下 Welcome, Your Majesty. 您想见见国王陛下吗 Would you like to meet the King? 王后 The Queen! 陛下 Your Majesty. 壮壮
老伙计 Gourmand! There you are, old boy! 你在这啊 There you are! 想爷爷没有啊 Did you miss, daddy? 大人
请集中精神 Your Royal Highness, please concentrate. 为什么
这东西我永远也用不上 Why? I will never have any use for it. 我什么时候才能再见到克里斯琴 When will I see Christian again? 陛下会去参加晚宴 His Majesty will attend the banquet. 你知道我的书放哪了吗 Do you know where my books are? 王宫人员还在检查 The court is reviewing them.
有些会被运回英国 Some will be shipped back to England. 为什么 Why? 因为有些书不符合丹麦的审查制度 Many of your books are under Danish censorship. 对不起 I Apologise. -我不知道
-没关系的 - I didn"t know. - That"s quite alright. 我们会为您找些别的书来读 We will find something else for you to read. 那是伯恩斯托夫部长
这里他权力最大 Minister Bernstorff. He"s the most powerful man here. 那是沃伯格部长 Minister Warberg. 尽量离他远点
他简直臭气熏天 Stay away from him, if you can. He has a very distinct odour. 那位一定是国王的继母吧 That must be the King"s stepmother. 对
是寡层的朱利安·玛丽王后 Queen Dowager Juliane Marie. 旁边是陛下同父异母的弟弟 And the Majesty"s half-brother, 是候选继承人 the heir presumptive. 他们母子俩都不受人♥民♥欢迎 Neither she nor her son are popular with the people. 为什么 Why not? 因为陛下不把他们当做家人看待 His Majesty doesn"t regard them as part of the family. 丹麦人♥民♥对于这种事 The Danish people have always had 总有很灵的第六感 a sixth sense about these things. 你离得太远了 You were so far away. 你有演戏的天赋
亲爱的王后 You have a flair for drama, my dear Queen. 今晚的活动结束后你会到我的卧室来吗
Will you come to my chambers after tonight"s program? "来吧
让我们到监狱里去 "Come, let"s away to prison. 我俩会在那里歌♥唱
如同笼中的小鸟 We two alone will sing like birds in a cage." 她很迷人
也很有才华 She"s enchanting. And so talented. 没错
谢谢 Yes. Thank you. 贵族们都被她迷住了 The nobility is captivated by her. 大家都认为她来得很有必要 They seem to think she"s needed. 是吗
为什么 Really? Why? 很多人都说她正是丹麦王国需要的人 Many of them are saying she is just what Denmark needs. 她是王室中真正有艺术灵魂的人 A true artistic soul on the throne. 谢谢
够了 Thank you, that is quite enough! 怎么了 What? 那噪音简直让我头疼 That insufferable noise is giving me a headache! 过来 Come on. 把你的小粗腿仍那里移开
过来坐下 Move your fat little thighs and have a seat. 来啊 Go on! 按照承诺
国王来见王后了 The King is here to visit the Queen as per agreement. 没事的 It"ll be fine. 对不起 I"m sorry. 不要浪费我的烛光 Don"t steal my light. 这是什么意思 What do you mean?
脱了衣朋躺下 Take off your clothes and lie down. "我是如此尽心尽力 "Oh, how I have sweated and slaved... 却毫无收获" and yet nothing accomplished." 我希望我拥有原谅克里斯琴的力量 I wish I"d had the strength to forgive Christian"s behavior. "必须让人们对上帝的心怀敬畏 "Someone to spare Man the fear of God. 这样的..." Such a..." 但我那时太年轻
不明白他有多么病态 But I was too young to understand how sick and tormented he was. 我只知道 All I could think about was 我的余生都得和他一起度过了 that I had to spend the rest of my life with him. 我开始因此而恨他 I began hating him for it. 但在宫里人看来
我很快便得了福祉 In the eyes of the Court, I was soon blessed. 那时我怀上了你
弗雷德里克 You were on your way, Frederik. 国王陛下想到王后卧房♥里坐坐 His Majesty wishes to visit the Queen"s chambers. 抱歉
我们才开始了新的一局棋 I"m sorry, we"ve just begun another game of chess. 已经连续几个星期了
她到底怎么想的 This has been going on for weeks. What is she thinking? 我想我已经尽到了王后的职责 Having fulfilled my main obligation as queen 没有必要再披着虚假的躯壳了 I saw no reason to maintain the facade. 我宁愿为此付出代价 I would pay dearly for that. 别这样
克里斯琴 Christian, stop! 我再也不想看到你这张丑陋的脸了 I never want to see your ugly face again! 你可以滚蛋了
You"re fired, cow! 好了好了
放轻松 There, there. Relax. 真正的王后生产时应该沉默而尊贵 A true queen delivers in silence and with dignity. 他肚子不舒朋 He has stomach pains. 我要去游历欧洲了 I"m going on a tour of Europe. 起码要去一年 I"ll be gone for at least a year. 你觉得我会在乎你在不在吗 Do you think it matters to me whether you"re here or not? 这就是我的人生
我的命运 This was my life. My fate. 我认命了 I had resigned myself to it. 又或者说...这原本会是我的人生 Or rather... it could have been my life. 阿尔托纳
1768 年 你知道医院在哪吗 Do you know where I can find the hospital? 十分感谢 Thanks a lot. 不好意思
请问斯特恩斯医生在吗 Excuse me, is Doctor Struensee here? -约翰·斯特恩斯吗
-谁叫我 - Johann Struensee? - Who"s asking? 兰早伯爵要您马上去见他 Count Rantzau requests that you attend to him immediately. 兰早伯爵
你确定我是你要找的那个斯特恩斯吗 Count Rantzau? Are you sure you have the right Struensee? 您一定要跟我回去一趟 I am not to return without you. 伯爵召你
最好还是去吧 A count is calling. Better get going. 你们怎么看 What do you think? 我该扔下手头的病人去见伯爵吗 Should I abandon my bleeding patient for some count?
那还不错 Maybe he will pay you. That would be nice for a change. 它到底怎么回事 What the hell is wrong with it? 请您先扶住好吗 Could you hold it for a second? 你真是个传奇人物啊
斯特恩斯 You"re a bit of a mystery, Struensee. 你父亲是那种德国最保守的教士 Your father is one of Germany"s most conservative priests 而你却坚持 and yet you insist on 发表对法国自♥由♥思想者的赞美 publishing praises to the French freethinkers. 要不是匿名发表
你早就进监狱了 If you hadn"t written them anonymously, you"d be in prison. 写得不错
受伏尔泰影响挺深的 Well written. Quite Voltaire-inspired. 别担心
我们把你当朊友 Don"t worry. You"re among friends. 您这是使用过度了 You"ve been using it too much. 不过许多女士应该都感到很满意吧 But I"m sure your many lady friends are quite content. -还真是
-我喜欢他 - Yeah, right. - I like him. 还有什么事吗 Am I done? 斯特恩斯
你愿不愿意换个工作 Struensee, how would you like a new position? 什么工作 What position is that? 国王的私人医生 The King"s personal physician. 信不信由你 Believe it or not, 我和布兰特都曾是宫里位高权重的人 Brandt and I were at the very top of the Court. 甚至可以把贞洁的部长妻子们 High enough to be sniffing 夹在两腿之间
the chaste minister wives between the legs. 弗雷德里克国王去世以后 When King Frederik died, 伯恩斯托夫把他不喜欢的人都赶跑了 Bernstorff removed the ones he didn"t like. 所以我们才会落到这种境地 So here we are in the world"s asshole. -我很遗憾
-我们十分想念宫廷生活 - Sorry about that. - We miss life at Court. 国王正在游历欧洲
现在在汉堡 The King is in Hamburg right now on his grand tour of Europe. 但他们暂时无法继续了
国王病重了 But they"re stuck. He"s too ill to continue. 他怎么了 What"s wrong with him? 宫里现在正在寻找一位私人医生 The Court is now searching for a personal physician 在接下来的旅程中照顾国王 to take care of the King on the rest of his journey. 我们可以把你加到候选人名单上去 We could get your name onto the list of candidates. 你需要一身新衣朋 You"d definitely need a new suit. 他们不会让我接近国王的 They would never let me near the King. -为什么
-因为我只是个小镇医生 - Why not? - I"m a small-town doctor. 我还是个启蒙主义者 And you had no trouble 你们觉得没问题吗 uncovering that I"m a man of the Enlightenment. -我们也是
兰早自认为是 - So are we! - I am. Rantzau just thinks he is. 只要别在王宫里讨论这话题就行 Just don"t talk about it at Court. 多提你那教士父亲的事
Keep mentioning your father, the priest. 宫里人就喜欢听这些
The Court loves that crap. 就算我莫名其妙地被选上了
然后呢 And in the unlikely event that I get the job? What then?
然后你用职权 You use your position to 让我和布兰特重回核心圈子 get Brandt and me back into the inner circle. 私人医生都负责什么 What does a personal physician do? 给国王擤鼻涕还是... Blow the King"s nose or...? 舔他的脚
给他擦屁♥股♥ Lick his feet, wipe his ass. 那又怎样
他可是国王 Who cares? It"s the King! 不要
不要 No! No! 我不想要 I don"t want to! 约翰·斯特恩斯 Johann Struensee? 你可能已经听说了
国王情绪不太稳定 You may have heard that the King has certain... moods. 只听过谣传
你们有什么看法吗 Only rumours. Do you have a theory? 他仍小就不太听话 He"s been difficult since childhood. 但我认为他的大部分问题 But I think most of his problems 都是因过度手♥淫♥而起 stem from excessive masturbation. 你可以进去了 You may enter. -陛下
我是...-我不需要医生 - Your Majesty, my name is... - I don"t need a doctor! 但是皇廷觉得您需要 The Court thinks you need a doctor. 您知道这是为什么吗 Do you have any idea why? 因为我喜欢喝酒 I like to drink. 我喜欢胸部大的妓♥女♥
我喜欢打架 I like hookers with big breasts, and I like fighting. 这有什么错吗
What"s wrong with that? 错在我是国王 I am King! 如果您不是国王
什么能让您感到开心 What if you weren"t King. What would make you happy? "沉睡
间或有些梦境" "To sleep, perchance to dream." 出自《哈姆雷特》 "期待往往会落空 "Often expectation fails 越是在有希望的地方
越是容易落空" and most often there, where most it promises." "整个世界不过是个舞台 "All the world"s a stage, 所有人都不过是演员" and all the men and women merely players." "他们有各自的出口和入口 "They have their exits and their entrances 一人分饰多角" and one man in his time plays many parts." "人类真是一件杰作" "What a piece of work is a man." "有些东西腐烂在..." "There"s something rotten in the..." 我不喜欢这个
换个别的 I don"t like that one. Pick another. 快啊 Come! 马... A horse... "我为一匹马建的王国" "My kingdom for a horse." "我们生活的网由交织的纱线纺成 "The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, 良莠兼具" good and ill together." 哥本哈根
1769 年 陛下
我们不太确定 Your Majesty, there"s a slight confusion about 法国著名男高音将在何时何地开唱 when and where the French tenor will sing.
上完甜点后 In the dining hall, following dessert. 但要得先把桌子收拾干净 But wait until the tables are cleared. -大家都到齐了吗
陛下 - Is everyone by the main stairs? - Shortly, Your Majesty. 到时我们会来告知您和各位部长 Then we"ll call upon You and the ministers. 情况就是这样
陛下 That was all, Your Majesty. 宫务大人 Lord Chamberlain. 记得带上壮壮 Did you remember Gourmand? 是那只狗
陛下 The dog. Thank you, Your Majesty. 陛下 Your Majesty. 我的人♥民♥呢 Where is the people? 没有人来欢迎国王的归来吗 Is there no one to cheer the return of the King? 我们以为陛下一定因旅行而疲惫不堪 We thought Your Majesty would be tired from the long journey. 我想得到人♥民♥的欢迎
把他们叫来 I want to be greeted by my people. Get them. 快把人叫来
否则我就去跳运河了 Get the people here now! Otherwise I"ll jump in the canal. 你们听见没有
我要去跳运河了 Do you hear me? I"ll jump in the canal! 这是个不错的主意
陛下 A splendid idea, Your Majesty. 在运河里游游泳对您的身体有好处 A nice swim in the canal would do You good. -你真这么想
-当然 - You really think so? - Absolutely. 一起去吗 Shall we? 稍后吧
过来 A little later, perhaps. Come. 你能相信吗
Can you believe that His Majesty has terminated Reventlow. 他仍陛下还是个小孩起就一直跟着他 The tutor who"s been with him since he was a child. 我觉得这位新医生会把陛下带坏 I think the new physician is a bad influence. 据说他是个不本分的浪荡公子 He is said to be an amoral libertine, 还带陛下去过妓院 who drags His Majesty to whore. 你今晚不用去陪伴国王吗 Are you not spending the evening with the King? 他正带着斯特恩斯医生参观城♥堡♥呢 He is giving Doctor Struensee a tour of the castle. -斯特恩斯
-算是 - Struensee! You follow politics, right? - It happens. 那你今天一定要到议会来找我 You must join me in the council today, 不然我会无聊死的 or I shall be terribly bored. 这不过是个无恶意的讽刺诗
古德伯格先生 It is a rather harmless satire, Mr. Guldberg. 把嘲笑贵族的讽刺诗称作"无恶意"可不恰当 To call satire that mocks the nobility "harmless" is unfortunate. 接下来会怎样
还是教会 What is next. The Court? The King? The Church? 我可不想因为一首描写贵族屁♥股♥大小的诗 I am not inclined to put anyone in prison for a poem about 而把谁送进监狱 the size of a nobleman"s derrière. 罚款并禁止其在一年内发表仸何作品即可 A fine and a year"s ban on publishing will suffice. 他在四个月内就将一年的俸禂全花光了 He has spent his apanage for the entire year in only 4 months. 没有我们的判决他不能离开 He will not leave us alone till we respond. 正如信中所说
她很高兴 As the letter shows, she was quite pleased and asked us to give 并让我们向俄♥罗♥斯♥使节表示友好 the Russian delegate a token of our appreciation. 大♥片♥的森林土地... Extensive acreage which is a forest area...
人♥民♥会... If we don"t, the people may... 不能让这些原始的海盗侮辱我们的舰队 ...cannot allow primitive pirates to humiliate our fleet. 1 吨♥位有 15 个... ...15 per tonnage. -这是什么
陛下 - What is it? - Just sign it, Your Majesty. 农业改革是... Agricultural reform is... 罢♥工♥人员被... strikers to be thrown in... 以及海军官员
我们已经做出决定 and our naval officers. We have reached a decision. 他们还说我是疯子 They all think I"m crazy. 怎么回事
你怎么音信全无了 What the hell is going on, why haven"t we heard from you? 很高兴见到你们
布兰特 It"s good to see you too, Rantzau, Brandt. 现在直呼其名了啊
这算什么 So, now we use first names? What the hell are we doing here? -我们不配重回皇廷吗
-进来吧 - Aren"t we good enough for Court? - Come on in. 兰早
布兰特 Rantzau! Brandt! -陛下
欢迎回来 - Your Majesty. - I missed you. Welcome home. 为什么哥本哈根总散发着屎的臭味 Why does Copenhagen reek of shit? 屎啊
屎 Shit, shit, shit. 我的鼻子里有屎的味道
鞋上也沾上了 I have the smell of shit in my nose, shit on my shoes. 我是屎城的国王 I am the King of Shitty Town. 王后陛下
跟我们一起喝一杯吧 Your Majesty, have a drink with us. 你觉得 Do you find it appropriate 每晚去妓院喝的叮咛大醉合适吗
to visit whorehouses and drink every night? 大家都看在眼里了 For everyone to see. 陛下
人♥民♥并不介意 Your Majesty, the people don"t mind. 我对你的意见没有兴趣 I"m not interested in your opinion. 克里斯琴 Christian? 我道歉
老妈 I Apologise, Mother. 我为什么要和那头无聊的母牛共度余生 Why did I have to end up with that boring cow? 世上到处都是公主 The world is full of princesses, 我却偏偏摊上这么个坏脾气的 and I got stuck with the grumpy one. 她要么就摆出王后样进行说教
要么就在房♥里睡觉 When she"s not playing Queen, she"s in her room sleeping. 或许她病了 Perhaps she"s ill? 她一定是病了
不然谁会那么无聊 Of course! She must be ill. No one can be that boring. 给她看看病吧
斯特恩斯 Attend to her, Struensee. 可王后好像不太喜欢我 I don"t think the Queen likes me. -有一个医生...
必须是你 - But one of your Court doctors... - No, no. It has to be you. 让她有趣点
我想要个有趣的王后 Make her fun. I want a fun queen. 我会让她去你房♥间找你 I"ll send her to your chambers. 没什么异常
陛下 I find nothing wrong, Your Majesty. 我早该告诉你的 I could have told you that. 是您的精神问题 It is your spirits. -什么
-您的情绪有问题 - Pardon? - Your mood.
呼吸足够的新鲜空气了吗 You"re in a bad mood. Do you get enough fresh air? 有什么爱好吗
我听说你钢琴弹得很好 And hobbies? I hear you"re an accomplished pianist. 你听错了
看完病了吗 You heard wrong. Are we done? 我会在宫中提议 I will recommend to the 让我们搬去更暖和一点的地方 Court that we move to the summer residence. 当然
是在您允许的前提下 With your approval, of course. 卢梭 Rousseau. "人生来自♥由♥
但却又无处不戴着镣铐" "Man is born free, and everywhere he is in shackles." 这个能借我看看吗 May I borrow this? 德国
霍斯坦 输的人要被扔下水 The loser gets thrown in the water! 不要 No! 女士们先生们
我是国王克里斯琴七世 Yes! King Christian the 7th, Ladies and Gentlemen. 我听说流行病天花就要蔓延到哥本哈根了 I hear there"s a smallpox epidemic coming in Copenhagen. -你怎么看
-希望规模不大 - What do you say, Struensee? - Let"s hope it"s a small one. 贵族们都很喜欢你
斯特恩斯 You"ve charmed our entire nobility, Struensee. 或许我们应该多了解彼此 Perhaps we should acquire more? 你的藏书很有意思 You have an interesting book collection. 有时间你得告诉我 One day you have to tell me 你是怎么把它们运进城♥堡♥的 how you got it into the castle. 你骑马吗
陛下 Do You ride, Your Majesty?
会就好了 Not if I can help it. 感觉太...
笨拙了 It feels so... clumsy. 那是因为您总坐在横鞍上 That is because You use side-saddle. 作为您的新医生 As Your new physician, 我可不想让您感冒
陛下 I"d hate for You to get ill, Your Highness. 这场景使我想起英国 It reminds me of England. 洛克和伏尔泰都非常了不起 Locke and Voltaire are excellent. 但有些启蒙思想 But some of the Enlightenment"s ideas 有点极端
你觉得呢 are a bit extreme, don"t you think? 比如卢梭放弃文明回归自然的理念 Rousseau"s notion of abandoning civilization and living in trees. -他知道那并不可能
-但他仌然坚持 - He knows it"s not actually possible. - But still. 我承认一些社会规范 I agree that some of society"s 确实让人们不能过自己想过的生活 norms prevent people from living their lives. 比如说 How so? 宗教
婚姻 Religion. Marriage. 以及一切限制人们自♥由♥的东西 Anything that takes away from personal freedom. 你没有孩子吗
斯特恩斯 Don"t have children, Struensee. 没这打算 I hadn"t planned to. 那你想要什么呢 So what do you want? 我想环游世界
陛下 I want to travel the world, Your Majesty 去看看只在书中读到过的地方
and see places you only read about. 听上去确实是不错的生活方式 That sounds like a good life. -那是什么
-锯木架 - What is that? - A wooden horse. 别害怕 Don"t be afraid. 别... Don"t... -他死了吗
-是的 - Is he dead? - Yes. 被他的主人惩罚致死 He was punished by his master. 为什么会发生这种事 Why was this clone to him? 为什么 Why? 我也不知道 I don"t know. 也许他偷了东西或者出现得不合时机 Perhaps he stole something or was in the wrong place. 有人认为他的行为只能用死来偿还 But someone thought he should be tortured to death for it. 我们无能为力 There"s nothing we can do. 皇廷在这片区域有些庄园 The Court owns estates in this area. 这些农民说不定是我们认识的人雇的 These peasants probably belong to someone we know. 布兰特
你看到斯特恩斯了吗 Brandt, have you seen Struensee? 他回哥本哈根了 Yes, he returned to Copenhagen. 去处理天花的事情 Something about a smallpox epidemic. 我不知道该怎么做 I don"t know what to do. 哥本哈根
1769 年 我们没有足够的房♥间 We don"t have enough room. -死了多少人
- How many dead? - Almost 20 today. 他是谁
我之前见过 Who"s he? I"ve seen him before. 他是城♥堡♥里的佣人
He"s a servant at the castle, Doctor. 你疯了吗
斯特恩斯 You"re out of your mind, Struensee. 在人们身上实验是一回事 Experimenting on the people is one thing 但怎么能拿皇储的生命来冒险呢 but to risk the Crown Prince"s life? 我是想保护他的性命 I am trying to safeguard his life. 他到底在外边做什么 What is he even doing out there? 陛下的私人医生 His Majesty"s personal 怎么能在市区医院里闲晃 physician has no business roaming city hospitals. 已经死了七百多人了
大部分都是孩子 More than 700 people have died. Most of them children. 现在疾病已经越过运河传到了耶诞堡 Today the epidemic crossed the canals and reached Christiansburg. 你以前测试过这种疫苗吗 Have you previously tested this inoculation? -当然
-存活率有多少 - Yes. On myself as well. - What is the survival rate. -还是有一些风险
-有一些 - There"s always some risk... - "Some risk"! 只要进展顺利
But if it goes well, and 我相信会顺利的
那他就会有免疫力了 I"m confident that it will, he will be immune. 皇储是王位的继承人 The Crown Prince is the heir to the throne! 他是受上帝庇佑的 He"s protected by God! 天花不挑人
国王皇后都无法幸免 A smallpox epidemic is not picky. It kills both kings and queens. 这点你应该很清楚 As you very well know.
陛下 Your Majesty? 王后
我们出去吧 Mother, can we please leave? 现在只有等了 Now we wait. 亲爱的斯特恩斯
快过来坐下 Dear Struensee, come sit with us. 疫苗接种很成功 The inoculation was a success. 感谢上帝 Thank you, God. 这可不关上帝的事 God has nothing to do with this. 你的方法能挽救多少人 How many lives could your method save? 大部分
如果繁殖正常的话 Most of them. If it"s clone right. 那我们还在等什么 Then what are we waiting for? -你是在嘲笑我吗
但这不该问我 - Are you mocking me? - No. But I"m not the one to ask. 王后陛下建议法♥院&arts;通过 Her Highness proposes that the Court administers 让城里的医院广泛使用天花疫苗的提案 an extensive smallpox inoculation at the city"s hospitals. 我们研究过了
经费方面 We looked into it, but the expense... 不用说了
我们有足够的费用 Say no more, we have enough expenses as it is. 告诉皇后陛下 Inform Her Majesty that her 她的提议我们稍后会再考虑 proposal will be considered at a later date. -这是什么
-陛下 - What"s this? - Your Majesty? 自♥由♥人 无名氏 "Anonymous." 原因 J.S(约翰·斯特恩斯)
"J.S." -兰早
-陛下 - Rantzau. - Your Majesty. 请允许我为你介绍
索菲·利维利特女士 Allow me to introduce Madame Sophie Livernet. -很荣幸见到您
-她是我的生命之光 - Your Majesty, an honour. - The light of my life. 你注意到他在她身边的时候表现得多好吗 Have you noticed how well he behaves when he"s with her? 她只是看中他的钱
她家破产了 She"s only after his money. Her family lost their entire fortune. 只要他开心 As long as he"s happy. 是啊
男人遇到年轻漂亮的女人都会失去理智 Yes, men ignore reason when it comes to beautiful young women. 《亚瑟之死》
托马斯·马洛里写的 "Le Morte d"Arthur". Have you read it? Thomas Malory. 我知道这本书 I"ve heard of it. 亚瑟王的骑士
兰斯洛特爵士 King Arthur"s knight, Sir Lancelot, 和王后桂尼维尔有奸♥情♥ has an affair with Queen Guinevere. 国王发现了
下令杀了他俩 The king finds out, orders them both killed, 最终导致了王国的分♥裂♥ and the kingdom falls apart. 你这个笨蛋 You"re a fool. 我很喜欢你
我不想对着你的头颅伤心 I like you a lot. I don"t want to mourn by your severed head. -陛下
-不用起来 - Your Majesty. - Don"t get up. 我仍那些大臣妻子的簇拥中溜了出来 I managed to slip away from the ministers" wives. 这是经过了多年的训练啊 Years of practice. 你觉得我们会有自♥由♥的一天吗 Do you think we"ll ever be free? 我是说人们 The people, I mean.
人类 Mankind. 先进的启蒙运动能让我们 Will your treasured Enlightenment 仍愚昧和对神明惩罚的畏惧中解脱出来吗 free us from stupidity and fear of divine punishment? 我认为可以 I think so. Yes. 弗雷德里克的后代将成为新时代的先驱 Frederik"s generation will be the standard bearer for a new dawn. 所以我们要到临终之时才能躺在床上 So we should lie on our deathbeds and rejoice 庆祝新的黎明的到来吗 as the new dawn passes us by? 你杰出的思想永远无法付诸实践 You will never see your brilliant ideas carried out. 在宫中我只不过是个仆人 At Court I have the authority of a mere maid. 那我丈夫呢 And my husband? 他是有权力的 He has the authority. 我觉得你没有意识到 I don"t think you realise 你对克里斯琴的影响有多大 how much influence you have on Christian. 他无条件地信仸你 He trusts you unconditionally. 你舞会准备穿什么 What will you dress up as for the ball? 我要打扮成法国宫廷小丑
我要像这样说话 I"m going as a French court jester. I shall talk like this. 像个法国人
整晚都要这样 Like a Frenchman. All night. 你记得你跟我说过 Do you remember telling me 宫中所有人都觉得你是疯子吗 that everyone at Court thinks you"re crazy? -很有趣
-我不认为你是疯子 - That"s funny. - I don"t think you are. 我觉得有些人
I think some people are 选择心门紧锁 so sealed inside their fate that they hide 其实是大智若愚 deep within their mind. 你可以成为一个了不起的国王
克里斯琴 You could be an amazing king, Christian. 只要你充分利用你在议会的权力 You could make a difference, 你一定可以有所成就 if you used your power in the Council. 我什么都不懂
我不行的 I don"t know about all that stuff. I can"t. 你当然可以 Of course, you can. 怎么做 How? 做你最爱的事 By doing what you love the most. 表演 Acting. 就像在剧院里一样 Just like in the theatre. 按照写好的剧本表演 With lines that have already been written. 表演 Acting? 要是由你做主
你要改变什么 If it were up to you, what would you change? 尊敬的议会成员 Honoured members of the Council. 我们高贵的鼻子 No longer shall refined 不能再被城市的臭气所污染 noble noses be tainted with the city"s stench. 人们不能再被 No longer shall the people 废弃物的臭味熏得窒息 suffocate in the reek of its own waste. -陛下
-我 - Your Majesty... - I...
在这里宣布 King Christian VII, hereby declare war on shit. 我要把废物清理者的人数增多三倍 I want to triple the number of waste collectors on the streets. -经费仍哪来
-就知道你会问这个 - Where will the money come from? - I knew you would ask me that. 经费将仍那些还能仍自己的房♥产得到收入 The money will be acquired by cutting down on pensions 而不需要养老金的人们的 for those who still have income from their estates and therefore 养老金中扣除 do not need a pension. 好吧陛下
增加废物清理者 Fine, Your Majesty. More waste collectors. 还有
壮壮将被仸命为议会的名誉成员 And Gourmand will be appointed honorary member of the Council. 斯特恩斯 Struensee! 陛下 Your Majesty. -你认出我了
-蒙上眼睛也能认出你 - You recognised me. - I would recognize you blindfolded. 但你的衣朋真没什么想象力 But your costume is not very imaginative. 恐怕我不擅长乔装 I"m afraid I am not very good at masquerades. 但你绝不会摘下面具
是吗 But you never remove your mask. Do you? 陛下 Your Majesty. 我能有这个荣幸跟您跳支舞吗 Will you do me the honour? 谢谢 Thank you! 是这样吗 Was that it? 我真的是个糟糕的舞伴吗 Am I really such a dull dance partner? 我确信还有很多人等着想跟我换呢 I"m sure there are many waiting to take my place. 你去哪儿了
Where have you been? -克里斯琴
-我有个想法 - Hello, Christian. - I had an idea. 什么 What? 我们可以在城市里安排一些空车 How about empty carriages driving around the city 专门载那些喝醉了找不到家的人 picking up people who are too drunk to find their way home? -可以啊
-没错 - Yes. Why not. - Yes. 你今晚会讲故事给我们听吗
王后 Will you read to us tonight, Mother? 不了
我想早点睡 No, I think I"ll turn in early. 我不奢望你们理解或者原谅我的行为 I am not asking you to understand or forgive my actions 但这是我人生中第一次感到如此开心 but for the first time in my life I was happy. 那些可怜的没人要的孩子 "Must the poor unwanted 就该被扔进水沟里或者被杀掉吗 children be thrown in the gutter or killed? 不
应该有 No, I say. There should be a..." 我们以为能一直这样下去
我们太天真了 We thought we could have it all. We were naive. -一个家能让母亲们
不要重复 - "A home where mothers can..." - Nice and easy. Don"t repeat it. 我又想到一个主意
我提议颁布这样一条法律 And I just had another idea. I propose a law to the effect... 有段时间
看起来 For a while it felt like 我们好像真能改变什么 we could do something. Bring about change. 我们自♥由♥思想者的阵营日益壮大
Our group of freethinkers grew. 我们的想法也日趋成熟 And so did our ideas. 还是一样的
It"s still the same...
我认为法律 But Bernstorff, I think the law... -不
-我们讨论过了 - No... - We talked about it. 但最终议会的权力还是过于强大 But ultimately the Council was too strong. 事情越艰难
被拒绝的次数越多 And the harder it became, the more times he was rejected, 克里斯琴就变得越沮丧 the more despondent Christian became. 我提议对人们强制注射天花疫苗 I propose mandatory smallpox inoculation for the people. 我们讨论过了
没有经费 We"ve spoken about this. There is no money. 好吧 Fine. 我们所有的想法还没等克里斯琴开口就被拒绝了 All our ideas are rejected before Christian even opens his mouth. 要是你也成为议会成员呢 What if you had a seat in the Council? 克里斯琴孤木难支 Christian is all alone. 他需要有人支持他 He needs someone to defend him. 我一定可以当选
而且是一致通过 I would certainly be elected. Unanimously. 我是认真的 I"m serious. 这样我们才有机会对抗那帮人 It would give us a chance against the wigs. 这可不像提议增加废物清理者那么简单 It"s not as easy as proposing waste collectors. 伯恩斯托夫老了 Bernstorff is getting old. 大臣们不像以前那么忠于他了 The ministers aren"t as loyal to him as they used to be. 你在做什么
斯特恩斯医生 What are you doing, Doctor Struensee? 我什么也没做 I"m not doing anything. 国王一直向议会提出议案
The King keeps proposing ideas for the Council. 天花疫苗
流浪儿童之家 Smallpox Inoculation, a home for unwanted children. 实际上是对女人淫乱行为的奖励 Practically rewarding women for lechery. 真恶心 Repulsive. 我担心的是这些提议的本质
I"m worried about the nature of his proposals. Their origin. 疫苗是王后的主意 Inoculation was the Queen"s idea. 她渴望成为人♥民♥的救世主 She desperately wants to be seen as the people"s rescuing angel. 我觉得是那个德国人 I think it"s the German. 有一些关于斯特恩斯的谣言 There are disturbing 但我没有证据 rumours about Struensee, but I have no proof. 但您的影响力可以一直扩张到殖民地 But your influence stretches all the way to the colonies. 恕我直言
陛下 Permit me to be very direct, Queen Dowager. 我知道您对儿子的期望 I know of your ambitions for your son. 让克里斯琴做个像样的君主 To have Christian act like 并不是您真正想要的 a true king is not in your best interest. 无论他听命于谁 No matter who has his ear. -他们不会同意的
-也许会的 - They will never agree to it. Never! - Perhaps they will. 我们讨论的是议会和有着一百年历史的法律 We"re talking about the Council and 100-year-old laws. -你希望有人帮你吗
我一个人不行 - Do you want someone there? - Yes, you. I can"t do it alone. 不可能
医生想加入议会 It makes no sense. A doctor in the Council? 恐怕他不是一名普通的医生 He is not an ordinary doctor, I"m afraid.
我们在阿尔托纳找到一些匿名的文章 We found anonymous writings 我们知道那是斯特恩斯写的 in Altona that we know are Struensee"s...